Westchester Triathlon Swims, Bikes and Runs Thru Rye


If you live on Forest, Dearborn, Stuyvesant or Milton Road, you might have woken up around 7am this morning (Sunday, September 23), looked out the kitchen window, and seen 1,383 people running in front of your house. No, there is not another flood in Rye. It was the annual Westchester Triathlon that starts and ends in Rye Town Park.

While strange to most of us, there are apparently over 1,000 people in and around Westchester County that like to get up early on a Sunday and swim 1.5 kilometers, bike 40 kilometers and–as if that was not enough and just to make things extra fun–run 10 kilometers. Thirty minutes on the stair-master is about what this writer can handle. I’m exhausted just thinking about these people.

It looks like the organizers will post the race results here when they have them. But no matter, anyone who finished this race is a rock star.



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