STOP Sign is Old Business

Stop_signs_2Bradford Park’s request for a four way STOP sign at the intersection of Bradford and Florence and the development of a city wide STOP sign policy came up under "old business" at the Rye City Council meeting on February 28th.

Mayor Steve Otis committed again to having an established STOP sign policy ready for adoption at the next city council meeting on Wednesday, March 14th at 8pm (mark your calendars). Councilman George Pratt went further:

I don’t need a workshop to approve this particular stop sign affecting this particular street and neighborhood [Bradford Park] and their 20-odd kids.

There was been some mention of a workshop to discuss the draft STOP sign policy. We are not clear if this is happening and no details have been shared with Bradford Park on this. Assistant City Manager Scott Pickup did drop by a packet of information and the draft policy on February 26. Here are the goods:

  • Rye, NY Draft STOP Sign Policy (click to download). This was drafted by Police Commissioner Connors and sent to City Manager Paul Shew. We’ll comment on the policy in a subsequent post.
  • The City reviewed two other municipal STOP sign policies–Panama City, Florida STOP Sign Policy and City of River Falls, Wisconsin STOP Sign Policy.
  • The package also included a book club favorite, the State of New York Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations, Chapter V Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Highlight is a steamy section on "Intersection Control." I’m sure readers will be at a loss that we have no electronic copy to post 🙁

See you at City Council on March 14th.


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