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HomeGovernmentCity of RyeCity Council Expected to Approve Five Year PBA Contract

City Council Expected to Approve Five Year PBA Contract

Rye Police Officer and City of Rye PBA President Gabe Caputo
(PHOTO: Rye Police Officer and City of Rye PBA President Gabe Caputo.)

The Rye City Council is expected to approve a new five year contract the City of Rye Police Benevolent Association at its meeting Wednesday night. The new agreement provides for wage increase of 15% over the next five years, starting January 1, 2024. Both sides said the negotiation was reasonable and the agreement is similar to what you see in other nearby Sound Shore communities.

“City Manager Usry and Assistant City Manager Shea were very professional and polite through the whole process,” said Rye PBA president Gabe Caputo. “So I think that helped it go really quick and painless. I believe both parties are happy with the outcome and now we have a five year deal. So it works for us and you can put this behind us and just work on our job and not have to focus on the nuances of being in contract.”

The five year term is on the longer side of a contract and indicates the two sides found strong agreement. A two or three year deal might have indicated one side was dissatisfied and wanted to keep things on a short leash.

“It’s certainly good from my perspective, that you don’t have to sit back down at the bargaining table for five more years,” said City Manager Greg Usry. “And from a budget standpoint, you know exactly what the cost of living increases, etc. are going to be.”

The City is still working on the fire, clerical and public works contracts. The Council’s approval Wednesday is expected to be procedural.

Read the contract.

Jay Sears, MyRye.com
Jay Sears, MyRye.comhttps://myrye.com
Jay Sears is the owner and publisher of MyRye.com. He is a 20+ year Rye resident. Contact Jay here: https://myrye.com/tips-letters/


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