Kids at Rye Methodist Create Own Version of Rye City

Kindergarten and Pre-School age children who participated in the Rye United Methodist Nursery School’s Afternoon Enrichment Program recently spent five weeks exploring the meaning of the word “community” and then learned about the community of Rye. 

Rye Methodist enrichment 09 021 

(PHOTO:  Children participating in Rye United Methodist Nursery School’s Afternoon Enrichment Program present the map and buildings they built, showing their version of the City of Rye.)

During the five week program that met Tuesday and Thursday afternoons the children brainstormed what it means to be part of a community, common characteristics of communities, learned about maps and then took a field trip to downtown Rye.  Accompanied by teachers Sue Padgett and Sharon Haviland, the children explored various stores, the Rye fire department, post office, city hall, and ended with a snack at Sunrise Pizza. 

After the field trip, the children created their own map of Rye and constructed buildings out of recycled materials.  The five week session culminated with the children presenting their creations, along with the journals they used to “document” their experiences, to their families. 

Both the children and the teachers look forward to the next five week session that starts January 5th.  The group will study Dinosaurs.

The program cost is $300 per five week session.  Session 2 (Dinosaurs) starts January 5th, Session 3 (Outer Space) starts February 23rd and Session 4 (Animals and their Habitats) starts April 6th.  The program is open to pre-school and kindergarten age children.  For more information people can call 921-1939 or e-mail [email protected].


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