Rye Football OG Preview: First Round Playoff Action – Friday, October 14 @ 7PM – Rye Garnets Host Pearl River Pirates

Rye Garnet Football – First Round Playoff Action – Friday, October 14 @ 7PM – Rye Garnets Host Pearl River Pirates

By The OG


Argh and shiver me timbers it’s the swashbuckling PEARL RIVER PIRATES cruising up Blind Brook with cannons blazing.  But wait in past invasions it’s been Rye’s Garnets plundering and pillaging these Blue and White privateers by a 12-1-0 (.923%) plank walking.  It’s rumored that Luke Walsh, not Johnny Depp, successfully steals Pirate signals from the corsairs crow’s nest. 

With Rye raiding the Pirates treasure trove in former battles by such a wide margin, not even with Captain Hook calling the coin toss for these Jolly Rogers, will the tide turn in favor of the buccaneers   With the prevailing winds in Rye’s direction and the Garnets sails unfurled, this Old Garnet just called Vegas and placed all his doubloons on the Rye Garnets.


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