Week of Events
FREE Seniors Activities: Stepping Out: MUSIC
Learn more information by clicking here: https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/ryeartscenter/activity/search/detail/7281?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true
With Love, Westchester Children’s Museum
What better way to celebrate your family and the love you share than a playful visit to the Westchester Children’s Museum! Join us for a weekend of love-inspired activities Love-themed storytime Polaroid Portraits MakerSpace activities Crafts Museum admission is $10/person. Event is included with admission price. https://www.discoverwcm.org/tickets-admission
Parent University: Google Read & Write Grades K-12
Parent University: Google Read & Write Grades K-12
Description: Explore the functions of this Chrome extension to support students in consuming and producing digital work. Facilitators: Kaitlyn Sassone - Director of Technology, Kimberly Persaud - Instructional Technology Coach Grades K-5, Caroleann Del Juidice - Instructional Technology Coach Grades 6-12, Erin Vredenburgh - Director of Special Education, Amy Osooli - Supervisor of Special Education
Inside Scoop on Social Media
Inside Scoop on Social Media
Parents/Guardians of tweens and teens are invited to join teen members of the Rye Youth Council Student Outreach Committee as they present and discuss the social media apps that are most commonly used by Middle School students. Our young experts share the good, the bad, and the ugly, and will provide insight into what they...
Parent University: Google Read & Write Grades K-12
Parent University: Google Read & Write Grades K-12
Description: Explore the functions of this Chrome extension to support students in consuming and producing digital work. Facilitators: Kaitlyn Sassone - Director of Technology, Kimberly Persaud - Instructional Technology Coach Grades K-5, Caroleann Del Juidice - Instructional Technology Coach Grades 6-12, Erin Vredenburgh - Director of Special Education, Amy Osooli - Supervisor of Special Education
The Positive Parenting Course
The Positive Parenting Course
Back by popular demand, the Positive Parenting Course taught by Rye Mom Ann Magalhaes. Ann has been teaching the skills and habits of positive parents for over 14 years. Lots more info at www.theparent.team or email Ann at ann@theparent.team with any questions. And, of course, if you’d like to book your place, you can do...