Sal’s Pizza is a Slice of Heaven

OK, I know, there is no way the best pizza can be outside of New York City limits, right? Wrong.

I’ve been to John’s, to Grimaldi’s (FKA Patsy’s), but nothing beats Sal’s Pizza on Mamaroneck Avenue (the main drag) in Mamaroneck, New York. This is worth the trip up from New York City (or anywhere else for that matter) and is easily reached by car off I-95 or via Metro North Railroad (get off in Mamaroneck and walk down the main drag–anyone will know Sal’s).

The decor has not changed on 20 years and that’s part of the charm. When you go, make sure you try the Sicilian, the plain slice and the salad slice. All will make you very, very happy.

Zagat’s reviews give Sal’s a food rating of 24 out of 30 and says:

"“Legendary” Sicilian pies sporting “spectacular crispy crusts” at this Mamaroneck pizza “institution” “inspire a fanatical devotion” among worshipers willing to “drive from the other side of the county”, “stand in lines out the door” and put up with a famously “gruff staff” (“like being served by Tony Soprano himself”); there “ain’t no atmosphere”, but regarding the signature slice, there’s few “better.”"

In comparison, Mario Batali’s Italian Babbo only rates a 27 for food from Zagat’s and dinner will run you $70. Sal’s is a delightful and delicious bargain ;)-



  1. Gruff staff?

    Old man Sal Sr. (surprisingly only 140 lbs) and his boys from the old country were not fans of the locals when I was a kid. A smile must have cost extra but the food was unbelievable 30 years ago. Sal Jr. is a teddy bear and his younger staff are a bunch of friendly guidos who must pump (apparently light) weight at the NYSC around the corner before work. I just wish the regular slice was better and Jr. should start delivering. The pizza in my neighboring town of Harrison is horrible, but seems to taste better with delivery! M

  2. I grew up and last lived in Rye a few years back. Sal’s Sicilian Pizza slices were the best around. Also (at least back in the 1970’s and ’80) the Sunrise Pizza in Rye made a decent regular pizza. Although by now (unless I’m mistaken), the ownership may have changed hands. Anyway, I miss living Rye (but not the high cost of living part). Take Care.

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