Rye PD on Seaonal Coyote Watch

Because of a freak occurrence of coyote attacks in Rye City in 2010, the Rye PD is once again on season coyote watch. Here are the details from Commish Connors. Coyote sightings should be reported immediately by calling 911 or the Police Department’s main number, (914) 967-1234.

(PHOTO: File photo of Commish Connors fending off the coyote media cabal that attacked Rye City in 2010.)

"The City of Rye did not experience any unusual incidents involving coyotes during 2011, or thus far during 2012. However, in light of the abnormal coyote behavior we experienced during 2010, we will continue to maintain a proactive approach to the animals, and will monitor the situation closely for any signs of activity that warrants additional attention.

We typically expect to see an increase in sightings of coyotes when their young are born in April/May. The pups begin to wander out of the den in June/July, and during fall they are sent off to find their own territories.  Coyotes eat anything: deer, mice, rats, frogs, squirrels, rabbits, birds, birdseed, pet food, fruits and vegetables, and garbage.

As a rule, coyotes are timid animals; they can live close by humans, on the fringe of wooded areas or along streams, but are typically afraid of human contact. They are easily frightened by aggressive behavior. The danger arises when they lose their fear through a combination of factors:

•    “Suburban coyote food” – garbage, pet food, pets – is saturated with human odor.
•    Human behavior becomes non-threatening – i.e., running away into a home is behaving like prey.
•    Food smells like people, people sometimes act like prey, and occasionally, people feed them – therefore, they lose their fear and can potentially become dangerous.

The primary danger posed by coyotes is to pets – cats and small dogs. For dogs, the critical period is March and April when coyotes are setting up their dens and establishing territory. Attacks on humans are rare: for example, 650 people are hospitalized and one killed annually by dogs in New York State, on average, and only a handful of coyote attacks occur nationwide. Unfortunately, the City of Rye and the Sound Shore area experienced highly abnormal behavior during the summer of 2010. Our experience since then indicates that those incidents were truly unusual.

Residents are advised to take the following steps for personal safety:
•    If you encounter a coyote, be aggressive. Loud noises and forceful behavior will normally scare the animal away. Wave your arms and throw sticks or stones. Boat horns and pepper spray are considered very effective.
•    Do not feed coyotes.
•    Do not provide food sources that may attract them, such as outdoor pet food or bird seed. They may be attracted by the birds and rodents drawn to bird feeders.
•    Make garbage inaccessible.
•    Do not allow pets to run free. Coyotes can see cats or small dogs as prey (coyotes’ average weight is 35 pounds; they will usually yield their territory to mid-sized or larger dogs).
•    Small children should be supervised by an adult while outdoors.
•    Unusual coyote behavior should be reported to the Police Department so sightings can be recorded and officers dispatched if necessary. Attacks or emergency situations should be reported via 911.

There are no plans for hunting and trapping; however, the Department has been authorized to engage in hazing outside of the normal hunting season. Wildlife experts indicate that activities such as hunting, trapping, and hazing are necessary to restore the natural fear of human contact that has been lost by certain animals. Hazing involves making noise, throwing objects, or taking similar action to decrease the animals’ comfort level around humans. We will be tracking reported coyote sightings and monitoring developments closely; if there is any indication of abnormal behavior that would warrant a more aggressive approach, we will seek authorization to begin trapping or hunting.   

The Department has posted a “Coyote Fact Sheet” with general information on the City’s website, and distributed a poster prepared by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to appropriate institutions around the City. We will confer with summer camps prior to the beginning of their season regarding recommended precautions."



  1. Yes Folks,
    The Commish is on top of the dangerous high Coyote population here in Rye….ready to shoot and kill a free wild animal.
    But hey don’t you worry because you can still break the law and speed down every street in Rye and thru every school zone, and if your in the vicinity of the RHS/RMS you can still text and drive!

    We should come up with a “super hero” nickname for our Commish….any suggestions?

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