More Thain That: He Could Also be a Blind Brook Trojan

Yes, that’s right.

In a follow-up to our story on Saturday on Merrill Lynch’s new CEO and local resident John Thain, it turns out mystery deepens. Is Thain a Rye Garnet, Harrison Huskie or a Blind Brook (Rye Brook) Trojan?

That’s because Thain’s landholdings, while primarily in Rye City and Harrison, also cross over into Rye Brook. All this according to a story published by James Doran in the Evening Standard of London on the 16th:

"The size of his private home in Rye, a country village in New York’s Westchester County, is testament to that. It is so big, in fact, that he pays property taxes in excess of $150,000 a year in two different towns – Harrison and the City of Rye. The property is so big that it also sneaks across the boundary of Rye Brook, another village.

The $10 million mansion, in at least 10 acres of grounds, includes a small farm and several beehives, from which Thain used to collect honey with his youngest son each morning. It has 14 bedrooms and two swimming pools. A river runs through his back garden, feeding a lake stocked with fish."

The river referenced in the story is the Blind Brook. The Thain property is downstream from Kip Konigsberg’s pending Bowman Avenue development, the Bowman Avenue dam and I-287 which means back in April during the flood Thain saw some serious white water on its way to flood Indian Village, Purchase Street, Mead Place and the rest of Rye.

Maybe the Rye Flood Action Committee should call up Thain and ask if he wants to expand that lake of his to retain more water.


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