Rye Off the Record: Dog Day Afternoon, $1.3 Million Off & More

The TD Bank (FKA Commerce Bank) at 38 Purchase Street was robbed on January 21st at 5:30pm in the afternoon. No one was hurt, and the assailant walked off and was not caught. Fran Klingenstein, the broker for 11 Upper Dogwood Lane (featured on MyRye.com Cribs) contacted us to offer a $1,345,000 discount – the offer price has now dropped to $6,650,000. Get it while its hot. Rye's Tremont Capital, victim of not paying attention to Bernie Madoff, has been closed. Rye resident, MTA chairman and real estate investor Dale Hemmerdinger's firm Atco Properties and Management lost control of its Queens shopping mall to the banks.

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