Rye MIddle School Lands Silver in Science Olympiad

Rye Middle School’s Science Olympiad Club achieved outstanding results at the Regional Middle School Science Olympiad Competition, held at Scarsdale Middle School on March 8. In their second year participating in this event, the Rye students took home an impressive 19 medals and overall second place finish out of 32 schools in the Lower Hudson Valley.

RMS Sci Oly 2014 Regionals

Under the direction of coaches/club advisors Salvatore Curella (Rye Middle School Technology Teacher) and John Griffin (Rye Middle School Science Teacher), and with the support of Rye Middle School Science Teacher Lisa Irvine, the students have advanced to the next phase of the competition – State Finals, which will be held in Rochester in April. 

Science Olympiad is a national organization dedicated to improving the quality of K-12 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education through increasing interest in these topics. Science Olympiad strives to provide recognition to students and teachers, with the long-term goal of creating a technologically-literate workforce. 

Contestants were judged in various events that fell into one of three categories: building, test based and lab experiments. Congratulations to the following students: Micheal Ackert, Nicholas Cich, Emma Dempster, Hannah Freidrich, Sydney Gager, Trisha Gollamudi, Marina Grasso-Soler, Allison Hufford, Jonathon Lloyd, Kristina Marchant, Francesca Murdoch, Charlie Paparella, Lise Powers, Caroline O, and Zachary Slocumb.

Rye Middle School’s Science Olympiad Club runs after school for the entire school year. Students began working on their competition projects in September and dedicated many afternoons to Science Olympiad preparation as the competition drew near.


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