New Author Emerges from Sound Shore Writer’s Group

Local and longtime resident and activist Suki van Dijk has written her first book, a novel called Two Truths and a Lie. It came after lots of swearing and time with the Sound Shore Writer’s Group at the Rye Free Reading Room.
van Dijk holds a B.A. from Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville and an M.S. Ed. in Early Childhood Education from Bank Street College. She has continued to study writing in post-graduate programs at Gallatin at NYU and at The Writing Institute at Sarah Lawrence.
Your name: Suki van Dijk
Your new book: Two Truths and a Lie Where do you live in Rye?

van Dijk: We have lived in Clamtown (on Milton Point) for almost 29 years. We love the laid back and friendly neighborhood, and the proximity to the beach, park, and marina.
Why did you write the book?
van Dijk: I think all writers write because they are absolutely compelled to. There is just an idea in your head that won’t leave you alone until you explore it.
Why did you write the book now?
van Dijk: I have been working on this novel for a very long time. I started working on it in our Rye Free Reading Room, with the Sound Shore Writer’s Group. They are a remarkably talented and generous bunch, and I am so thankful to them!
What is the premise of the book?
van Dijk: Kat seems to have the perfect life. Beautiful home, beautiful daughter, great husband…everything is exactly as it should be. But, while taking her daughter to the prep school that both she and Bree’s father attended, the only thing Kat can think about is her wild-child 80’s self, the charismatic drug addicted boy she was in love with at school, and all the life choices she’s made that have led her to this moment.
You say the book is a wry take on suburban New York life. How much was Rye an influence on the wry take?
van Dijk: Having lived here for so long, I’ve seen a lot of good, bad, and hilarious suburban activities. Some of them, undoubtedly seeped in, to be molded and changed to fit this story.
The book is fiction, but how much of the book is based on your own experiences?
van Dijk: I think I’ll let my most recent blog post answer this one. You can find it here Because I Said So
This is your first book. What is your day job, and has writing been part of your career track?
van Dijk: My day job has been mom for many years (much to the chagrin of my grown kids, I still list that first on my resume). In addition, since 2016 I’ve volunteered and worked in electoral politics. I’m the group leader of our local Indivisible chapter, which focuses on political actions both on the national and local level. I have also worked as a Pre-K – 2nd grade teacher, a yoga teacher and have a certificate in hypnosis. I’ve been writing since I could hold a pencil, but this is the first book I’ve felt was publishable.
You self published the book. What was that like, and what advice would you give to others self publishing for the first time?
van Dijk: There was a lot of swearing involved. The learning curve for self-publishing on Amazon is really steep. Please get in touch and I’ll be happy to share what I’ve learned so far.
How do people order a copy?
van Dijk: Two Truths and a Lie is now available on the Amazon Kindle app (you don’t need a Kindle, just download the app for free!) Order it here: Two Truths and A Lie (please and thank you!) And it is coming soon in paperback (Maybe with just a little more swearing first, while I learn more about that part of self-publishing.)
Thanks Suki!