Historic Playland, Family Photos and Your Help

Architects need your help restoring the old Playland bathhouses. The bathhouses are expected to house the future Westchester Children’s Museum.

Playland Bathhouses The firm in charge of the restoration, KG&D Architects, is asking MyRye.com readers to share any historic photography of the Playland Bathhouses in their original grandeur that they might have in their family collection. "We are searching for overall and detail photography, so that we can recreate elements of the building that have been lost over time due to overall age and the harsh Long Island marine climate," said Erik A. Kaeyer, a principal of KG&D Architects.

KG&D Architects holds a architectural and engineering services contract withthe Westchester County – Department of Public Works for the restoration.

If you have historical photos that might be of help, please contact MyRye.com.



  1. Please Stop,
    I’m not sure what or who’s side all of you nay sayers are on so please help me understand this. Guys like myself,Ray,Wry Rec.,etc.who are only interested in exposing the truth & seeing that something is done about it for the good of everyone in Rye are constantly defending that very truth in these blogs. You people-the ones who don’t identify themselves,are always bashing. Did someone steal your girlfriend/boyfriend in 5th grade or something? Why do you have such a problem w/this? Sometimes one has to take extreme measures to get their point across! What’s so bad about that just as long as they are not harming anyone & it is all about the truth? CALL ME SIMPLE-BUT I JUST DON’T GET IT!!!

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