PD Conducting Live Drills at Osborn Elementary on Monday

Rye PD will be conducting live tactical drills at the Osborn Elementary School building this coming Monday, January 15, between 7:00am and 8:00pm. School is closed on Monday for Martin Luther King Day.
“These training drills are incredibly important in ensuring that our police officers are familiar with the layout of the school buildings,” said Superintendent of Schools Dr. Eric Byrne in a note to school families.
The drills will include the use of blank ammunition. A blank is a firearm cartridge that does not shoot a projectile, like a bullet or pellet, but does generate a muzzle flash and an explosive sound like an actual gunshot. Residents may see a large police presence at the school. In 2022, MyRye.com accompanied Rye PD during their forcible entry and active shooter training on the RHS/RMS campus.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the drills, please contact Lieutenant Al Hein at the Rye Police Department at 914-967-1234, ext. 0.