Q&A with State Senate Candidate Shelley B. Mayer

PHOTO: Incumbent Democrat State Senate candidate Shelley Mayer Democrat is running against GOP challenger Tricia S. Lindsay in the 2024 general election.
(PHOTO: Incumbent Democrat State Senate candidate Shelley Mayer Democrat is running against GOP challenger Tricia S. Lindsay in the 2024 general election.)

MyRye.com is running a series of interviews with major party candidates for Congress (NY-16), State Senate (NY District 37), State Assembly (NY District 91) and City Council. All Democratic and Republican candidates have been invited to participate. The 2024 general election is on Tuesday, November 5th.

Today we are pleased to present the MyRye.com Q&A interview with incumbent State Senate candidate Shelley Mayer. Mayer, a Democrat, is running against GOP challenger Tricia S. Lindsay in the general election.

MyRye: Why are you running for State Senate District 37?

Mayer: I am running for office because I believe I can continue to serve the people of this district with energy, legislative expertise and responsiveness to their concerns, as I have done to date. In addition, as Chair of the Senate Education Committee, I am determined to continue my efforts to adequately fund, and to press for meaningful improvements in our education system for all New York children. I am committed to working with my colleagues to adopt policies that improve the lives of all people, focused on the challenging issues of persistent flooding, environmental protection, adequacy of affordable housing, and addressing the cost of living to the greatest extent possible.

Why are you running for State Senate District 37 now?

Mayer: I have the experience, knowledge and commitment to our communities to address our most pressing issues. I recognize the commonalities among the municipalities in the district, as well as the unique needs of each community, like Rye. I work closely with our local elected officials to make sure I know – and can assist – in meeting the local needs of the City of Rye and its school district and work to collaborate with local government and local organizations to serve the residents of Rye.

What are the three most important ways the State government can help the City of Rye? 


  1. Through expertise, coordination and funding, NYS can help facilitate flood mitigation projects.
  2. With NYS reevaluating its Foundation Aid Formula for funding our public schools, it is essential that it recognize the unique needs of all districts, including districts like Rye City School District
  3. The City of Rye has some of NYS’ most important and fragile coastline. It is essential that we protect and preserve the environment, and meet our benchmarks for reducing greenhouse gasses.

Whether or not the State is able to help or not, what are the three biggest opportunities / challenges facing the City of Rye over the next 3-5 years? 


  1. Rye City School District is a wonderful public school district, which offers students tremendous opportunities. It is challenging to maintain such a high quality school district, but it also provides opportunities to offer students innovative programs and opportunities. I will continue to assist in its financial challenges and operational needs.
  2. The coastal nature of Rye presents opportunities for conservation, but it is also challenging to preserve these assets while addressing issues of coastal flooding. I will continue to work with DEC and our other state and local agencies to preserve the natural assets of Rye while addressing persistent flooding issues.
  3. The City of Rye is a unique community with a vibrant downtown. All communities struggle to strike the balance between maintaining vibrant, growing downtown communities without losing the characteristics and benefits of a small town. I will continue to assist the city with state funds to offset the continued pressure on property taxes to fund necessary operations and investments.

Who are three current elected or appointed State officials who you admire and why? 


  1. Senate Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins is the leader of the NYS Senate Democratic Conference, and she leads with great respect for each Senate District’s unique needs and regional differences. I am fortunate to have a close personal and working relationship with her, which has resulted in obtaining special funding to assist both the City of Rye and the Rye City School District.
  2. Assemblyman Steve Otis is one of the colleagues with whom I collaborate most closely, and I am fortunate to represent the City of Rye with him. He brings personal and historical understanding of the City of Rye to every discussion.
  3. County Executive George Latimer, another Rye resident, is a close colleague and partner. I anticipate continuing to work very closely with him as our next Congressmember.
PHOTO: Shelley Mayer and her husband Lee Smith with County Executive George Latimer.
(PHOTO: Shelley Mayer and her husband Lee Smith with County Executive and NY-16 Democratic Congressional candidate George Latimer.)

How much money have you raised for your campaign through August 15, 2024? 


Total raised this cycle, not including matching funds – $340,466.91

Matching funds payment – $263,872.91

Total funds (matching and non-matching) – $603,339.82

Please list any organizations that have endorsed your candidacy:

Mayer: I am currently endorsed by the Westchester County Democratic Committee (as well as other municipal committees), the Working Families Party, NYSUT, SEIU 1199, RWDSU, New York State Professional Firefighters, Teamsters Local 456, NYIC Action, SEIU Local 704, Tenants Pac, Yonkers Firefighters Local 628, Yonkers PBA, TWU Local 100, NYSNA, Westchester COBA, NYLCV, LiUNA, Yonkers UFOA, Black Dems of Westchester, NYS Pipe Trades Association, UA Local 21 Plumbers, Steamfitters, and HVACR, NYS PEF, Make the Road Action, IATSE Local 1, Women Democrats of Westchester, DC9, Eleanor’s Legacy, CSA, CWA, Sierra Club, Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate, NYSUT, Citizen Action, Planned Parenthood, Westchester Putnam Central Labor Body and the NYS AFL-CIO, and I am in the process of applying for additional endorsements.

Please list any current elected officials that have endorsed your candidacy:

Mayer: Majority Leader Andrew Stewart-Cousins, County Executive George Latimer, Assemblyman Steve Otis as well as many local mayors and municipal leaders.

Please summarize your public service experience and contributions.

Mayer: As an attorney and advocate, I have spent my professional career fighting for New York families. As the first Assistant Attorney General in Charge of the Westchester Regional Office, and serving 13 years as an Assistant Attorney General, I worked to improve the lives of families and children in Westchester and beyond.

As an elected official, serving first in the NYS Assembly from 2012 to 1018, and thereafter in the New York State Senate to represent the 37th Senate District, I have been an aggressive and responsive advocate for my constituents.

 In 2019, I was appointed to serve as the Chair of the State Senate Education Committee and have worked to ensure every child receives a quality education, regardless of zip code. Prior to being elected as a member of the State Legislature, I served as Chief Counsel to the New York State Senate Democrats, where I helped draft critical legislation to reform Albany ethics and protect taxpayers.

I have served on numerous non-profit boards during my life, but have limited them since taking public office.

How would your friends and family describe you in one word?

Mayer: Tenacious

Pick one:

Select from: Your Pick:
Coke or Pepsi? Coke Zero
Regular or diet? Diet
Action movie or rom com? Rom com
Cook, order in or eat out? Cook if possible
Dog, cat or no pet? Dog – Ajax!
Balsamic vinaigrette or ranch? Balsamic
Ruffles Original, Lay’s Barbeque or Funyuns? Ruffles
Still, sparkling or tap? tap


What is the kindest thing someone has ever done for you? 

Mayer: Since being in elected office I have been showered by kindness and appreciation for the actions of my office to help individuals in need. My staff goes out of its way to deal with everyone who contacts us with empathy and understanding, and I am the beneficiary of their appreciation. It truly belongs to them.

What is your day job?

Mayer: I am a full-time Senator; previously I was a full-time Assemblymember. Prior to that, I was the Counsel to the NYS Senate Democratic Conference.

PHOTO: Shelley Mayer at the Democratic National Convention with Ken Jenkins (Deputy County Executive), Vedat Gashi (County Legislator), Suzanne Berger (Chair of Westchester County Democratic Committee) and Jovan Richards (Chair on NYS Young Democrats)
(PHOTO: Shelley Mayer at the Democratic National Convention with Ken Jenkins (Deputy County Executive), Vedat Gashi (County Legislator), Suzanne Berger (Chair of Westchester County Democratic Committee) and Jovan Richards (Chair on NYS Young Democrats))

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why, and who would you take with you? 

Mayer: I would love to go to Italy, Spain and Portugal with my husband of 45 years, Lee Smith.

Where do you live in the District and how many years have you lived there? 

Mayer: I live in the Beech Hill section of northeast Yonkers in the house I grew up in. It has been in my family for 70 years.

What affiliations do you have with organizations in Rye? 

Mayer: I support almost every civic organization that reaches out, by contributing, attending their events or assisting them in governmental challenges.

What are three of your favorite food takeout / delivery restaurants in or around Rye or the District? 

Mayer: Big fan of Kelly’s Sea Level, Le Pain Quotidien and Poppy’s Cafe.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

Mayer: Enjoying my five grandchildren, and my extended family. Theatre, dance and art. Walking and hiking in our beautiful communities.

Thanks, Shelley!

Learn more:

Shelley Mayer Campaign Website

Work Website




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