Rye City Hall: CLEAN UP THE SNOW or get a ticket…

Rye City Hall wants you outside with your shovel…

If you don't clean your sidewalks, be prepared to get a ticket from Rye PD:

"Residents are reminded that the City Code (Chapter 167-47) stipulates that residents must clear their sidewalks within 24 hours of a storm. This includes sidewalks in front of and abutting your property.

Any person who does not clear their sidewalk is subject to a penalty. The City of Rye Police will issue tickets for any sidewalks that are not cleared.
Please note that the Department of Public Works does not clear privately owned walkways. Please clear your sidewalks – it is for everyone’s safety and it is the law.

Please do not clear off cars in the street or place snow from driveways or sidewalks back into the street. This creates unsafe driving conditions and is a violation. Please also remind any contractors of this requirement as well.

The City appreciates your cooperation."


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