Stranger Danger: Man with White Van Approaching Kids in Greenwich

Harking back to 2004, when both Rye and Greenwich had a scare when a man in a green van was reported approaching kids, emails are flying around Rye City today warning of two incidents this week reported by Greenwich police about two potential abductions (our word) by a man with a white van.

If you have further information or details, please leave a comment below. Be careful and speak with your kids.

Details follow:

"Dear Parents,

We received word about two incidents in the Greenwich area, which were relayed by the Greenwich police to the Greenwich Superintendent of Schools.  While it didn't occur in our area, we felt that it is important to always be informed: 

January 13, 2010 / Dear Parents and Staff: We have received a report from the Greenwich Police Department (GPD) relaying two incidents of a student having been approached by a stranger in a white van within the last 24 hours. The Police Report states:

"On the afternoon of January 12, 2010 this department (GPD) received a complaint on the west end of town from a 17 year old student. The student related that as he was walking home after getting off the school bus when an older white male in a white van stopped and asked for directions. The student told the man he was unfamiliar with the address he was looking for. The man told the student to get in the van. The student fled the area and did not see the van again.

On the morning of January 13, 2010 this department received a complaint from a 9 year old student in the North Street area. This student related that he was waiting for his bus when an older white male in a white van stopped and asked him for directions. The boy was unfamiliar with the location, and told the man that. The man told the boy to get in the van. The 17 year old's description was a white male in his late forties, balding with gray hair on the sides, and thick eyeglasses in a white van (make unknown). The 9 year old boy gave a very similar description."

Both students are fine, fled the scene, and reported the incident to adults. Teachers and staff have been put on alert for reports of any strangers approaching students and to reinforce age-appropriate guidance on addressing incidents with strangers. We also urge parents to remind your children to be alert for strangers and to immediately report any suspicious activity to a responsible and trusted adult. Thank you.


Sidney A. Freund, Superintendent, Greenwich Public Schools"


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