Resume of New Interim City Manager Frank J. Culross

In the wake of the Rye City Council terminating City Manager O. Paul Shew, Rye City provided the resume of new interim City Manager Frank J. Culross (links added by MyRye). welcomes Mr. Culross and hopes to run a Q&A session with him in the near future.

Please leave any comments or information on Culross in a comment at the bottom of this story.

Frank J. Culross
Intervale Place
Rye, New York 10580
Professional Experience     

Professional Activities


Born and raised in Rochester, New York; attended public schools; graduated Monroe High School.  Married to the former Dorcas Sherman.  One son, Andrew. 



  1. With any luck Rye Mr. Culross will agree to stay on for two years or so. He could stabilize our government, hire a new Police Commissioner, hire a new Corporation Counsel, welcome a new Mayor and Council in November and mentor Pickup as to what it’s like to be a credible, accountable City Manager as well as a leader.

    This will only work if the very toxic Otis either doesn’t win in November or doesn’t run.

    Otis should not be allowed to piggyback and use for his own political gain all of the goodwill Mr. Culross brings to the table.

  2. I agree with ‘Culross good, Otis bad.’

    And while to some the idea of Mr. Pickup as full manager is akin to an impure thought, I for one would like to see him operate out from under the influence of Otis and Plunkett. My sense is he could serve us well as do most other department heads and line employees throughout the City currently.

  3. Well, That answers my question to;”how much thought process has gone into hiring Curloss instead of promoting Pickup”.
    Ted, I would love to agree with you but his contradicting statements that have never made sense to me leave me to wonder? Maybe your right… without the BAD INFLUENCE of his Comrades & some time w/Curloss is all he needs to step in. I don’t think he is in any danger while he waits making his salary.

  4. Don’t expect any real change until we have a new mayor! How hard is it to fill up a pond, improve flood control, control speeding and put up some stop signs? Why does the council talk and do nothing?

  5. Mr. Culross will also need to be sensitive and responsive to the other cover up’s in Rye.

    Hen Island is one – and a big one.

    The treatment of the police by their senior management is another.

    The request for a simple stop sign by the family of dead boy is another.

    There is still no flood prevention mechanism to protect the City from what happened two years ago (we simply pray for light rains) and the resultant damage to our infrastructure remains unrepaired.

    Simple municipal sidewalk repairs extend over multiple years.

    All the while layers of expensive senior managers at City hall get deeper – and the taxes rise.

    Maybe we should show Mr. Otis and his favorite lawyer the door a little early and let Mr. Culross and the staff get to work bringing Rye back into the realm of law and accountability.

  6. The Rye taxpayers will not let Otis and Plunkett get away with what they have done to Rye.

  7. How about the hiring practices of the city of Rye and who the dept heads have hired. -Recreation dept, police dept sure the list goes on. A police officer was hired who was denied the job in 3 other towns before being hired in Rye….hmmmmm

  8. I am thrilled to hear that Mr. Culross will reopen the investigation into the health & environmental concerns on Hen Island. This is a huge step in the right direction.
    Thank you!

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