Rye High Award Night for Seniors

You get an award, and you get an award, and…

You would think Oprah was running Rye High School. Last Thursday, Rye seniors were recognized for all sorts of things… here is the rundown.

Oprah award

JUNE 8, 2017 FINAL

1. National Merit Commended Students: Mrs. Taylor & Mr. Zegarelli
Noe Abe, Amanda Cadenhead, Michael Carty, Edward Clark, Ethan Fogarty, Olivia Giroux, Nicolas Lepore, Matthew Licursi, Jacob Mequet, Alexandra Meyer, Jared Patel, Nathalie Rodilosso, Katrina Roth, Ellen Scully, Theodore Stubbs, Mark Willis

2. National Merit Finalists: Mrs. Taylor & Mr. Zegarelli
Andrew Burke, Aarsh Desai, Alexander Hu, Allison Hufford, Keaton Mueller

2a. National Merit Scholarship Recipients: Mrs. Taylor
Aarsh Desai, Ethan Fogarty, Allison Hufford

3. National Hispanic Recognition Program: Mrs. Taylor & Mr. Zegarelli
John Bateman, Victor Gomez, Jan Nowak, Jared Patel, Lorenzo Roman, Jaime Ryan

4. Rye Scholarship Fund Award: Dr. Monahan
Amanda Cadenhead

5. Farnham Poetry Book Award: Dr. Monahan
Jaime Ryan

6. Parents’ Organization Top 3 Scholars: Mrs. Capaldi and Mrs. Hodulik
Summa Cum Laude: Keaton Mueller
Magna Cum Laude: Allison Hufford
Cum Laude: Aarsh Desai

7. Parents’ Organization Department Awards: Mrs. Capaldi and Mrs. Hodulik

Art & Design: Tyron Shi Music: Jacob Mequet
French: Alexandra Meyer
Spanish: Caroline Neave
Latin: Madeleine Albanese Mandarin: Sean Fitzgibbons
American Sign Language: Emily DiEdwards
Physical Education: Boy: Myles Burbank Girl: Sydney Szabo
English: Lila Pell Mathematics: Aarsh Desai
Science: Olivia Giroux Social Studies: Allison Hufford
STEM: Samantha Bluvol

8. School Service Awards: Mrs. Taylor

Class Officers: President – Thomas Tartaglia
Vice-President – Christian Sutherland
Secretary – Ellen Scully
Treasurer – Zachary Szabo


9. Parents’ Organization Scholarships: Mrs. Capaldi and Mrs. Hodulik
Leslie Gutelius, Jenny Kim, Rafael Rodriguez, Crispian Thorne, Stephanie Toledano

10. Parents' Organization-The Ruth Falsch Scholarship: Mrs. Capaldi and Mrs. Hodulik
Sandra Sousa

11. The Class of 1973 Achievement Award: Mrs. Granucci and Mrs. Kaschy
Fiona Maloney

12. The Class of 2011 Scholarship: Mr. Zegarelli
Brenden Lopp

13. Port Chester Teachers Federal Credit Union: Mr. Zegarelli
Mary Kate Kelleher

14. The Woman’s Club of Rye Scholarships: Mrs. Negri
Natalie Pugliatti and Ethan Fogarty

15. The Woman's Club of Rye Art Honorarium Award: Mrs. Negri
Katie Popp

16. The Woman’s Club of Rye Children’s Philanthropy Awards: Mrs. Johnson
John Bateman, Sorcha McCrohan

17. Agatha Durland Scholarships: Mrs. Jacoby, Mrs. Miscimarra
Aarsh Desai, Amanda Hartzell, Emma Jakobson, Annie Jardine, Ellen Scully, Sandra Sousa

18. Byron T. Hawkins Memorial Scholarship: Mrs. Jacoby, Mrs. Miscimarra
Alexandra Meyer

19. Rye Professional Firefighters Scholarships: Firefighter Groglio
Jake Volpe and Matthew Zar

20. E.A.G.L.E. Award: Mrs. Zion, Mrs. Ross
Simon Chait

21. The Arest Family Strength of Character Award: Dr. Arest
Dusty Mion

22. Rye Chamber of Commerce Award: Ms. Ricketts, Mrs. Bryant
Myles Burbank, Amanda Cadenhead, James Laverty

23. Community Spirit Award: Mr. Sturman
Ellen Scully

24. Allstate Foundation Award: Mrs. Short
Thomas Tartaglia


25. The George Ferguson Scholarship: Mr. Arias
Michael Carty, Caroline Neave

26. Rye Girls’ Sports Awards: Ms. Nye, Mrs. Cardino
Samantha Bluvol, Megan Montalto, Natalie Pugliatti

27. Richard Uhle Sportsmanship Award: Mr. Arias
Brett Egan

28. The George “Butch” Nordstrom Award Mr. Arias
William Hynson

29. The Mary Henwood Award Mr. Arias
Amanda Hartzell

30. Lou Drago Sportsmanship Award: Mr. Arias
Haley Nemsick

31. The Yedowitz-McGee Track Scholarship: Mr. and Mrs. Kao
Robert Sims

32. The Rye Youth Soccer Scholarship: Mrs. McGinty
Seamus McCrohan, Alexandra Palermo

33. The Craig Sandhaus Cross Country Award: Mr. Arias
Mark Willis

34. Jerry Groglio Golf Award: Mr. Groglio
Tiernan Gough

35. Rye Football Association: Mr. Hull
Shane Concavage, Tyler Reno

36. Rye Lacrosse Association Scholarship: Mrs. Kovacs
Ryan Kirkpatrick

37. Rye Baseball Booster Club Leadership Award Mr. Lavelle
Myles Burbank

38. Rye Baseball Diamond Award Mr. Lavelle
Dusty Mion

39. Rye Hockey Association Mrs. O’Brien
Ryan Kirkpatrick

40. The Del Layne Award Mr. Arias
Miles Giordano

41. The Garnet & Black Award Mr. Arias
Katie Popp


42. James O’Hara Sargent Memorial Tennis Scholarship: Mr. Arias
Margot Tolley

43. The John J. Nugent Memorial Scholarship: Mr.Hull
Miles Giordano

44. The Ben Bedini Memorial Scholarship: Mr. Hull
Thomas Lavelle

45. W. Ward Haynes Scholarship: Mrs. DeCaro Mr. Arias
William Hynson

46. Ronald Sassone Memorial Scholarship: Mrs. Lavelle
Fiona Maloney

47. The Class of 2008 Michael DeVito Memorial Scholarship: Mrs. Short
Thomas Tartaglia

48. The Elizabeth Ann (Betty) McKean Memorial Scholarship: Ms. McKean
Sorcha McCrohan

49. The Class of 2016 Hank McWilliam Memorial Scholarship: Mr. Goldszer, Ms. White
William Hynson

50. The George P. Thomas Memorial Scholarship: Mr. Thomas
Christopher Kovacs

51. The Emily Johnson Memorial Scholarship: Ms. Plick
Nicole Vereczkey

52. The Rye Historical Society Education Award: Ms. Plick
Sarah Lent, Jacob Mequet

53. The Patricia J. Seholm Memorial Scholarship: Mr. Zegarelli
Alexander Hu

54. The Eleanor B. Levenson Award: Mrs. Negri
Samantha Bluvol

55. Rye Police Association/W.Worthington Memorial Scholarship: PBA Representative
John Bateman, Matt Bruno, Myles Burbank, Paul Franzetti, Giorgi Kapanadze, Seamus McCrohan, Erin McEntire, Christopher Perri, James Pugliatti, Natalie Pugliatti, Sandra Sousa, Matthew Zar

56. Robert C. Hill Memorial Award: Dr. Zung
Arthur Burke

57. The Patti Caponera Memorial Scholarship: Dr. Zung
Michael Carty

58. The Warren Barrett Engineering Scholarship: Mr. W. Taylor
Ryan Burinescu

59. Rye Rotary – Marc Saracino Memorial Scholarship: Mr. Mehler
Girogi Kapanadze

60. Rye Rotary – Lester Kelley Memorial Scholarship: Mr. Mehler
Matthew Zar

61. Rye Rotary – Dr. Ronald E. Genther Performing Arts Scholarship: Mr. Mehler
Fiona Maloney

62. Rye Rotary – Miller Family Scholarship: Mr. Mehler
Aarsh DeSai

63. Rye Rotary Scholarship: Mr. Mehler
Erin McEntire

64. The Carrol Family Scholarship: Rev. Key
Sandra Sousa

65. Peter Bishop Memorial Scholarships: Rev. Love
Penelope Deen, Glory Kanes, Megan Montalto, Mark Willis

66. M. & G. Henderson Memorial Scholarships: Rev. Love
John Bateman, James Laverty, Erin McEntire, Rafael Rodriguez

67. David E. Retik/Christopher D. Mello Foundation: Mrs. Mello
Michael Carty

68. The Michael Ice “For the Love of the Game” Scholarship: Mr. McCabe-Moran
Seamus McCrohan

69. Deane H. Flood Memorial Scholarship: Mrs. Flood and Mr. Flood
Brett Egan

70. Mary Friese Lowe Memorial Scholarships: Mrs. Taylor
John Bateman, Mathew Bruno, Myles Burbank, Aarsh Desai, Paul Franzetti, Amanda Hartzell, Giorgi Kapanadze, William Koester, Fiona Maloney, Seamus McCrohan, Megan Montalto, Christopher Perri, Natalie Pugliatti, Sandra Sousa, Destiny Telesco, Crispian Thorne, Cecilia Wall, Matthew Zar

71. Burke Family Scholarships: Mrs. Taylor
John Bateman, Jenny Kim


St. Vincent's Westchester Youth Award: Samantha Bluvol

Distinguished Student Award:

9/11 Memorial Award: Matthew Zar

Rye Youth Council Scholarship: Spencer Hunt

Rye Youth Council/Janice Pierce Award: Dylan Senkiw

Rye Youth Council/Lorraine Levinson Award: Sandra Sousa

Rye Youth Council/Deane Flood Spirit Award: Ellen Scully

Rye Youth Council/Karena Somerville Award: Ethan Sears

Rye Youth Council/Feffi Stiassni Memorial Award: Penelope Deen

Rye Youth Council/Dick Murdoch Legacy Award: Leslie Gutelius

Woof Haneman Rye YMCA Scholarship: Matthew Zar

Suzanne C. Murphy Memorial Award: Sorcha McCrohan


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