Stealth B-2 Bomber Over Rye – Videos and Photo

Stealth_b2_bomber_dsc03177_2(PHOTO: Stealth Bomber Over Rye, NY July 15, 2008) Back in May the US Marines "raided" Playland. Tonight, a stealth B-2 bomber was running reconnaissance over Rye, New York. It’s true. We were at Judy Croughan‘s party at the Manursing Island Club on the Long Island Sound, and along comes a stealth bomber.

The stealth bomber (we are pretty sure it was a Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit, but look at the video and leave your own comment below) made several circles over Rye and the Long Island Sound before disappearing from view.

(VIDEO: Stealth Bomber Keeping the Beaches Clear at Manursing Isalnd Club, Rye, NY) While we credited Judy for arranging a private air show with the $2 billion dollar plane, it was likely swooping down towards the Bronx for a flyover of the Major League All Star Game which was being held at Yankee Stadium.

(VIDEO: Stealth Bomber Over Long Island Sound Rye, NY) Maybe the stealth bomber pilot gave Bronx Bomber Alex Rodriguez a ride home to his house on Milton Point after the game. It’s a heck of a way to beat traffic on the Major Deegan.



  1. I saw it while kayaking out of Greenwich. It went right over me several times. Very cool, and kind of freaky.

  2. I saw it today too, VERY low, South Bronx close to Yankee Stadium around 8:40pm (15 July 2008) HUGE, the plane was actually directly above my building, looking up I could see the dark bottom part, triangular, VERY loud whooshing sound but only for a short time. Could not have been more than equivalent of 30 stories high, maybe less? looks like something Batman would pilot. A friend of mine also called me to saw she saw it in Washington Heights right after. From here I saw it go west towards Washington Heights and the turn north , (Westchester?)

  3. We saw it too, from Playland while listening to the DragonCoaster band. I believe there were actually two of them flying, as someone else standing next to me was talking to a friend watching one in another location. I have photos with a hint of a second one in the background.

  4. I went out jogging in the Bronx yesterday evening and as I was rounding the corner of one of the city blocks in the Soundview section of the Bronx, I look up in the sky and what do I see, but the stealth bomber, flying almost casually in the sky. It wasn’t flying fast at all, definitely like a scenic peruse of the area.

    And people wonder why I love NYC so much. Another New York moment to add to my collective.

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