Patricia Taylor Appointed Rye High School Principal


At the March 29 Board of Education meeting, Board members approved the appointment of Mrs. Patricia Taylor as Rye High School principal. Mrs. Taylor previously served as assistant principal of guidance and student support services at the High School.  Her new role will become effective July 1, 2011.

Rye High School is home to Mrs. Taylor – she started her public education career at the school in 1982, working as a guidance counselor and assistant director of guidance until 1988, when she accepted a position at Bronxville High School. In 2001, she returned to Rye, where she was warmly welcomed as assistant principal of guidance and student support services.

Mrs. Taylor has had a strong and positive impact at Rye High School, strengthening the college admission process, supporting the growth of the AP Program, proposing and developing the new Senior Internship Program, creating a counseling position to focus on 9th grade transition, building relationships with national speakers, broadening and strengthening the “Managing Your Future Program,” initiating the Senior Survey, introducing a “pre-season” program for the college application process, representing the District in state and national forums on college admissions, and modernizing the guidance department by establishing a system for electronic transmission of college documents.

In addition to her career highlights within the High School, Mrs. Taylor was featured in a New York Times article, and is a past recipient of the New York State Association College Admission Counseling Distinguished Secondary School Counselor Award, Westchester College Clinic Best Program Award, and Bernard P. Ireland Award. She has also attended and presented at a number of professional workshops.

Mrs. Taylor holds a Master of Science Degree in Counseling from Long Island University and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education from SUNY Cortland. She holds School Administration and Supervision Certification, as well as School Administrator and Supervisor, School Counselor, and N-6 Education Permanent New York State Certifications.


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