Latimer with More Dry Powder Than Bowman in Final Days of Primary

Bowman - Latimer headshot combo - 1

In the last Federal Election Commission (FEC) deadline (Thursday, June 13th) before the June 25th primary (and the start of early voting on Saturday, June 15th), Rye guy and Westchester County Executive George Latimer has out-fundraised sitting Democratic Congressman Jamaal Bowman and sits on 2.5 x as much cash for the remaining days of the campaign for the Congressional NY-16 Democratic primary.

  • Latimer has raised $5.8 million to date versus $4.3 million for Bowman
  • In the second quarter 2024 period to date (through June 5th), Latimer’s fundraising accelerated to $2.1 million versus $1.6 million for Bowman
  • The two campaigns are almost neck and neck with total spending at $3.4 million for Bowman and $3.2 million for Latimer but Latimer has spent more in the last reporting period.
  • Latimer has $2.5 million in the bank – 2.5x the dry powder that of Bowman.
Total Receipts
04/01/2024 – 06/05/2024 $1,603,635.10 $2,095,113.93
Election Cycle-to-Date (Total as of 06/05/2024) $4,346,416.65 $5,771,491.33
Total Disbursements
04/01/2024 – 06/05/2024 $2,025,121.59 $2,542,190.54
Election Cycle-to-Date (Total as of 06/05/2024) $3,358,387.70 $3,229,300.79
Debits owed (as of 06/05/2024) $4,948.00 $0
Ending Cash on Hand (as of 06/05/2024) $1,043,856.59 $2,542,190.54


See all Bowman for Congress FEC filings

See all George Latimer for Congress FEC filings


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