Assemblyman Latimer Challenges Readers to Trivia Contest

Trivial_pursuitAssemblyman George Latimer is challenging readers to a trivia contest.

We’ll publish the answer tomorrow. If you are bold enough, post your answer in the comment section below. With Latimer as the final judge, let’s see who gets it right:

"A challenge to your readers… driving a car, plot a route from Port Chester through Rye into Harrison where you do not pass through a traffic light. There is a way to do so, with a few acceptable variations. Let’s see who can get the right answer first."



  1. Hop on 95 in Port Chester from the Post Road going south, get off Playland Parkway, exit the right turn that goes into Playland Access Road, turn onto Theall Road ( I forget whether it is a few feet to the right or left, but very close). Travel on Theall road is best done with a 4 wheel drive Jeep, Hummer of equivalent for safety purposes. Go to the end of Theall Road and make a right on Osborn Road. I think you can take Osborn Rd into Harrison without hitting a stop light. If not, you can make a left on Coolidge and a right on Park Ave. One of those should do it.

  2. Begin at the old Horton School in Port Chester. Down Grace Church Street to Kirby Lane. Left on Kirby and follow to Manursing. Up Manursing, right onto Forest. Left onto Maple to Davis to Sylvan. Left onto Midland. Right onto Palisades. Around the fireman circle heading south on Milton. Right onto Rectory, Left onto Boston Post Road. Right onto Old Post Road. Right onto Playland Access. Left onto Theall. Right on Osborn. Left on Coolidge. Right on Park Avenue into Harrison.

  3. I am not sure but isn’t Maple a private road? Should that count? And, for the record, there should be a light at the corner of Midland and Palisades. It is impossible to see left or right when turning onto Midland from Palisades without pulling halfway into the street.

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