Green Light For STOP Sign

Just back from a marathon Rye City Council meeting and the council has approved the four-way STOP at the intersection of Bradford Avenue and Florence Avenue in the Bradford Park section of Rye. Readers of and residents of Bradford Park know this has been an eight month battle since our initial letter to the city in July 2006. Assistant City Manager Scott Pickup, who was sitting in for City Manager Paul Shew, has assured he will get us an installation date from the Department of Public Works post-haste (The first day of Spring is next Tuesday, March 20th!).

The city council also approved Police Commissioner Connors’ STOP sign policy (click to download) in principle, pending incorporation of additional council and citizen comments over the next two weeks. A final vote will be taken at the next council meeting on Wednesday, March 28th. We hope the council will incorporate our comments on the policy — especially our suggestions around transparency of the entire process and requiring council roll call votes on city staff recommendations.

Thanks to Joe Abate and Mark Dalton of Florence Avenue who joined me at council tonight and spoke about the importance of the Bradford – Florence STOP prior to the council roll call vote.

Also a thanks to everyone in the Bradford Park neighborhood; Brian Dempsey and his Traffic and Transit Committee; Councilman Matt Fahey, Councilman Andy Ball and Mayor Steve Otis for providing guidance during the process; to Kim Potter, Tim O’Brien, Lynn Halpern and everyone else that provided support and encouragement.

As soon as Scott Pickup tells us an installation date from Rye DPW it will be posted here.



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