CANCELED: Heard In Rye Lecture Series Wednesday: Caring for Your Children and Elderly Family Members

UPDATED: Sadly, this event has now been cancelled.  The speaker, Dr. Sandra Haymon, lives in Arizona, and due to the weather and anticipation of travel delays, the Heard in Rye Committee has decided to try to reschedule the event for the Spring. 

The Sandwich Generation, Caring for Your Children and Elderly Family Members


SPEAKER: Dr. Sandra Haymon, Psychologist and author of Baby Boomers – Sandwiched between Retirement and Caregiving will speak about balancing caring for your children, eldery loved ones and yourself.

Wednesday, January 28th

6:30 to 8:30PM

The Methodist Church (First floor) < note updated location, was previously scheduled for The Osborn

964 Boston Post Road Rye, NY

SNOW DATE: same time Thursday 1/29


Dr. Sandra W. Haymon, America’s #1 Caregiving Expert, licensed Psychologist, author, and International speaker has pioneered the field of Caregiving for more than twenty years. Her visionary book My Turn Caring for Aging Parents & Other Elderly Loved Ones-A Daughter’s Perspective (1996) was the very first book ever published in the U.S. on caring for aging parents. My Turn and her latest book Baby Boomers—Sandwiched Between Retirement & Caregiving (2009) are both based on Dr. Haymon’s personal experience of having nowhere to turn and everything to learn when her own parents (both with Alzheimer’s Disease) needed care. This experience motivated Sandra to combine her personal experiences with extensive research to provide others with the answers she wished she’d had.

Dr. Haymon hosted her own blog talk radio show The Baby Boomer Sandwich Show for more than a year. She interviewed a variety of guests specializing in topics concerning America’s 78 million Baby Boomers.

Dr. Haymon has been featured on numerous television and radio shows including ABC’s Good Morning America-Sunday and CBS’ Late, Late Night with Tom Snyder. As an International speaker Dr. Haymon’s most popular Keynotes are: The Sacred Journey of Caregiving-A Transformational Approach to Life, Emotional Issues of Caregiving, Communicating Effectively with Alzheimer’s Patients, and Emotional Issues of the Elderly, Saying Goodbye, and Letting Go.

Dr. Haymon was also featured in U.S. News and World Report and Good Neighbor magazines as well as numerous other publications. Her work has been endorsed by many organizations including the Alzheimer’s Association Desert Southwest Chapter, the Georgia Alzheimer’s Association, the Alzheimer’s Resource Center, the State of Florida Department of Elder Affairs, and Florida Health Care Association.

Dr. Haymon has presented at major Annual Conferences including the American Society on Aging, 17th. Annual Southern Arizona Caregiver Conference, 2nd. Annual Southwest Arizona Collaborative Caregiver Conference, Georgia Hospital Association, Georgia Hospital Volunteers, Florida Health Care Association, and Help Age India. She has provided keynote addresses and break-out sessions for thousands of family and professional caregivers across the United States and India.

Dr. Haymon earned her doctorate in Counseling Psychology and Human Systems from Florida State University. While at Florida State, she developed the first testing instrument (Work Attitude Scale) that identifies workaholics. She also conducted the first empirical research in the U.S. on work addiction. Her research was cited in more than 20 major newspapers in the United States and Canada. Dr. Haymon is a member of the National Association of Professional Women, Who’s Who of American Women, Outstanding Young Women in America, and Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities.

Dr. Haymon and her husband served as volunteers for 18 months in Chennai, India where they worked with women and children cancer patients in a government hospital. She and her husband climbed to Mt. Everest Base Camp in 2001 and trekked to the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro in 2009. Dr. Haymon presently resides in Marana, Arizona with her husband.

See her web site.


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