Rye Mayor Mention in The Atlantic – Piece on Local Pols & Trump

An article in The Atlantic mentions our own Rye Mayor Joe Sack.

The Atlantic

The piece explains how local pols are weighing in on the national political scene and links to Mayor Sack's State f the City Address as posted on MyRye.com:

"Rye City, New York Mayor Joe Sack, on the other hand, conceded that Trump’s election didn’t surprise him, but said, “with all due respect to the President-elect—Mr. Trump could not be elected mayor of Rye, or mayor of any other city for that matter.”

"Because the qualities and characteristics of a good and effective mayor, are the willingness and ability to listen to all perspectives, to sometimes absorb people’s anger and frustration, and to try to build consensus.

Believe me, I’m only human, and there are plenty of times when I’d like to take a page out of the Trump playbook, and tell an unruly or unreasonable speaker or two where they could go, and what they could do.

That may be the new definition of what it means to be presidential. But it wouldn’t be mayoral.

And it would certainly not be any way to treat my fellow neighbors and residents."

“We’re all in this together,” the mayor concluded. “And that’s worth pointing out to students and grown-ups alike.”

Most years, in discussing the state of the village, that goes without saying."

You can read Mayor Sack's full State of the City on MyRye.com and the full Atlantic piece here.


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