Week of Events
Writer’s Workshop: Deepening your craft
Writer’s Workshop: Deepening your craft
Have you started a story or essay and gotten stuck? Is there a novel you've worked on in fits and starts that could use greater focus? In this group, we’ll explore narrative building blocks—voice, tone, character development, setting, and plot—as well as the nitty gritty of sentence construction as we consider helpful strategies for revision...
RHS Parent/Teen Meditation Circle
RHS Parent/Teen Meditation Circle
Parents and teens of Rye High School, join us together or alone at our monthly RHS Meditation Circle, led by RHS Assistant Principal, Dr. William Meyer. Wainwright House library, 7-8 pm, Wed. March 8, April 12 & May 17. Sponsored by the RMS/RHS PO. Free. No sign up.
SPRYE Wellness Fair
SPRYE Wellness Fair
Join SPRYE at Shenorock Shore Club on May 18th as we connect with friends, neighbors and area providers for a day of wellness, from skilled nursing and audiology to chair yoga and home health care, you will leave feeling empowered, connected and invigorated.
SPRYE Wellness Fair
SPRYE Wellness Fair
SPRYE is thrilled to announce its upcoming Wellness Fair, a one-day event designed to promote health and wellness in the community. The Fair will take place on Thursday, May 18th at Shenorock Shore Club from 10am-2pm. The Wellness Fair is an exciting opportunity for community members to engage with local health and wellness experts, learn...