Sponge Bob Joins Rye Golf Club – Exclusive Video and Photos

Sponge_bob_at_pool_dsc03203(PHOTO: Sponge Bob, new Rye Golf Club member) This past Saturday, Sponge Bob, that annoying sea creature your children are obsessed over, joined Rye Golf Club. Did Rye Golf Club General Manager Scott Yandrasevich create a new membership category for irritating animated characters? Does Sponge Bob attend lobster night at Whitby Castle?

Sponge_bob_and_gang_group_photo_dscLuckily Sponge Bob and his buddies were only granted a day pass to the pool for family fun day, an annual event at Rye Golf Club pool.

Jumpy_castle_dsc03196Sponge Bob was joined by cohort Patrick as well as Nemo. Other highlights of the day included tattoos (removable), a DJ spinning various requests and a jumpy castle bigger than some four bedroom homes.

Patrick_at_pool_dsc03204 It was a scorcher this past weekend so the pool was packed and Sponge Bob enjoyed soaking up the adoration of the kids and irritation of the parents.


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