Cookies, Dogs, Making City Property More Valuable—Items on the Agenda for City Council Meeting Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Heather     Pattersoncityhall

(PICTURE: Rye City Hall by local artist Heather Patterson)

The city council's agenda for its meeting on Wednesday, June 15, 2011 is out. See you at 8:00pm in Council Chambers in City Hall.

Meetings are also aired on Cablevision Channel 75 and Verizon Channel 39. We'll also see you on the Internet (live and archive). Office Hours of the Mayor on June 15th will be held from 7:30 pm to 8:00 pm in the Mayor’s Conference Room.

Let's check the batting order and highlights from the 24 agenda items.

  • Cookies! Recognition of Girl Scout Troop #2282.
  • Doug's Details. Mayor’s Management Report – Legal Update
  • Numbers. Presentation on City Financials by Scott Oling of the auditing firm of O’Connor, Davies,
    Munns & Dobbins, LLP and Presentation on City Financials by the City Manager and City Comptroller.
  • Tax in Another Name? Continuation of Public Hearing to establish the 2012 Budgeted Fees and Charges and Resolution to adopt the 2012 Budgeted Fees and Charges.
  • Get Out of the Car. Presentation by the Shared Roadways Committee on prioritized master projects to facilitate biking and walking safety.
  • Going to The Dogs. Continuation of Public Hearing to amend Local Law Chapter 76, “Dogs”, Section 76-5, “Running at large prohibited” and Section 76-6, “When Leash Required”, to establish regulations for the leashing of dogs at Rye Town Park.
  • More Fees? Public Hearing to amend Local Law Chapter 167, Section 167-9, “Procedures for street openings”, subsection D, “Fees”, to remove the setting of fees from the Local Law.
  • Open Mic. Residents may be heard who have matters to discuss that do not appear on the agenda. Always a crowd pleaser…
  • Breaking the Piggy Bank Open. Resolution to transfer $25,000 from Contingency to Engineering services for design fees for Capital Projects.
  • Making City Property More Valuable? Consideration to set a Public Hearing for August 10, 2011 regarding a change to the zoning district designation of the 1051, 1037, and 1031 Boston Post Road properties from the B-1 Neighborhood Business District to the B-2 Central Business District and Change the parking district designation of 1031 Boston Post Road from the “C” to the “A” Parking District.
  • Pave & Pipe. Bid Award for the Annual Street Resurfacing contract (Bid #2011-01). Roll Call.; Bid Award for the Kirby Lane Extension Sanitary Sewer contract (Bid # 2011-02). Roll Call.; Bid Award for the Intersection Reconstruction at Purchase Street and Locust Avenue contract (Bid # 2011-03). Roll Call.
  • Patronage. One appointment to the Rye Cable and Communications Committee for a three-year term expiring on January 1, 2014, by the Mayor with Council approval.

The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on Wednesday, July 13, 2011.


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