Long Island Soundkeeper Calls for Testing on Hen Island

Long Island Soundkeeper, a 20 year old environmental organization dedicated "to the protection and enhancement of the biological, physical, and chemical integrity of Long Island Sound and its watershed" made the following statement regarding environmental testing on Rye’s Hen Island.

Hen Island has been the subject of local controversy regarding alleged pollution coming from some island homeowners. MyRye.com reported rumors that the New York Times may be planning to report on the situation .

Terry_backer_soundkeeper_2(PHOTO: Terry Backer, Soundkeeper) Soundkeeper and Executive Director Terry Backer told MyRye.com "I have seen many applications for toilet water disposal as at Hen Island and more often than not they leach into the Sound. Testing would resolve the matter and I think (it) should be done."

Statement of Soundkeeper Terry Backer regarding testing for Hen Island:

"Soundkeeper has been watching the Hen Island situation very closely for the past year. We feel, as previously mentioned, that the effluent from Hen Island have only one place to go and that is into the Long Island Sound. The County of Westchester Health Department and The City of Rye are the agencies responsible for policing and testing the septic systems that are in place on Hen Island. If the Westchester County Health Department along with the City of Rye would agree to flow test and dye test the systems in place and should they all pass testing procedures, we would agree that no further action would be necessary. Long Island Sound is to important to us all to allow this situation to go on unresolved. Simple testing would put this matter to rest on way or the other. We strongly encourage the Country and the City to require appropriate testing.

–Terry Backer, Soundkeeper



  1. Below is our most recent mailer just incase you missed it.

    Ready. Set. Swat!
    Concerned about mosquitoes in Rye, Milton Point and Greenhaven again this year? Everyone should be. Because mosquitoes will be around in bigger swarms than ever this season. There are several reasons for the increase:
    Bats, who eat almost two times their body weight each night in insects, are dying off in droves …
    Mosquitoes continue to be welcome homesteaders in the water troughs on Hen Island …
    The Rye City Council continues to refuse to enforce mosquito control
    laws already on the books …
    Diligent mosquito control is the best way to curtail the mosquito population —
    We are not advocating spraying. Every good mosquito control program states “Spraying should only be used as a measure of last resort.” But please, read on. There are many other ways available to achieve effective mosquito control.

    Trouble in the Bat Caves
    Investigators are seeing a catastrophic die-off in the bat populations in New York, Connecticut and neighboring states. This is a big problem. Bats play a critical role in keeping us and our bird populations healthy by reducing the number of insects carrying potentially harmful viruses. A single bat eats an average of 1,000 mosquitoes and other flying insects each night.

    According to Alan Hicks, a bat specialist with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, “Most bat researchers would agree that this
    is the gravest threat to bats they have ever seen.” Scientists in Connecticut checking caves this year are finding close to 90% of the bats dead, heaped in
    piles on the cave floors. In some New York caves they’re finding death rates closer to 100%. It’s going to dramatically increase the mosquito population!

    Trouble at the Hen Island Corral On Hen Island you’ll find 37,000 gallons of stagnant, still water in open horse troughs. It’s an ideal, breeding ground for mosquitoes that hatch a new batch
    every five to six days. If you go to the Heal the Harbor link listed below you’ll see for yourself. Water is collected in open troughs typically used to water horses on a farm. Most cottages on Hen Island use three 375-gallon troughs totaling 1,125 gallons of still water per cottage. Hen Island has 34 such
    systems, spread out over 25 acres, all holding similar amounts. Some people have complained that Bob Schubert’s pond is a breeding site for mosquitoes; that’s a literal drop in the ocean compared to Hen Island.


    Although they can go farther, mosquitoes usually stay within a few miles of their origin. If you live in Rye, Greenhaven or Milton Point, regardless of what you do to keep mosquitoes away (e.g. remove standing water from kid’s
    toys, gutters, drains, puddles in tarps, etc.) you will fail — as long as the people on Hen Island do not implement mosquito control.

    Currently, there is no effective program in place for mosquito control on Hen Island. In fact, there are Hen Island homeowners who refuse to use their own homes due to the severe seasonal mosquito infestation every summer.

    Trouble with the Rye City Council
    This coming problem may be completely preventable — but only if the Rye city council requires that Hen Island homeowners comply with existing codes:

    Section 108- 40. Infestation and Screening:
    “Grounds, buildings and structures shall be maintained free of insect, vermin
    and rodent harborage and infestation. Methods used for exterminating insects,
    vermin and rodents shall conform to generally accepted practice.”

    Section 108-43:
    Indicates that the responsibility to remove the infestation is the responsibility of the property owners of Hen Island and not the City of Rye.

    The first defense in an effective mosquito control program is to eliminate the breeding grounds, namely remove all standing water. On Hen Island, that is presently impossible because Hen Island is not required to obtain water
    from a well or public source. Please view our recent presentation before the city council with regard to mosquito infestation.

    Bring Your Fly Swatter to the Next City Council Meeting We’re all in this together. Mark your calendar and come to the next meeting.
    Ask why Hen Island is non-compliant. Ask what the city is planning with respect to mosquito control in all our eighborhoods. Bring your fly swatter with you! Last year Rye was the first city to test positive for West Nile Virus.

    Do you think that was an accident? This year, let’s change that.

  2. The below quote is from the HEALtheHARBOR.com homepage it is being used with the express permissions of Mr. Terry Backer the Executive Director for the Long Island Soundkeeper

    “Suffice it to say, we have enough information to know that Hen Island sewage has only one place to go, and that’s into the Long Island Sound.”
    “There appears to be pollution going into the Sound, and it’s good to see an individual taking on a group because of that.”
    — Terry Backer
    Executive Director, Soundkeeper


  3. Ray,

    Could you please move your car from the front of Resurrection Church? It is very distasteful. There is no need for these types of childish games.

    [I decided to take a page out of Ray’s playbook — I am going to hijack every thread – regardless of topic – and post this message.]

  4. Linus,
    Here is a copy of the sign I will be carrying to the City Council meetings from now on. It exposes Rye’s Mayor Otis as a polluter enabler of the Long Island Sound. I think it’s a great picture of him.


    Where are all your Hen Islander bloggers today? Did they take the day off?

    Jack A. (Mr. Floatie’s ass-istant)

  5. What you are doing to Mayor Otis shows what a sick puppy you are.
    An angry man with a delusional cause against a summer retreat, smearing good names (weather you like them or not, they still deserve the title of good men)..
    distortions, followed by out right lies..on and on ..
    No wonder you feel like an outcast… you have made yourself one by your actions

  6. He who steals my money steals nothing, but he who steals my good name steals everything, enriching himself not and making me a pauper
    How dare you abuse your free speech to smear good names..Have you no honor, have you no sense of decency or are you just morally challenged?

  7. You guys surely have it right; I have probably one of the only homes on Hen Island with septic fields out of thirty four and I am the one polluting the sound. The bottom line is I am willing to have my system tested and should it fail I will be happy to repair or replace it. I don’t believe it is leaking but I could be wrong. What about the others, especially the ones less than ten feet from the shoreline facing the Greenhaven Homeowners Association beach? The residents of Greenhaven are swimming with Mr. Floatie; maybe you can explain your BS to them.
    In 1989 there were 11 outhouses on Hen Island today there is one. That translates to ten outhouses that were closed and ten bathrooms that were put in operation. They just dug holes in the ground along the shores of the Long Island sound. Guess what, No approvals, No plans, No permits. This can all be verified with the records in city hall.

    Hen Island polluters take notice of the Rye local law Mayor Otis is failing to enforce.

    ARTICLE I: Use of Public Sewers [Adopted 9-20-1950 as Section 4-3.5 of Ch. 4 of the General Ordinances]
    161-1. Use required; exceptions; inspections.

    Where a public sanitary sewer is not accessible, a building permit shall not be issued without submission of a copy of the written approval of the Westchester County Commissioner of Health, indicating that the premises may be adequately sewered by a separate sewage disposal system. The further approval of the Common Council of the City of Rye is required for such separate disposal systems. In addition thereto there shall be an annual inspection of all private sewage disposal systems by a contractor duly approved by the Westchester County Commissioner of Health on all properties bordering on all watercourses, including Long Island Sound, Milton Harbor and all tributaries thereto, and wherever else directed by the Sanitation Committee of the Common Council. A written certificate of such inspection shall be submitted to said Committee for such action thereon as it may direct.

  8. Ray..Talk.Talk Talk
    Answer the question..Did you get permits or not for your extention on your septic system..
    That requires a yes or no..Not blather about everyone else.
    Yes or NO?
    Saying when I was a kid
    “Shit or get off the pot”

  9. Ray –

    WHERE are your septic fields ?
    Who installed them ?
    Who pumps the sewage from the septic tank.
    Why am I not surprised that we still get no answer ?

  10. Oh! Here is one more;
    “Long Island Soundkeeper Calls for Testing on Hen Island”

    So Why??? would the Hen Island community spend over $150,000.00 building and defending an illeagle wall that now has to be taken down as directed of the City of Rye. Spend over 150,000.00 defending a lawsuit brought by me. Total $300,000.00 and still counting. When they could of just tested each home on the island as the Soundkeeper requested for less than 300.00 per house. You think they may be hiding something?

    Confucius say “One video is worth a thousand words”

  11. Councilwoman Parker could you please post this on your Facebook page?

    February 3, 2011

    Douglas French, Mayor
    Members of the City Council
    Richard P. Filippi, Paula J. Gamache, Peter W. Jovanovich,
    Suzanna S. Keith, Catherine F. Parker, Joseph A. Sack
    City of Rye
    1051 Boston Post Road
    Rye, New York 10580

    Re: Heal the Harbor.com and Raymond J. Tartaglione against the City of Rye, et al
    Seeking to Compel Enforcement of §161 of the Rye City Code

    Dear Mayor French and Members of the City Council:

    I read with interest, your comments in the January 28, 2011 edition of the Journal News, regarding the above referenced matter. (A copy of the Journal News article is attached as Exhibit “1”) To start with, your statement, “The decision is a validation of the city’s position”, is far from factual. The truth is, nearly the entire Decision was in my favor. You go on to say that, “Westchester County government has long served as the city’s health and environmental agency as they do for many local municipalities” and “The ruling affirms the city’s position that these matters be handled by the respective county department”.
    It appears that either you did not read the decision or you chose to intentionally misstate the relevant sections of Supreme Court Justice Barbara Zambelli’s well reasoned Decision. To refresh your memory, I have attached as Exhibit “2”, a copy of State Supreme Court Justice Barbara Zambelli’s January 20, 2011 Decision for your convenience. The following is just a sample of the City’s claims that were thrown out by the Court.
    Found on Page 4 of the Decision – The City argues that their motion to dismiss should be granted because the Westchester County Department of Health (“DOH”), as opposed to any City entities, has jurisdiction over the private sanitary sewer systems in the City.
    Found on Page 6 of the Decision – The City simply alleges that “essentially”, the Department of Health is the City’s Health Department and is the enforcement agency over the applicable County health regulations.

    “The City’s conclusory contentions herein are an insufficient basis upon which to grant dismissal of the parties claims. Moreover, while it is true that the County has enacted regulations regarding sewage systems, the County has clearly not usurped local municipalities rights to pass their own regulations regarding such systems, as the County Sanitary Code, of which the sewage regulations are a part, specifies that nothing herein contained in this code shall be construed to restrict the power of any city, town or any village to adopt and enforce additional ordinances or enforce existing ordinances relating to health and sanitation, provided that such ordinances are not inconsistent with the provisions of the Public Health Law, the Environmental Conservation Law or the State Sanitary Code. (Westchester County Sanitary code, §873.102(4)). While respondents’ claim that Code §161 has been pre-empted by County Legislation, they do not argue that it is inconsistent with it, and indeed, this Court finds nothing inconsistent in the inspection required by Code §161 and the County’s regulations. Accordingly, respondents’ motion to dismiss on this basis must also be denied”.
    Therefore, the New York State Supreme Court has found that the City clearly has the right to pass their own regulations and there is nothing in the County Sanitary Code to restrict the Power of the City to adopt and enforce additional ordinances or enforce existing ordinances relating to health and sanitation provided that such ordinances are not inconsistent with the provisions of the Public Health Law. As you know, §161 of the Rye City Code is not, inconsistent with the Public Health Law and accordingly, the City is not restricted by the County Health Law from enforcing this important chapter of the Rye City Code to further protect the important environmentally sensitive area, Milton Harbor.

    Found on Page 4 of the Decision – The City claims that Code §161 is no longer applicable or enforced in the City.
    “The City’s motion to dismiss based upon their contention that Code §161 is no longer applicable or enforced in the city, and that the Department of Health has preempted the regulatory field in regard to private sewer systems, is also denied. As with respondents’ allegations regarding the Common Council and the Sanitation Committee, only insufficient, conclusory statements are offered in support of their allegation that Code §161 is no longer applicable. Respondents fail to point to any evidence the Code §161 has been repealed or superseded; indeed, Code §161 still appears “on the books” today and its history, while reflecting that the ordinance was originally adopted on September 20, 1950 and that certain parts were amended in the 1980’s fails to reflect any such repeal (Respondents” Exhibit B). Moreover, while it is true that the County has enacted regulations regarding sewage systems, the County has clearly not usurped local municipalities rights to pass their own regulations regarding such systems, as the County Sanitary Code, of which the sewage regulations are a part, specifies that “nothing herein contained in this code shall be
    construed to restrict the power of any city, town or any village to adopt and enforce additional ordinances are not inconsistent with the provisions of the Public Health Law, (Westchester County Sanitary Code, §873.102(4)). While respondents’ claim that Code §161 and the County’s regulations. Accordingly, respondents’ motion to dismiss on this basis must also be denied.
    Therefore, the Court has found that §161 of the Rye City Code is still “on the books” today and that the City has the right to pass their own regulations regarding septic systems and that “there is nothing in the County Code that shall be construed to restrict the power of any city to adopt or enforce additional ordinances”.
    Fortunately, the predecessors of this City Council had the foresight to provide even greater protection to Milton Harbor than the requirements of the County Health Department.
    Found on Page 3 of the Decision – The City of Rye moved to dismiss my Petition, arguing that I lack standing to maintain the proceeding.
    “Addressing the issue of petitioners’ standing, it appears to this Court that at least petitioner Tartaglione and possibly petitioner HTH would have standing under the analysis of the Court of Appeals in Matter of Save the Pine Bush, Inc. v Common Council of the City of Albany, 13 N.Y.3d 297 (2009), as petitioner Tartaglione, the president of petitioner HTH, asserts that he uses and enjoys the affected natural resource of Milton Harbor in a way different from the public at large (Tartaglione Affidavit ¶¶ 14-17) and alleges that the municipal action (or in this case, inaction) directly harms his use and enjoyment of the harbor”.
    Therefore, the New York State Supreme Court has found that Raymond J. Tartaglione and possibly Heal the Harbor have standing to bring action against the City with regard to matters pertaining to Hen Island.
    Found on Page 7 of the Decision – The only issue that the Court did not resolve in favor of the petitioner was the request of the petitioner that the Court compel the City to enforce their own City code.
    “The decision to enforce a municipal code rests in the discretion of the public officials charged with its enforcement and is not a proper subject for relief in the nature of mandamus to compel”.
    Therefore, the New York State Supreme Court has found that the decision as to whether or not the City of Rye should enforce their own Code (§161), lies with the City Council, as the Court is not, as a matter of law, empowered the City Council to do so.
    This was of course, a disappointment, yet, it is still a victory because now everyone in the City of Rye knows the truth and I am sure that they are just as appalled as I am that the Mayor and the City Council would outright refuse to enforce a code that was put in place for the protection of the very people who elected them. Who ever heard of a City refusing to enforce their own code? The shame is still on all of you.

    Also regarding this particular issue, I would like to bring to your attention, a recent article published by “The Rye Sound Shore Review” which quoted City Attorney Kristen Wilson as saying that, “The city has no reason to enforce §161 of the code. Also, the Rye City Council may look to revise the law and clarify language highlighted by the county as in health concerns”. (A copy of the referenced “My Rye” article is attached as Exhibit “3”). I was not aware that the Corporation Council’s responsibilities included setting policy. It would appear from Ms. Wilson’s statement that the Council has without meeting, decided not to enforce their own code and intends to revise §161. The council should carefully consider this statement and their intentions. §161 was made law on September 20, 1950 by the Forefathers of this City Council, I am sure after much thought, to further protect Milton Harbor, one of the most precious resources of this city. It has remained law for over 60 years. And now we are told that this Council has “no reason or intention to enforce this Chapter of the Code”. I for one, would like to know why not. Something is very wrong here.
    In the same “Rye Sound Shore Review” article, you, Mayor French claim to be pleased with the ruling and stated, “It speaks to the fact that we’ve always believed the county is our health department and we look to them for that service”. Incredibly, you also claim that the city was within its right not to enforce the code that is on its books and you go on to say, “We don’t have the level of expertise, it’s part of a range of services that the county provides”. These are blatant misstatements of fact, whether intentional or due to ignorance of the code of the City over which you preside. There is no expertise required, with regard to this issue and the County does not provide this service, nor is either necessary.
    I urge you and the City Council to review §161 of the Rye City Code, paying particular attention to 1 through 4. For your convenience, I have attached a copy of §161 as Exhibit “4”. For now I will quote §161-1, “There shall be an annual inspection of all private sewage disposal systems by a contractor duly approved by the Westchester County Commissioner of Healthy on all properties bordering on all watercourses, including Long Island Sound, Milton Harbor and all tributaries thereto”.
    The annual inspection would be the responsibility of the property owner. Accordingly, there would be no cost to the City to enforce the existing Code. In fact, as stated in §161-4, “Any person violating any of the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not exceeding $500 or imprisonment not exceeding 15 days, or by both such fine and Imprisonment. Each day such violation shall continue shall constitute a separate offense”. Rather than costing the City money, it would actually bring additional revenue, assuming the occasional violation.
    While the City has claimed a victory with regard to this decision, this is clearly not the case and it appears the residents of Rye agree. Judging from the comments that followed the article in the Journal News, the consensus of the general population in Rye, seems to be in my favor as you will see on the following page.

    Comments for

    Judge tosses Rye activist’s Hen Island petition; both sides declare victory

    1/28/2011 11:45:02 AM
    DumpCountyGovt wrote:
    Good for Mr. Tartaglione. Why is Mayor French not utilizing the laws already on the books in Rye to keep L.I. Sound clean and free of human waste from Hen Island?
    Mayor French cannot hide behind the county any longer. The Judge told him Rye has the ability to enforce the law. Why isn’t he? Does Mayor French have relatives who own a home on Hen Island?

    1/31/2011 10:22:42 AM
    ryedemocrat wrote:
    No he doesn’t have any relatives, just a neighbor.

    1/28/2011 10:24:58 AM
    georgefrancis wrote
    It appears this is a victory for Mr. Tartaglione. I thought it was a county issue but Judge Zambelli ruled otherwise. I don’t question her judgment. In light of this decision, the City of Rye probably should err on the side of enforcing health and sanitation codes. I do not approve of the personal attacks on Rye’s former mayor Steve Otis or counsel Kevin Plunkett. there is nothing to indicate they acted in anyway other than in Rye’s best interest as they saw it. Both men are highly intelligent and honorable.

    1/28/2011 8:22:58 AM
    SeniorCitizen wrote:
    We should all be thankful there are people like Mr Tartaglione in Westchester, whether or not we believe in what he’s fighting for. It’s the activists/gadflies/loud-mouths (politely said, of course) that make the rest of us aware of what’s going on. This man believed enough in his cause to keep The LI Sound clean that he took the time, and spent the money, to do something about it. His cause wouldn’t help him ONLY; keeping the waterway clean is something that will benefit everyone. I find it extremely sad his local government tries to pass the buck. I applaud you, Mr Tartaglione, for your efforts in trying to help keep the LI Sound clean.

    1/28/2011 7:04:30 AM
    dondebar wrote:
    Nice work! Maybe the next move should be to run Mr. Floatie for mayor or city council!

    Mayor French, during your campaign, you promised to resolve the Hen Island issues and the Schubert matter. Not only did you not keep your promise, you have gone to great lengths at the expense of the Rye City taxpayer, to keep those matters unresolved. Had you taken the appropriate course, both these issues could have and should have been resolved at no expense to the City and ultimately to the taxpayers. I find your lack of concern, as well as the City Council’s, to be reprehensible. I have remained silent for over a year now, while I waited for you to fulfill your campaign promises to resolve these significant problems, but since it is obvious at this point that you have no intention of doing so, it seems I must pick up where I left off and continue to do everything in my power to protect Milton Harbor and the Long Island Sound. Obviously, I have no choice, since you will do nothing. You could have made your mark as a decent, caring, “for the good of the people” mayor, with the resolution of these issues. Instead, and sadly, for the residents of Rye, you have accomplished nothing since taking office, which makes you just another politician. You will be hearing from me further.

    Very truly yours,
    Raymond J. Tartaglione

  12. Again Ray tell me what its like to be the biggest asshole in the world? I saw that video of you and the former councilman. More proof of the grandstanding self serving popularity seeking asshole that you truly are.

    Again, if you do not like the bird feces etc why the f–k do you simply leave? I am CERTAIN no one will miss you. Or you feel it is your moral duty to carry on this charade with no merit.

  13. Chris Hen
    Is chris Henn Ray Tartaglione seeking a faux platform to spew his false statements?
    If so I have no response.
    If indeed “Chris Henn” is real and opposed to the Tartaglione agenda I suggest you oppose him more constructivly. What you are doing now adds heat and little light.
    Chris or Ray?

  14. RW,
    If you are, I can assure you that I am not. I can also assure you everything I post; I can back up with facts. Slander settlements can be very high. That is why I can call the Hen Island people polluters and the mayor a polluter enabler. Because they are. I do not engage in ad hominem attacks and I do try and stick to the facts. I have found that when people start to attack you personally it is only because they can’t attack the facts. If you watch the City council meetings and the confrontations between me and Scott Pickup, you will see that is exactly what he does. Attack me personally!! He realizes he is a looser when it comes to the facts so he accuses me of “harassing the city council”. Any idea who Chris Henn might be? I think Chris wants everyone to think he is from Hen Island. In the big picture of things it is really not important as long as you understand it is not me.

  15. Ray, let’s parse your latest response:

    “I can also assure you everything I post; I can back up with facts.”

    So where exactly are they?
    a. so-called pollution to milton harbor
    b. so-called pollution to greenhaven
    c. so-called pollution to milton point

    “Slander settlements can be very high”

    is slander when you make false and/or misleading statements that are purported to be facts?

  16. My name is JIm Wagner, my family use to own a cottage in the middle of Hen Island from the beginning of Hen Island. Iuse to spend the summer on the island. It was truly paradise. This was in the 1950s. The only time we were not allowed to go into the water is when the PUBLIC WASTE PLANTS polutted the water. They even ruined the claming we use to do. It would be nice if certain people got a life and minded their own business. We use to bring fresh water from the mainland to the island in large 10gallon milk cans filled by a water hose.take showers from water collected from our roofs and had a little put,put generators.Everyone got along fine. No crime ,no cops,no problems. CHECK THE SEWER PLANTS BUB

  17. Hi Jim,
    When I was young (4 years old) I would stand next to my mother on the front seat of the car as she was driving and we would sing songs together. When I was 5 years old my mother would watch me from the window getting on a public bus to use as transportation to school. At 12 o’clock she would be waiting for me at the front door of the house not at the bus stop. (The bus fare at the time was 5 cents round trip.) When I was in grade school, if we got out of line the Nuns and the Priest would hit us with rulers if we were lucky and if you came home and told your parents what happen, you would get another beating from them. Years ago slavery was legal and no one ever thought that some kook would be able to murder three thousand plus people New York City at one time. All very hard for a person to even entertain today. Fortunately times change and people now know better than to put children in a car without a car seat. No one would even think of handing their 5 year old to a bus driver. If you hit a kid (regardless of who you are) or owned a slave you would be in jail today in about 30 seconds. I think the comfort level and frequency of traveling would change drastically if there were no security in our airports. We paid a heavy price to learn those lessons over the years and there is no way we can ever repay those that lost loved ones in the process.

    My name is Ray Tartaglione and I own a cottage on Hen Island today. In this day and age if you pollute the water anywhere else but in Rye you go to jail. If you have a home and collect domestic water from the roof anywhere else but in Rye you will not be allowed to live in the house. Sixty years ago when you got bitten by a mosquito all you got was a little sting because West Nile Virus was only in Africa. Click on the below links and take a look at what can happen to young children or our senior citizens in today’s world.



    I agree Jim 50 years ago we all lived in a different time and my memories of those times are great, just as I am sure yours are but we can’t stop the hands of time or turn the clocks back. So we should live that our memories will be part of our happiness but we should strive to be wiser today than we were yesterday. I hope you enjoyed the weekend.

  18. Rye Wit,
    How about these (facts) supplied to the stockholders of the Island at the last meeting. (Facts) where Mayor French attempts to lie and mislead Rye citizens into believing that composting toilets will be legal and solve the pollution problems. Nothing could be further from the truth. Read the letter and you can see where the Mayor is now going to allow Hen Island residents to literally handle their own sewage.

    This is a community that will not cut their own grass, clean their beaches


    or protect their own children from West Nile Virus.


    Do you think they are going to empty composting toilets and dispose of the by-products correctly.

  19. OK Ray. What is your solution ? For years we’ve seen vitriol and condemnation with no solutions offered. You’ve obviously done your homework so you must have proposals in mind. Let’s hear them although somehow I’m not confident that anything other than the tired old trite will be forthcoming.

  20. Voice of Reason,

    It’s been about 6 years since this battle has begun, so excuse me for not remembering if Ray has brought forward solutions or not…..If he has or does now do you think the City will act on them?

    The City seems very reluctant just to commit to “ownership of their responsibility”…..

    Everyone wants this to end, what makes you think City Officials do?

  21. Voice of Reason,
    There are many fixes available for the problems that plaque Hen Island but they will never happen, not as long as the French administration continues to protect polluters and refuses to protect the citizens of Rye. This is all transpiring because Mayor French chooses to protect his neighbors the Volpe’s, that Live on Meadow Place and also spend weekends in their Hen island home. This is the same Volpe family that instructed Islanders to bury dead birds in 2000 rather than report them to the Department of Health as required. Read the below linked letter issued just this week from a current board member of the Westchester County Board of Health addressed to the Rye City council.


  22. OK. Let’s do away with the accusations and innuendo and see if I can understand this situation. Please correct me if I’m wrong on any point. You are advocating a sewer line that will traverse the waters between Hen Island and Greenhaven so as to run thru Hen Island’s easement, yes?
    If so:
    1) How would each dwelling on three separate “islands” connect to one line ? It would seem that the infrastructure required just to connect all the dwellings on the island to one trunk main would be absurdly expensive and the waste hasn’t even left the island yet.
    2) Since the easement runs uphill from the shore, my guess is that a force main would be required to pump the effluent into the existing City sewage system.
    A) How would that force main be powered since it would have to be on the island ?
    B) Who would pay for the installation of this main and subsequent maintenance ?
    3) Whose responsibility is it to install such a system ? I suppose a Special Assessment District could be established that would bill the individual owners for the construction and ongoing maintenance of the installation. My guess is that even amortizing the cost over 30 years, it would be prohibitvley expensive.
    Ray, you’ve been out there long enough to know that NOTHING is easy there. I think what you are proposing is an engineering nightmare. Could it be done with unlimited funds, sure but who had unlimited funds other than you ?
    Again, if I’m wrong on any point, please correct me.

  23. November 30, 2012

    Dear Mr. Minard,

    Hurricane Sandy has devastated a number of cottage homes on Hen Island in Rye. One home on the North Island was completely destroyed and many others sustained heavy structural damage. The North Island also lost five docks and Larry Krutzner and I lost large sections of our sea walls and patio’s. We recently removed two 19 foot boats with engines that were smashed into pieces in front of our cottages and another 23 foot overturned boat still awaits removal by Sea Tow due to its length and weight.

    We also removed a full sized commercial ice storage machine which came across Milton Harbor east to west from American Yacht Club along with apparently half of the wood torn from cabana’s and fencing from The Shenorock Shore Club. In the days after the storm – rainwater storage tanks, platforms, dock sections and other debris from Hen Island residences were retrieved from the lawns, patios and pools of waterfront homes in the Greenhaven section of Rye which is west of Hen Island.

    Given the related public safety issues with this storm, I have a few questions for the Kuder Island Colony Board of Directors.

    (1) Has anyone taken an inventory on the Hen Island propane tanks that were washed into the harbor during the storm? I know of at least nine tanks that are unaccounted for.

    (2) Has anyone made an attempt to locate those missing tanks?

    (3) Can you tell me if the board intends to inform the City, the County, the Army Corps of Engineers or any other public safety agency, explaining that propane tanks are submerged in the navigable waters between Hen Island and Greenhaven?

    (4) How does the Island intend to locate and recover these propane tanks? Or are we going to ignore these tanks as the board did after the “no name storm” of 1992 and hope again that no boat propeller ever strikes a large high pressure propane tank?

    As you are aware, I have been publicly vocal regarding the still missing propane tanks that washed into the harbor during the “no name storm” in 1992 and I have been both ignored and then publicly chastised for raising this public safety issue for over a decade. (The same has been the case with West Nile Virus mosquitoes breeding in Island cottage water cisterns, untreated sewage entering the Sound from Island cottage cess-pits and cottage use of non potable water.)
    If this issue of submerged missing propane tanks continues to be ignored the tanks abandoned from 1992, and the 100 pound tanks lost in Hurricane Sandy, are directly akin to submarine antipersonnel mines – waiting for some innocent family out for a pleasure boat ride off the shores of Hen Island during the boating season.

    The increased legal exposure and liability from the past failures to admit and address this submerged propane problem has now increased by at least two fold due to the new 100 pound propane tanks that have been deposited by Hurricane Sandy. Please advise me and the other concerned Hen Island cottage owners that the board intends to proactively locate and recover these tanks in this very dangerous and life threatening public safety matter.

    Very truly yours,

    Raymond J. Tartaglione

  24. Mayor French,
    As the lawn was being cut this weekend on the north end of Hen Island, there were three separate bird carcasses discovered. As you may know, dead birds are a strong indicator of the presents of West Nile Virus especially if they are located in close proximity of each other.

    We can have the birds tested but with last year’s confirmation of four local cases of West Nile and the positive Hen Island test results, I think it is safe to assume the dead birds are an early indicator of what we have to look forward to in Rye this summer.

    Please keep in mind that typically West Nile Virus and it’s indicators do not usually appear until late July or early August. Most at risk are residents that spend a great deal of time outdoors at the clubs on Milton Point and in Greenhaven, that would include young children and the elderly. All of the aforementioned live, work and play within a very close proximity to the mosquito breeding grounds that you allow to continue on Hen Island. This issue should have been addressed years ago. I am hoping you will not be adding the title “The Mosquito Breeding Mayor” to your long list of failures during your administration.


  25. I thought you may also be interested in this picture of a full urine container left all winter along the shores of Hen Island. (you can see it just to the left of the chair on Hen Island in the first picture) This is Mayor French’s fix of the sewage problems on Hen Island. (composting toilets) Surprisingly enough it didn’t float into the harbor during the winter. But the second picture is when it was transported to the shoreline at American Yacht Club to be deposited in the Rye City garbage truck just a few weeks ago. (you can see it just to the right of the chair at AYC) We are now subjection our shore club staff and DPW workers to handling human waste.



  26. The last picture taken during Hen Island garbage day was of Peter Fox using Boat Basin equipment for non Boat Basin activities. Who carries a camera with them during garbage removal???????????????????? I know of one now.

  27. Funny, two Rye Council meetings ago you claimed that Hen Islanders just dump the containers of sewage and urine in the Sound, never making it to the mainland. Now, they store the stuff over the winter and thru the spring to bring it over to the AYC so the DPW can handle it. So which story is correct?

  28. There’s a bigger problem in this area. The stray cats that seem to live in rye golf club’s dumpster area. They are killing everything but the coyotes!

  29. The biggest problems of all though will be:
    1. The flight of homeowners if ps Lamont and/or Jim amico get on the city council.
    2. The outcry if there are no criminal charges brought/found against Scott yandrofish. Where’s Leon when we need him most??????????

  30. Louse Dumas,

    I have taken no negative position on Hen Island so I don’t know where you are getting your information from. In fact, and it is written in stone, at my interview with the Democratic Screening Committee I stated that: “This is private property, and you have to respect private property rights. The Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution (1) prevents any person from being deprived of . . . property, without due process of law and (2) required compensation when a property [was] taken for public use.
    The overriding issue: Is a requirement to do something or not do something to your property a deprivation?
    Feel free to try to twist these words and not get caught doing so…better yet maybe you should retire yourself from this blog rather than putting forth any more erroneous fact patterns and wasting everyone else’s time…;)

  31. Laus Toys in Your Dumas:
    The only thing in the dumpster at Rye Golf Club is your dumas and Mayor French’s political career.

    I also saw the pronunciation of Peter Jovanovich’s name in there as well and what appeared to be a draft of Filippi’s Nazi’s speech on a roll of toilet paper. Oops, correction, that wasn’t Filippi’s speech after all… just a giant sh*t stain.

    Like the one French left on Rye.

  32. After the latest piece of evidence submitted by Heal the Harbor to MyRye in the form of a picture taken on Hen Island garbage day, can we assume that Heal the Harbor took the picture of Peter Fox last year on Hen Island garbage day too ?? Was Peter Fox “set-up” by Heal The Harbor ?

  33. Louse DumASS,

    Considering the crooked morons now sitting; French, Jovanovich, Filippi,and lets not forget the one that got away (Suzanna Teeth Keith) how can anyone possibly do worse???

    Charlie Brown himself would be a step up!

  34. I am serious. The cats came onto the 18th green and attacked us! Luckily a large turkey flew by and saved us by throwing legal files at the herd of felines. The turkey was wearing an iviewit truckers cap. We owe our balls to that turkey!!

  35. So, the question is……….

    What “turd” hired Peter Fox with the full intention of taking a picture of him allegedly using boat basin equipment then submitting it to the Rye Record ? Was it to try and make Scott Pickup look bad? What turd mentions “Westchester County DA” every other word? Why is the Westchester County DA looking into the Rye teacher scandal?

  36. 3 questions….

    1) Was Peter Fox Set up by a turd?

    2) Do Hen Islanders store their urine for 9 months before responsibly carting it off the Island?

    3) Who in Rye has enough access and influence over the Westchester County DA to the point where the DA is willing to investigate non criminal acts? Is he a turd?

  37. Someone told me they seen Terri Volpe taking that picture from the stone dock of Fox using the marina work boat. That would be the same Terri Volpe in this picture with the jug of urine.
    The same Terri Volpe that is neighbor and friend of Mayor French. Draw your own conclusions and let me know who you think set up Fox.

    BTW, why is it OK for the city to supply a garbage truck to remove the garbage from Hen Island but it was a problem when Fox also helped. Personally I believe it was a problem concocted by French and Pickup to draw attention away from Rye Golf Club scandal.

    I find it interesting that I use my real name on this stuff but others are afraid to.

  38. Mr. Tartaglione,

    I think you should see a doctor immediately because I think you may have suffered a small stroke.

    So Terri Volpe, Mayor French’s neighbor, turned in Peter Fox to create another Rye government scandal to help Scott Pickup and Mayor French deflect attention away from the numerous scandals affecting Mayor French and Scott Pickup?

    Makes sense…… I can’t stop laughing.

  39. Ray,

    Your pictures seem to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Terri Volpe is guilty of some sort of felony type offense. I think the Westchester DA should be called in and this episode investigated. I seem to recall that there is a law prohibiting the transportation of a controlled substance ( urine ) across Federally owned waterways. Maybe the judge would allow her to plea bargain the charge down to carrying a concealed turd without a permit.

  40. PSL,

    I have no idea who posts under Louse Dumas but I do see how you can take a picture which Ray Tartaglione took and wildly speculate that the person in that picture is someone who posts anonymously on MyRye. I can see how it all makes sense. You’re gonna make a perfect Council Person someday especially one who will be working closely with Mr. Tartaglione’s lapdog, Joe Sack.

  41. Throw away,

    Thank you for your comment. It is easy for a tech guy, employing the best engineers on the planet, to ID anonymous posters. Terri Volpe on Meadow Lane in Rye is none other than the libelous, slanderous, assaulting, neighbor of Doug French, LI Sound polluter who posts under “Louse Dumas,” and that is a fact. Yes, Sack and I had a nice chat at the Osborn Moving Up ceremony (his Katie and my Stephen have been on again and off again classmates since K) and he is entirely clear on how he is the biggest beneficiary of having me sit next to him on the Council come 01/14, notwithstanding that he is a Republican and I am a Democrat.. It is premature to say how and why…;)

  42. PSL,
    I believe the below link would be a picture of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Volpe that you described as the libelous, slanderous, assaulting, neighbor of Doug French, LI Sound polluter. Although I believe you were wrong on one fact, their home address is Meadow Place not Meadow Lane.

    BTW, As of April of this year Mr. Ed Volpe is now a member of the Board of Directors of Hen Island as he sits next to his uncle Ben Minard the president of the polluters / mosquito breeding association.

  43. Mr. Tartaglione,

    Thank you for the correction and attaching a face to the libeling, slanderous, assaulting name (a.k.a. Louse Dumas). Am I to assume he is one of those Rye boys who was born in Rye, grew up in Rye, went to school in Rye, and, for whatever reason, never got out of Rye? Or, alternatively, is he a transplant from some gutter in the area? Have you noticed there have been no posts from Louse Dumas since his/their exposure?

  44. French’s Meadow Place Gang:

    PSL, you are obviously 1000% certain of your conclusions to the identity of Louse Dumas. Too bad you weren’t here when ‘Investigate Vinnie’s Death’ was running wild on MyRye completely unchecked. https://profile.typepad.com/d107313428422825740

    I think you have sent shockwaves through Doug French’s third grade classmates.

    Funny how your search to out a rabid, nasty supporter of the current administration (and one who so freely and nastily attacks others) led to a neighbor of Mayor Dumas himself.

    My research in trying to expose who had been vandalizing Tartaglione’s Floatiemobile led me directly to Mayor Doug French’s neighbors as well.

    To those at Meadow Place (you know who you are) if you throw like a girl (but are an overweight middle-aged man) you should probably not hide behind a tree so far away from the Floatiemobile to hit it with eggs and rocks.

    Heck, with the camera I had on you that night, you might as well have been standing naked in the middle of the street.

    And next time you (a different neighbor) decide to rip and tear stickers off of another person’s private property in the middle of the night it would be best if you didn’t bring your daughter with you.

    PSL we need to sit down and talk.

  45. Well LausDeo, I warned them not to **ck with me, all it takes is a few clicks of a mouse…now they are exposed, an embarrassment to themselves and every other reader/poster on MyRye, RSSR, RyePatch, and LoHud. Oh yeah, I spread it far and wide and this IS THE STUFF A RYE CITY COUNCILMAN IS MADE OF.

  46. I think Louse Dumas was begging LausDeo for a new post, or something. Where’s Leon? The anonymous person cried.

    Right now Mr. Skullf**k, I think that’s the name I was given by Mayor French’s supporters, is looking through the footage he has and is deciding what still photograph to release first, and when.

    **Rye Golf Club Commission meeting tonight at 7:30**

    According to Scott Pickup, Whitby Castle revenue is down $100,000 in first six months when compared to last year and total revenue is down over $600,000.

    Yandrasevich is gone, the stain remains.

  47. PSL,
    Mr. Ed Volpe Jr. was schooled and raised in Valhalla N.Y. long before he became the friend, neighbor and drinking buddy of our beloved Mayor Doug French. For informational background purposes; about ten years ago after attending a party on Hen Island, the Volpe boys went on a drunken rampage, one hot summer evening during the wee hours of the morning.

    As they walked from the location of the party to their cottage they damaged the personal property of many that took care and pride of their costal community cottages. At their last stop just feet from their own home, were two tents pitched the night before by the neighbor’s brother and his lifelong Rye friend. In the tents were two fathers camping out with their three, grade school age daughters on a annual outing. Before heading to bed the Volpe boys decided to end the night by urinating on the tents as the girls and fathers slept inside. I am confident this event still resonates in the memory banks of those girls to this day.

    On another note my water tanks on Hen Island have been urinated in, my home, cars and boats have all been vandalized for years. One of the vandalism claims on the boat was paid by the insurance company, to the tune of over thirty thousand dollars and another over ten. I have over thirty five police reports on file with the Rye Police Department, if not more. Not one of them has ever been investigated.

    When I personally photographed Mayor French’s neighbor vandalizing my car on Purchase Street, the police refused to arrest him. Why would someone be so brazen as to conduct such an act in public, unless the Mayor made it common knowledge that no action would be taken by the police. The picture is linked below.


    I for one am not surprised at who you believe to be posting here. Moral of the story; “show me your friends and I will tell you who you are”. This little story is what Doug French and the Vople’s have brought to our community.

  48. Laus,

    Scotty Y. was only a piece to the puzzle, of course the stain remains, and it will continue to remain as long as Scotty P. is at the helm???????????????????????


    35 Police Reports accompanied with hard evidence and “NO INVESTIGATION”….WOW???


  49. WOW!! Ray Tartaglione takes a picture on Hen Island garbage day and now one of the people in the picture, in order to deflect the fact that there was a picture taken last year of Peter Fox on Hen Island garbage day, are accused of everything under the sun! We can now get a better picture of the crowd Joe Sack hangs out with and also who he counts on for political backing. That’s the type of people I’d love campaigning for me too. PSL tried so hard to fool everyone but couldn’t help himself by outting himself as just another Ray Tartaglione lapdog running for Council. This city will deserve everything it gets if it elects Joe Sack and PSL.

  50. Throw Away,

    Thank you so much for your “compliments.” I do not know Mr. Tartaglione, but his neighbors do have their 5th Amendment rights, as do you and I. I have said so in my interview before the Rye Democrats and have summarized as such in various comments here. Perhaps you should read ALL the posts before you walk that Volpe/Louse Dumas plank and make a total fool out of yourself. As for Sack, you should be so lucky to live in a town with such a CEO, and my preferred scenario over the next 6 months is to not get nominated or lose in November and watch as Sack appoints me to his unfilled seat…WOW!!! Run for cover, now!

  51. As I have privately emailed, one double talk (JC, there is the potential for 3 or 4 lawyers sitting on the council, who does anyone think they are kidding) or one more screw-up and I would have no problem moving to accept resignations effective immediately and look for seconds to such motion…that is STUFF OF WHAT A RYE CITY COUNCILMAN IS MADE OF. Don’t you think?

  52. PSL,

    Don’t try and backtrack. You are Tartaglione’s lapdog just like Sack. Louse Dumas was posting way before HealtheHarbor posted that picture of Terri Volpe on Hen Island garbage day. You try and impress people with your “credentials”but you’re as transparent as a well windexed plane of glass.

  53. Throw Away,

    My, my, honey…do you have some anger management issues? What, in particular, is your beef? 34 cottages exercising their 5th Amendment rights out of a population of 25,000 residents? Do the math…from Wikipedia: A lapdog or lap dog is a dog that is both small enough to be held in the arms or lie comfortably on a person’s lap and temperamentally predisposed to do so.
    So, as defined above, Sack and I are RT’s lapdog’s over an issue pertaining to, have you done the math yet, .54% of the population in Rye…do you see where I am going with this? The again, there is Rye Golf Club pertaining to 23% of the population, and Sack acted accordingly, and if he had not my and other members tips would still be going into Scotty Y’s pocket. As I have written previously, I am going to please some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time…it is just a fact of life, and no I don’t walk on water.

  54. PSL,

    You are extremely naive. Joe Sack is ball-less. He’s for private property rights when it comes to the “tree law” but open to “transparency” when it comes to other private property issue. Why? Because the common theme that runs thru Joe Sack’s political decisions is that he’s ball-less and sides with the group that makes the most noise and shows up with the most people at the Council meetings. He’s that politician that was for the Iraq War and the Patriot Act because the masses were for it and voting for it was the only way to survive politically. He stands for nothing except for whatever he thinks will score him political points. He’ll never stand up for the miniority because he has no balls or back bone. He’s transparent and totally predictable. He can’t look Scott Pickup in the eye as he accuses him of BS. He looks down a lot after his comments at the Council meetings and waits for the immature applause from the clueless morons that have no life besides spending their lives at the Council meetings. He’ll never be the men Scott Pickup or Mayor French are but he’s a lot like yourself. He, like yourself, is also Ray Tartaglione’s lap dog. The evidence is overwhelming.

  55. I found one of the most intersting posts of the day the one from “LausDeo” which said this….

    “To those at Meadow Place (you know who you are) if you throw like a girl (but are an overweight middle-aged man) you should probably not hide behind a tree so far away from the Floatiemobile to hit it with eggs and rocks. ”

    I think it just adds to the evidence of who is behind what’s happening in this town these past 5 years.

  56. Throw away, throw away, throw away,

    This is the way it works…you capture an IP address (if I gave it to you, you wouldn’t know what to do with it anyway unless you are an expert in the 7 layer OSI Reference Model), posting as Louse Dumas, in this case it points to a residence at 42 Meadow Pl, Rye NY 10580. You send someone over to the building department to look up the owner and viola. Additionally, the only thing I have accused Volpe(s) of doing is libeling, slandering, and assaulting my good name without ONE scintilla of evidence that tortuously interferes with my unblemished, until now, reputation as CEO of Iviewit Holdings, Inc. and jeopardizes my status as lead counsel in a Ninth Circuit patent case…Defendants-Appellee’s counsel is going to have a field day with it, I expect.
    Secondly, your remarks about Sack is not the man I have known for 6 years, how long have you known him? More specifically, if it were not for Sack you would have had a Pickup led Rye Golf Club investigation where he would have taken a sniff and a lick and reported “everything is above board and legal, besides the City Attorney has vetted the issues” blah, blah, blah. I asked and you still have not told me what your particular beef is, but if it is the issue that effects 0.54% of the Rye population, let me put it another way: “Far between sundown’s finish and midnight’s broken toll, we ducked inside a doorway thunder crashing. As majestic bells of bolts struck shadows in the South, it may be the Chimes of Freedom flashing.” RT has some valid claims, you can’t deny, has gotten nowhere with criminal complaints, and I would advise him to look at the other side of the coin, civil court…that’s what I would do anyway. Happy 4th of July next…:)

  57. Lastly, when I speak of any issue pertaining to Sack mine are bi-partisan comments, as I am a 26 year registered Democrat and he is a Republican. From your seeming affinity, Throw Away, for the Mayor and his handpicked City Manager, it is clear which side of the aisle you sit on. Despite the overwhelming numbers of Rye Republicans versus Democrats, in so far as your Sack bashing, you are clearly in the minority… again, do the math.

  58. Finally, Throw Away, this exchange is not really about Mayor-elect Sack, it is about P. Stephen Lamont, a Democratic candidate for the Rye City Council who takes no prisoners never had never will, cannot be bought, has no particular political agenda of his own, and bows to no God but his own. I expect your vote, goodnight.

  59. LausDeo writes:

    “Heck, with the camera I had on you that night, you might as well have been standing naked in the middle of the street. ”

    Sounds like what happened to Peter Fox.

    A turd always carries his camera with him.

  60. To the “Turd is the Word” & all you other HATING discriminating cowards,


    This site has become a complete TRASH CAN!!!

    If you have B**** enough to say it you should have the same B**** to show your face!!!

  61. Mr. Johnson,

    Thank you for your comment and I agree. All I am saying is that there is only enough manpower and funding to go around. What do you want to tackle first? The horrid state of the PD building, City Court that looks like something out of Andy of Mayberry, the horrid state of sidewalks downtown, safety of schools, city government, what should Rye Golf Club be? I have said it before and I’ll say it again, the residents of Hen Island have the right to live as they wish as long as it is not in violation of Federal, State, County, or local laws. Where there has been massive rights violations as in the case of RT, there is a process to follow as a civil litigant should he so choose.
    Again, I am going to be able to please some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time…no, I don’t walk on water.

  62. P.S. & M.J.,

    Considering the waste that goes round n round here in Rye, the Bond the City was just recently granted, the 5 mil they just received for 1037, there is enough to put things into priority and get it done. What we are really truly lacking is the right leadership and quality of management.

    Did either one of you witness Monday evenings Council meeting where our City Manager didn’t know 26 is greater than 20????

    Rye is not short on funds, Rye is short on BRAINS!!!!!!!

  63. Throw Up,

    “He’ll never be the men Scott Pickup or Mayor French are”

    Do you need me to call you an ambulance, HOLY S***!!!!!

    I’M ROTF LMAO!!!!!!!

  64. I was just notified that the last County DEC report was, allegedly, a fraud. As such, and until a proper STATE DEC report is issued, my position may change on the property rights of Hen Island residents.

  65. HEN ISLAND – Toxic Neo-Luddism vs. Simple Math

    – Comprehensive engineering and construction studies of 3 islands – $25K

    – Potable deep water wells drilled and lined on each of 3 islands – $30K

    – Potable water sealed well water holding tank & equipment – 3 islands – $15K

    – Sanitary sewer septic field engineering studies for 2 islands – $10K

    – Sanitary sewage holding tank engineering study of 1 island – $5K

    – Legally permitted & inspected group sanitary sewer installations – 3 islands – $75K

    – Demolition of multiple illegal non-conforming sewage pits and outhouses – $10K

    – Removal of all illegal demolished systems & materials from the islands – $10K

    – SUBTOTAL of all of the above – $180K

    – Spent by tiny seasonal resident minority fighting to prevent the above to date – $450K+

    – A Clean, Safe & Legal Milton Harbor for all Rye Residents & Visitors…


  66. Nobody really cares if PSL changes his mind on anything because nobody wants a homeless guy having meetings at his house ( the park bench ) about his possible bid to run for Council.

    In fact, I think Louse Dumas is the turd himself.

    Anyway, don’t forget the turd man is the man with the camera and if you see him out and around Rye don’t forget to smile!

    Unfortunately, Peter Fox didn’t get that chance.

  67. PSL,

    If I thought you knew anything about the “buzzwords” you throw around, I might respect you a smidgen more than I respect a turd but, you know nothing about what you are talking about, You are a fraud.

  68. Turd, let me help you out here with your grammar and punctuation:

    Your post (if that is what you want to call it):

    If I thought you knew anything about the “buzzwords” you throw around, I might respect you a smidgen more than I respect a turd but, you know nothing about what you are talking about, You are a fraud.


    If I thought you knew anything about the “buzzwords” you throw around, I might respect you a smidgen more than I respect a turd. But, you don’t know what you are talking about. You are a fraud.

    You don’t happen to live on Meadow Place next to Volpe and French, do you? Of course you have evidence to back up your outrageous claims, correct?

  69. So, what we have this week, folks, is someone noticeably absent from the Westchester blogs, and totally off the point of this article, we have “The Turd is the Word” who chooses to not make one articulation, not one food for intellectual thought, but instead chooses to libel, slander, and assault Candidate Lamont! Coming off of Volpe/Lous Dumas, does anyone see a pattern here? Tsk, tsk petulant children, but I am not going away anytime soon…;)…see you next week, same time, same URL…

  70. Today, RyePatch reports that the City Council delays vote on Conflict of Interest policy, to which “RyeDad” asks “what is Killian trying to hide?”

    6 months delay? Can the Council be any less aggressive than they already are? Although a Silicon Valley start-up guy, if I were on the City Council, at this point, I would have fallen asleep already! Actually, RyeDad where by Section IV of the COI, you would be hesitant too if you had contributed more than $75k to the Republican party as Councilwoman Killian had where by virtue of such a “gift” she conflicts the whole Council (except for maybe Parker) and certain members of the Rye City Court. Get the picture…;)…?

  71. Coming up for another week in Rye politics (if that’s what you want to call this armpit), so let’s see who comes up to challenge Candidate Lamont next: Lous Dumas/Ed Volpe has been exposed, Throw Away the Key realizes what a fool has been made of her, and Turd is the Word, well her anonymous name befits her oh so well. Any other takers…Iviewit engineers on the prowl…;)…and hungry.

  72. …and how telling it is that Lous Dumas/Ed Volpe/Friend of your Republican, sorry ass, Rye Mayor (he thinks he’s Richard Nixon or Spiro Agnew)/Hen Island polluter/urinator on the tent of young girls camping out with their Dads/criminal mischiefer of personal property of Hen Island residents HAS NOT MADE ON SINGLE COMMENT SINCE HIS EXPOSURE. Is he on vacation? Perhaps it has finally dawned on his thick skull that a Mamaroneck fireman from Valhalla is NO MATCH for CEO Lamont, backed by a world class board, and controller of the rights to the most important inventions in the history of multimedia technology. As to Volpe, Throw Away, and Turd, I challenge you to a debate in the room next to the RFFR to debate the issues. Ball is in your Court.


    Let’s get her appointed so her generous gifts to the Republican Party conflicts the very heart of City government, have them all resign, and start over with a clean slate.

  74. PSL:
    You have–if just for time being–succeeded in ripping the diaper off the dirty, soiled, faceless behind of what is otherwise known as the MyRye comment board, and wiped that sucker clean… front and back.

    That is impressive, well done.

  75. PSL,

    I gave you enough rope to hang yourself and you gladly obliged. It is obvious that you are crying out for help. You posted EIGHT times in a row without out any responses. Are you OK????????? The more you say something doesn’t make it true. Are you worried nobody is listening to you? I’m sure most people have tuned you out. I just let you ramble the last couple days to show everyone in Rye what a schmuck you are. Like I said, you are a fraud , just like the turd man. You said you were giving Louse Dumas one day to apologize before you filed a lawsuit against them. We’re now going on almost 2 weeks and you have identified the culprit and you have done nothing but acted like a total jackass and still no lawsuit. File the lawsuit douche bag. Put your money where your mouth is. Oh, that’s right, you know the OSI Reference Model and we should all be scared. You’re a fraud. You know absolutely sh*t and have no proof about any of your bullsh*t accusations. It’s because you’re attached to the turdman at the behind.

    Face it, the turdman controls you because you are a loser. You have taken up his cause because you are insecure and easily manipulated. Anyone who boasts about their knowledge of the OSI Reference Model and how they are a CEO ad nauseum has to be pretty insecure. Who gives a sh*t that you’re some CEO and know the OSI Reference Model?.

    File the lawsuit d*ckhead and STFU.

  76. Once again the mosquito season is upon us and thanks to the non-actions of Mayor French and the Panama Canal type mosquito infestation breeding on Hen Island, Rye’s seniors and children will be subjected to higher exposure rates of West Nile and other mosquito borne illnesses.
    Thirty Three Thousand gallons of stored stagnant water less than 500 feet from our shore clubs, boat clubs and Greenhaven homeowners Association beaches!


  77. For those who will be out and about on this Fourth of July weekend, remember to not drink beer out of a clear cup unless you want to be photographed and accused of drinking urine. Remember the turdman doesn’t know the difference between urine and beer when viewed thru a clear plastic cup. Lemonade is definitely out so stick with something on the red side like cranberry juice but don’t mix the cranberry juice with dark rum because then it’ll look like effluent.

  78. It’s funny how the turdman hasn’t been able to find an entomoligist to agree with his accusations that Hen Island is the source of the mosquitoes in Rye. Not even one who’s last name ends in a vowel. Wonder why? If he had one, I’m sure he’d be trotting him out at every Council meeting. What’da say turdman, show us an entomologist that would agree with your accusations. Wait, I know… you know the OSI Refernce model and are a CEO.

  79. LausDeo writes:

    “Heck, with the camera I had on you that night, you might as well have been standing naked in the middle of the street. ”

    Sounds like what happened to Peter Fox.

    A turd always carries his camera with him so be careful this Fourth of July weekend!

    BTW, why deos “LausDeo” sound like the turdman? Does the turdman run LausDeo?

  80. Turd is the Word,

    You have some serious, serious self esteem issues going on…what happened…no enough love when you were a litte/teen/middle aged girl? Not our problem! I have challenged you to a debate to discuss any Rye issue concerning you, but you carefully skirted by that one. Sure, bring your pitiful Republican friends – Volpe/Louse Dumas and Throwaway…and you can all vomit on yourselves from the filthy language you use in a public forum.

  81. and…Turd is the Word,

    Pick your topic…you want to talk mosquitoes, let’s do it; you want to talk urine, I’m all for it; you want to talk feces, make sure you arrive with a clean diaper. You want to talk about what a self esteemless, wretched, garbage mouth you are, and I AM ALL IN!

  82. West Nile Virus (WNV) in not native to Rye, it first arrived in the U.S. through entry in NYS in 1999. Thousands of Milton Point yacht and beach club patrons and Rye residents have zero natural immunity to WNV – nor other newly introduced exotic deadly mosquito borne diseases. Hen Island’s crude disheveled cistern tanks hold over 30 THOUSAND gallons of stagnant stored rainwater. Mosquitoes continue to access these systems, breed and hatch by the tens of thousands and circulate throughout Rye and Mamaroneck at will.

    Try refusing a Rye City Police Officer when he tells you to empty your half-gallon bird bath. Tell him YOU have “private property rights.” Tell him he has no right to trespass and no right to issue summons’s for public health infractions. Go ahead – try it.

    HEN ISLAND – Toxic Neo-Luddism vs. Simple Math

    – Comprehensive engineering and construction studies of 3 islands – $25K

    – Potable deep water wells drilled and lined on each of 3 islands – $30K

    – Potable water sealed well water holding tank & equipment – 3 islands – $15K

    – Sanitary sewer septic field engineering studies for 2 islands – $10K

    – Sanitary sewage holding tank engineering study of 1 island – $5K

    – Legally permitted & inspected group sanitary sewer installations – 3 islands – $75K

    – Demolition of multiple illegal non-conforming sewage pits and outhouses – $10K

    – Removal of all illegal demolished systems & materials from the islands – $10K

    – SUBTOTAL of all of the above – $180K

    – Spent by tiny seasonal resident minority fighting to prevent the above to date – $450K+

    -A Clean, Safe & Legal Milton Harbor for all Rye Residents & Visitors…


  83. Where the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. often cited that “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice(1), ” and so it must be in Rye.
    (1) Of Justice and the Conscience, Theodore Parker (1857)

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