Rye Off the Record: Norma Rae, RyeBama, Tri

Who ever said Rye was a sleepy bedroom town?

It’s a mecca for agitation and big events.

Norma_dsc04855(PHOTO: Norma Rae x 8) On Wednesday night Osborn school parents attending back-to-school night were greeted by teachers with placards protesting the lack of a contract (since 2006). Many of the teachers wore bright yellow CONTRACT buttons throughout the evening. (Have you see those smart boards, they are completely cool).

On Saturday, welcome to RyeBama City. Local Obama supporters will be marching for change at 11am. Bring you own change because the walk will cost you $25 per adult – more than your share of Lehman is now worth / cash or check / CDOs not accepted. (1.5 mile ‘Walk for Change’, 11-12 noon. Free t-shirt with the 25 clams). Sign-in 10 am at the Upper Pavilion at the Rye Recreation Center on Midland Avenue. Checks to "Obama for America". Sign up on the my.barackobama.com website or email [email protected].

Right after the Obamanation, another $20 gets you into the Rye Democratic party picnic, the annual confab of the Rye Democratic machine. Noon -2pm with speakers and kids entertainment ($20 per adult, under 12 free). Sponsored by the Rye City Democratic Committee. Local Democratic politicians including Congresswoman Nita Lowey and State Senator Suzi Oppenheimer, have been invited. Let’s see who shows.

Sunday is the Westchester Triathalon, where most of the action will happen between 7am and 12 noon. There are numerous viewing areas where you can enjoy a cold beverage and watch people insane enough to swim 9/10th of a mile, bike 25 miles and run 6.2 miles. Not normal. The whole event starts and ends in Rye Town Park. If you are swimming, we are told Mr. Floatie will be in a spotter boat (being watched by a turd is not cool, but we guess it’s better than swimming with him).


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