LETTER: Nathan Says Support Stein & Kloepfer for BOE

In a letter, Rye City Councilman Josh Nathan says votes should support Tom Stein and Shaun Kloepfer for the Board of Education and vote Yes on the school budget on election day, this Tuesday, May 16th.

The letter:

Dear Rye Friends,

(PHOTO: Josh Nathan is the Democratic candidate for the Rye City Council special election on November 2, 2021.)
(PHOTO: City Councilman Josh Nathan.)

Please join me in reelecting Tom Stein and electing Shaun Kloepfer to the Rye Board of Education on Tuesday May 16, 2023. Tom is up for a second term and has been serving our school district and community well. We will be fortunate to have his thoughtfulness and talent on the Board again. Shaun will be a welcome new addition to the Board. She has been a dedicated volunteer in our schools since moving here eight years ago.

I am confident Tom and Shaun will do right by Rye’s children and right by us, Rye’s taxpayers.

And while you are voting, please vote YES on the budget, it’s tax cap compliant. It’s a responsible budget with continued improvements to curriculum, attention to safety and communications, and prioritization of our student’s mental health.

We have phenomenal schools led by terrific people. Please come out and show your support.

When and Where to Vote: Tuesday, May 16th 6am to 9pm at Rye Middle School.

-Josh Nathan


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