Myers Waits for the 76 Bus & Astorino Doesn’t Show

Twenty or so Rye residents waited with Westchester County Legislator Judy Myers for the Westchester #76 bus on Milton Point on friday.

It never came.


County Executive Rob Astorino cancelled the Route 76 bus line on December 26, 2011 and service officially stopped on December 31, 2011. Regular passengers of the 76 bus—and members of the Westchester County Board of Legislators (BOL)—learned that the service was being discontinued on Wednesday, December 26, during a week when many were taking a winter vacation between Christmas and New Year’s. There were no public hearings held on the subject.

Myers is calling for the immediate restoration of the Route 76 bus line service between Port Chester and Milton Point in Rye.The elimination of the 76 bus service, done commando style by Westchester boss Astorino with no notice or hearing is being called "illegal".

“Because thousands of riders, both residents and hard-working individuals employed in the area, depend on the Route 76 bus line, we are calling on the County Executive to follow the law and ensure this important service is restored,” said Myers. “Removing the bus route without a public hearing and the required consent of the BOL is irresponsible and violates Section 188 of the County Charter.”

On December 22, just days before Astorino summarily axed the bus line service, the BOL had voted to override the County Executive’s veto of the funds required to maintain the bus service. 

“On Tuesday morning, when people returned to work around here after the holiday weekend some stood waiting for a bus that never came,” said Arthur Stampleman, a Milton Harbor House resident. “How mean-spirited! Cutting this bus service is especially hard on senior citizens who can't drive, caregivers who depend on the bus to get to where their clients and loved ones reside, and other workers who depend on the bus to get to their jobs.”



  1. hey Judy !

    Whatcha proposing gets cut instead of the #76 bus ? lemme check your web sites and press releases …… yep ….just as i thought , absolutely nothing proposed from you ….

    Lemme guess …. raise taxes to cover the bus route ?

    Yep ….. just what we need in bankrupt Westchester … another politicians who can never say NO to spending and goes mute when asked what she would cut instead …

    how about some slicing off some of that absurd overpaid county employees we need to lose , Judy ? If you could back that , then we could keep the #76 .

    Stop wasting our time , Judy ….. we need politicians who can get Westchester taxes in line with rest of USA , not this grandstanding crap !

  2. Feeling a little richer? Thinking you had this year’s property taxes increase properly estimated? Think again.
    “The county has done its job to hold the line on our county property tax,” County Executive Rob Astorino, a Republican, said. “However, every year the county tax levy affects local governments differently.”
    Astorino and Plunkett didn’t forget what we said about their cutting our Route 76 bus service with no notice last year. They just waited.

  3. Ted – I believe you’re making a connection where none exists. Rye’s increase in taxes is due to the relative change in value of Rye properties versus other parts of Westchester county. The “0 increase” which means 7+% for us, means a drop for others. This is not about payback.

  4. tedc is right . You homeowners in Rye are the ultimate bagholders . You all close your eyes and believe you can move to Rye , get your kids through the schools , and sell your house to a greater fool who will look at our INSANE taxes and still want to buy in . The problem is total taxes for Rye residents on even merely ‘nice’ houses is beginning to approach what many middle class people earn PRE-TAX !
    I will be laughing my ass off on some beach as i read about the next great RE implosion in NY state in the not so distant future .
    Bank America just announced 11,000 layoffs ( or was that Citibank ? ) Morgan Stanley just announced 1,600 senior / professional level people to be fired next week . These are all the people who live in Rye , Greenwich , Scarsdale , etc .
    Jig is up .
    Meanwhile in Westchester County , idiot politicians will continue to grandstand about how spending can never be reduced and taxes on the evil filthy rich who dare to make more thgan $250k need to be confiscated .
    Sheer liberal brilliance

  5. Bob, respectfully, I believe I’m making the correct connection. Plunkett was also the city attorney when the whole Rye Golf/RM Staffing arrangement got very quietly approved and underway. He knows where the bodies are and he and Otis will likely give quite a song and dance when they’re subpoenaed for testimony under oath. I can’t wait to read the deposition transcripts. Memory lapses will I bet be prominently featured. And Astorino see’s Rye City as a cash cow, plain and simple. He may have underlings and wonks point to a “formula” here but that’s not the way it really works. Not by a long shot. This is a partial legit increase and a partial straight political payback.

  6. @Ted – All you say in your latest post may be right on, but it has nothing to do with the county property tax assessment for Rye. The county sets a tax rate for the county overall. Its impact on individual districts is modified up/down based on relative changes in property values (so called “equalization”). As a result, Rye is going to pay more and others less because our property values have held up better / increased more than other areas. Period. That has nothing to do with Judy Myers, buses, or dances.

  7. OK we disagree. I’ve pierced so many phony formulaic allocation models in my day I can remember them all. Model results can differ and be influenced, even when their approaches and drivers are claimed to be customary and unchanged.

  8. Mr. Zahm,

    Tedc is consistent in that all his commentary always insinuates how some politician is personally slighting him on purpose. It doesn’t matter the topic, some politician is always out to get tedc personally.

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