Rye Candidates: The Benjamin Stacks Ten-Minute Interview


Your Name:  Benjamin Stacks

I’m running for: Rye City Council

I am: a challenger

What is your political affiliation? I am Unaffiliated (a/k/a independent)

MyRye.com: Why are you running?

Stacks:  To ensure open and transparent government; to respect Rye resident’s voices in matters that affect them; to uphold fiscal responsibility and to make sure the city focuses on pressing issues like the Capital Improvement Plan, the Master Plan and others. 


(PHOTO:Moving Rye Forward team of  team of Sara Goddard, Ben Stacks, Josh Cohn and Julie Souza.)    

MyRye.com: Why are you running now?

Stacks:  The lack of concern for citizen’s opinions and negative tone at the City Council needs to change because it squelches public involvement and participation and limits consensus building. I have witnessed many instances at Council meetings where citizens and the minority council members have been talked down to, disrespected and demeaned – this NEEDS to change. I believe the Moving Rye Forward team is best prepared to bring the change the city needs because we are non-partisan and will welcome all opinions. We understand that listening is the first step in effective issue resolution.

MyRye.com: What are the three most important issues facing the City of Rye?

  • Capital Improvement Plan – there are a number of very important projects, including repaving roads, downtown parking, flooding, pedestrian safety, among others, that need to be addressed.
  • Making sure that the citizens of Rye have a voice in the important issues facing the City. Time and again, people have asked to be involved in rock chipping, flooding, Crown Castle, Starwood, to name a few, and they were either refused participation or given lip service and were led to believe their opinion mattered, only to be ignored or belittled.
  • The tone and tenor of Council meetings is badly in need of change. The people of Rye need the Council to have their backs and not let corporate or third party interests be at the front of the line in Rye.

MyRye.com: Describe your government and civic experience.

Stacks:  I have been on the City of Rye Traffic and Pedestrian Safety Committee for about 10 years. I have volunteered locally at school events, coaching sports teams and at our church. Professionally, I am the Audit Committee Chairman for two not-for-profits. I have a history of volunteerism that I would like to continue in a more significant way by helping Rye.

This is a particularly important time for the right representation at the Council level given all of the issues currently facing the City. Rye needs a responsive and open government to deal with the Master Plan and Capital Improvement Plan since each will impact the city for generations to come. The Moving Rye Forward team has the professional experience, consensus building skills and temperament to best deal with these issues.

Ben Stacks IMG_8302

MyRye.com: What’s one nice thing you can say about your opponents?

Stacks: They’re all Rye.

MyRye.com: What’s your favorite local pizzeria? 

Stacks:  Ask my kids – them seem to order it all the time!

MyRye.com: What’s your favorite local restaurant for a casual meal with family? 

Stacks:  Too many great restaurants to narrow it to one! We love going out in Rye and experiencing the different menus and atmospheres – and running into friends.

MyRye.com: What’s your favorite local restaurant that delivers?

Stacks:  Watermoon since it’s my younger daughter’s favorite restaurant.

MyRye.com: How long have you lived in Rye?

Stacks:  16+ years

MyRye.com: Why did you choose to live in Rye?

Stacks:  Excellent character, amenities and schools and it reminded my wife and me of where we grew up, in Chevy Chase, Maryland. We had the opportunity to move back to the Washington area several years after moving to Rye but declined since we had already fallen in love with the town!

Your LinkedIn profile:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/ben-stacks-a539b41a/

Your Facebook page:  N/A

Your campaign web site:  movingryeforward.com


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