Indian Point, Dick Cheney and Rye Playland

What do the Indian Point nuclear energy station, the residence of Vice President Dick Cheney and Rye Playland all have in common? According to IT Security, these are three of only 51 areas blurred out on Google Maps.

Playland_google_map_top_secret_2(PHOTO: Playland blurred on Google Maps) We know the bad guys might like to do some Google recon on Indian Point and the Veep. But Playland? Is Osama looking to score a Fun Card? Watch and see when Chappaqua Bill shows up to play mini-golf?

Sure enough if you look at Playland on Google Maps, Andy Spano must of put a call into the Googleplex to protect us from someone.

Who do you think Spano and the Googlers are protecting us from? Leave your thoughts as a comment below.



  1. Here’s the deal, Google’s source is a new york state company that is told to remove cirtain items by the government. You’ll note that the right-half of the Rye Country Day campus is also blurred. Not because the school is a target, but the axis of 95, 287, and Metro-North is a sensitive connection area.

  2. Another local site that made it on the list is part of Manhattanville College, #45 and the White Plains train station, #48

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