Greg’s Grist: City Manager on Parking Lot 1, Green Power, Insurance Money

(PHOTO: The work to rebuild Parking Lot 1 just off Purchase Street in expected to be completed around Labor Day. It includes bioretention to filter stormwater before it enters the Blind Brook.)
(PHOTO: The work to rebuild Parking Lot 1 just off Purchase Street in expected to be completed around Labor Day. It includes bioretention to filter stormwater before it enters the Blind Brook.)

Greg’s Grist is a new occasional feature on At most City Council meetings, Rye’s City Manager Greg Usry delivers a brief update of the work of city staff, and other newsworthy items from around town.

On Wednesday, August 14th, Usry’s update included:

  • Rye Recreation camp concluded for the summer. Almost 700 kids went to the camps, and 15 families received financial assistance. Rec is running a series of mini camps through August.
  • SLR Engineering made a presentation last week of the Beaver Swamp Brook and related flooding issues. The presentation and related materials are available in the City site.
  • The annual commuter parking renewal process begins in the next few weeks. The permit fee that the Council passed a few months ago was approved by the MTA. It is a 2% increase, and the first increase in five years. Revenue from the increase will go towards parking lot maintenance.
  • Tuesday night the City received two inches of rain in one hour, resulting in neighborhood flooding.
  • City staff is reaching out to Nursery Field for input on aesthetics, safety and traffic related to the upcoming artificial turf installation. There have been a handful of responses.
  • The City has a new webpage on Westchester Power explaining the extended contract for green power (see our story). The page will have rate comparisons, opt-out instructions and other FAQs.
  • Work is moving along on Parking Lot 1, behind Ruby’s and between Locust and Elm. The project includes bioretention to treat stormwater before it reaches the Blind Brook. There will be a sidewalk that runs between Elm and Locust. The project is on track to finish around Labor Day. See the video below.
  • The City is receiving a bit more insurance money from damage caused by Ida. The money, when added to FEMA reimbursement, amounts to a little over $3 million. Funds have gone towards the Rec tennis court complex, and the boat basin and Rye Golf Club have received reimbursement for losses.

Watch the full update (05:22 minutes):

See the work rebuilding Parking Lot 1:


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