Fatal Car Accident in Rye on Milton Road – UPDATED

There has been a fatal car accident this afternoon on Milton Road by Rye High School. Rye PD confirmed the fatality but we are awaiting further details.

UPDATE: MyRye.com received the following statement from Rye Police Commissioner William Connors at about 6:45pm (10/22/2009):


At approximately 3:35 P.M. on Thursday, October 22, 2009, a vehicle being driven southbound on Milton Road between Apawamis Avenue and Pine Lane collided with a truck parked at the side of the road. The operator of the passenger car, an eighty-seven year old female, was removed to Sound Shore Medical Center, where she was pronounced dead. The operator of the truck had exited the vehicle before the accident and was not injured. The truck was associated with a pavement repair being performed on a driveway across the street.

The cause of the accident will not be determined until completion of an investigation by the Westchester County Department of Public Safety Accident Investigation Unit. However, initial witness accounts did not indicate that speed was a factor.

The name of the victim has not been released pending notification of next of kin."

If you have heard details, please leave a comment below.



  1. To the family of this woman, I am extremely sorry for your loss!

    What our beloved COMMISSIONER CONNORS meant by between Apawamis and Pine Lane is;
    in FRONT of RHS in the SCHOOL ZONE!!!

    What on Earth is going on around here. Does anyone know why a construction vehicle was illegally parked in the middle of the street to begin with and in front of a school in a “SCHOOL ZONE”???

    Even Better, I heard this has been going on all week, maybe Commissioner Connors or Lt.Falk would care to shed some light on this?

    Why does the City of Rye NOT HAVE a mandatory code of law that forces these private construction companies to hire Police Assistant?

    If this poor woman had health failure which caused her to run into the back of this truck and that impact played no role in the outcome then it is probably a lucky thing it took place that way bc a child probably would have been seriously injured or worse given the time of day being she had no control of her vehicle.
    If that truck was indeed the cause in the outcome then this is even a sadder story and the RPD has a big problem on their hands.

  2. Bob,
    I drove by the Resurrection/Milton Rd. crossing area today and their was indeed a crossing guard in place @ 7:30 sharp.
    I guess someone didn’t want to see me out there, LOL!

    I’m a bit confused on who is responsible for putting a crossing guard at whatever crosswalks?

    If it is in front of a school who is responsible for this decision? BOE,City of Rye,City Manager,RPD?
    For those of us who are not clear on this can you please give us your understanding.
    I’m completely baffled as to why there is a Crossing Guard at Apawamis/Milton @ 7:30am sharp every school day but not at the end of the school day? Do these same children take a different route home and there is no one there that needs to be crossed? One would assume that if it is needed in the morning then it is needed in the afternoon? I guess we should only be concerned on getting them to school safely and not getting them home safely?
    What is your take on this?

    I think the decision makers in Rye need a lesson on more than just civics!

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