Tribal Council Has Spoken, Rye City Manager Shew Voted Off the Island

 Paul Shew whistle 2

Rye City Manager O. Paul Shew, a subject of controversy including the ongoing Schubert wetland affair, was removed from his duties last night during a special meeting at Rye City Council.

Theresa Juva reports all the details over at

"RYE – City Manager Paul Shew was fired tonight by the City Council, which said that Shew failed to communicate with the council on projects and didn't carry out assignments.

With the exception of Councilman Andy Ball, council members voted in favor of the measure, which will become effective in 30 days if the city manager does not request a public hearing. Shew will be suspended with pay until then and will receive his salary for an additional two months, according to city charter. The council also appointed former City Manager Frank Culross to take over Shew's duties.

"These are grave matters and we do not take them lightly," Mayor Steve Otis said. "We have proceeded to this day very carefully and we prefer not to be where we are today, but we are."

The vote came after the City Council met in executive session for about 30 minutes, while a packed room of city staff and employees waited. Shew sat calmly and expressionless on the City Council podium while officials discussed his fate…

…Otis did not refer to the Schubert case during last night's proceedings, but said Shew's poor performance on following through with City Council requests had been addressed with him during a job review in August.

With no improvement since then, "the city manager, no longer has the support or confidence of the city council," Otis said."



  1. One down three to go.

    Connors, Plunkett and Otis all have to go as well.

    I hope Shew requests a hearing. Perhaps a public hearing will get rid of the remaining three clowns.

  2. Shew In…Shew Out! Irresponsible behavior and actions perpetrated against Rye citizens has finally met accountability. Good luck Mr. Shew –

  3. Well that was an interesting night.

    First the afternoon solicitation of the city employees written support, then the packing of the hall with job fearing department heads, then the announcement that comments would be taken from the masses after the vote, then the non-transparency session, then the public vote, then the adjournment – non adjournment, then singing of “meet the new boss, same as the old boss,” then the final adjournment and then…….


    No comments, no impassioned speeches, no cheerleading, no holding up of letters of support no denunciations…nothing…not even a whisper.

  4. Shew has earned his fate, but Brownie seems to have trouble with authority figures. Get rid of Connors? Why? He is a dedicated public servant and probably the best trained police commissioner Rye has had. He would also be the most effective if the malcontents on the Rye police force would put aside their imagined slights and re-direct their energies to the job they have been hired to do.

  5. And to think Joe Sack didn’t even have the balls to show up and vote. The guy has been demanding “investigations” for months and now, on the most important vote of the decade, Joe Sack is a no-show. Will he ever explain why he wanted to move city business to

    Are Jay Sears, Joe Sack and Mr. Flotie Rue’s Axis of Evil?

  6. Dear Concerned:

    It’s not just a handful of members who have NO CONFIDENCE in Connors. In case you missed it:


    On April 30, 2008, the Rye Police Association held a Special Meeting. More than ¾ of the membership, including Police Officers and Supervisors, voted Unanimously to give Commissioner Connors a vote of no confidence. In addition, the membership voted Unanimously to give City Manager Shew a Vote of No Confidence.

    Our message to Commissioner Connors is clear and unwavering. You have alienated your officers and there are undoubtedly multiple reasons as to how. This unanimous vote was not the action of a few disaffected members, but rather represents a true accounting of the opinions of the Rye Police Association as a whole. Members of the Rye Police Association attributed this Vote of No Confidence to Connors’ inadequate leadership, incompetence and mismanagement as well as his inflexibility, autocratic self absorbed demeanor, condescension, deception, manipulation and politically driven behavior.

    Members of the Rye PBA attributed the vote of no confidence of Shew to despite working here for five years, he has yet to meet with the Rye PBA, he has improperly refused to respond to our Grievances forcing us to take legal action, he refuses to respond to any of our correspondences to him, and he refuses to hold Connors accountable or take any actions against him for the many acts of incompetence, mismanagement and misconduct committed by Connors that we have reported to Shew. This has created a situation where our members and the union as a whole have no unbiased person to turn to when they have a Grievance, work condition issue or safety issue to be addressed after Connors has denied it or ignored it. This unprofessional conduct by Shew has had a very serious adverse effect on morale and in the union’s abilities to conduct business.

    Connors has refused to acknowledge the Rye PBA and our leadership as the sole representative of all sworn members of the department in all matters pertaining to our working conditions. Connors has continually circumvented the union while placing our members in harms way numerous times.

    Connors has violated our member’s rights and has suppressed union participation by conducting frivolous and petty investigations into those who have spoken out about his incompetence and mismanagement. Connors has selectively abused the investigation process against certain members while overlooking serious violations committed by members of his administration.

    Connors has forced us to go to court and seek other legal remedies on what should be routine matters. This is intentionally done to harass and intimidate union officials. These improper practices that are forced upon our union has needlessly cost the Rye taxpayers well in excess of $1,000,000 in legal fees while also bringing morale to a critically low level.

    The Rye PBA complained to Connors numerous times since August of 2007 as to the holding cell being out of service. The holding cell plays a vital part in our daily operations. We also complained numerous times about the women’s and men’s jail cells being blocked and other dangerous conditions concerning the detention areas that was causing a significant risk of serious injury to our members and to any detainees. All of our pleas to Connors were ignored while our members were needlessly placed in harms way by Connors’ incompetence, misconduct and mismanagement. After being ignored for seven months and shortly after the detention of numerous sex sting suspects placed our member’s safety as well as the safety of the public in serious jeopardy, the Rye PBA submitted several complaints to the New York State Corrections Commission in March of 2008. The Commission came to the Rye Police headquarters and performed an inspection based on our complaints. The Commission confirmed our complaints and ordered Connors to immediately correct the dangerous conditions. The Commission also ordered Connors to stop dangerously blocking the entrance/exit to the prisoner transport area every day with his City of Rye provided vehicle, which the Rye PBA had brought to his attention numerous times to no avail.

    Connors has also placed our safety and the safety of the public in his handling of the headquarters building. While we suspected our members were falling ill due to a serious mold and airborne pathogen problem that we reported numerous times to Connors, Connors ignored all of our pleas and refused to have the building tested. The Rye PBA paid an expert to come in and test the air in our building. The expert confirmed what we suspected all along; there was a serious mold and airborne pathogen problem within Rye Police H.Q. Our members were getting sick and the members of the public were needlessly placed in harms way because of Connors’ incompetence, mismanagement and misconduct. Several months ago toxic fumes were released into the ventilation system forcing two of our members being rushed to the hospital. A member of the Rye PBA Executive Board responded to check on the condition of the two members. When he learned of the negligence, he started an inquiry and was documenting the negligence. The Rye Police Department response was to order this member to leave immediately. This callous and combative response against a member of the Rye PBA who was performing official union duties is standard operating procedure for Connors. Recently, there was some work done on the floor inside Police H.Q. Despite it being determined that the old floor contained asbestos and Connors being notified of this, the old floor containing the asbestos was cut up without the proper safety precautions. A large amount of asbestos dust was allowed to enter the public lobby and the desk area. It also entered the ventilation system. Not only was this dangerous work allowed to take place without any oversight or supervision by Connors, to this day Connors has done nothing to remediate the asbestos dust from the ventilation system. In general, contractors are given clearance and unsupervised access to areas that are supposed to be secure resulting in our member’s equipment going missing.

    Recently, the traffic safety concerns around the RHS and RMS became a main topic in the community due to a tragic accident. For several years prior to this tragedy, the Rye PBA reported several RHS and RMS traffic safety concerns, as well as some possible solutions to these concerns, to Connors. Connors ignored all of our suggestions to correct these potentially dangerous conditions. In addition, a past Rye PBA Vice Preisdent who was also a past Rye Police Traffic Sergeant, respectfully reported his findings and some productive solutions to remedy the traffic safety concerns to Connors. Connors took the Sergeants suggestions as an insult and publicly belittled and chastised this Sergeant who at the time had served admirably and honorably for more than twenty years. A year later, when the Rye School Board wanted the traffic safety issue addressed, Connors submitted the same outlined suggestions as detailed by the Sergeant. The Rye City Council then had the audacity to call Connors an innovator.

    The members of the Rye Police Association want to take pride and follow our Commissioner. Our membership can be very forgiving if we think that the appointed Police Commissioner is honest with the membership, respects them, will stand up for them, will now and then say “job well done” and is concerned about their safety and well being. Unfortunately, this is not in Commissioner Connors makeup so the end result was the membership of the association having a unanimous, unwavering and determined Vote of No Confidence in Connors. Shew’s actions and inactions in our dealings with the City of Rye including blatantly, intentionally and improperly not responding to our Grievances, failing to meet with us since his arrival here five years ago, questions about his residency, his competence and his commitment to Rye were the driving forces behind our members resounding unanimous Vote of No Confidence in Shew.

    We would like to assure the citizens of Rye that even though we are dealing with very difficult times within our department and with City manager Shew, we will continue to maintain the same great dependable service that we have provided for all of these years.

    In closing, we ask that the Rye City Council assist us and rectify this situation.

  7. So the mob got its pound of flesh. Once the blood is sated, mature adults will ask, now what do we do?
    We need to go out and find a new city manager.
    Note the issues of flood control, flood repair, paying for the old CVS building, negotiating contracts, running several departments, addressing legal challenges, etc. etc. etc. will continue.
    Great time to get a rookie. Way to go, mob!

  8. Scooter:

    I have good news. Shew never did any of that stuff anyway so any new City Manager would be starting out at the exact same point as when Shew arrived here five years ago. Just give the new City Manager an $150,000 a year assistant and pay Culross $1,000 a day. If they happen to live in Massachusetts, that would be a bonus.

    I suggest that Otis not be allowed to give the new City Manager what he gave to Shew in his contract and that the process be open to the public this time and not done in secret like Shew’s was.

  9. To those who wish to continue carrying pitchforks and torches down Purchase street, please review the simple statements below.
    Perhaps you may find your perceived monsters are not quite so monstrous.

    Mr. Shew: Impolitic at best and downright cruel at most. He has now paid the price for what Shakespeare called “the insolence of office”

    Mayor Otis: Rational and compassionate whose politcal skills have been challanged by the highly emotional issues.

    Mr. Shubert: A most sympathic figure who has lost his beloved pond and seeks remedy in the wrong place. It is with his neighbor that he must resolve the problem because,at the end of the day, it is his neighbor that caused the loss of his pond.

    Mr. Floatie: A disgruntled owner of a cottage on Hen Island, who having lost in the Courts and with the agencies of the City of Rye as well as Westchester Health Dept, ETC. Now jumps on the emotional issues of others to further his own private financial agenda

    Shew is Gone

    Otis Plus or Minus settled in November

    Shubert will settle with neighbor

    Mr. Floatie a non issue, not worth the tine of a pitchfork

  10. So is this what Mr. Shubert was fighting for in WWII? To destroy someones career and ruin his family’s income over a pond that could have been filled by a hose? We know even if the drywell was built to spec, Mr. Shubert’s pond would still be mostly dry. So now a man faces unemployment in a near depression and others will follow. All over a pond. So Mr. Shubert fought for the right of an American to be jobless as long as his pond is empty. Have we all lost our minds? And to think the ringleader of this whole debacle isn’t even a Rye Resident, the councilmen Sack,demanding “investigations”, wasn’t man enough to show up for the vote and Jay Sears is laughing with his buck teeth hanging out of his mouth.

    Are Jay Sears, Joe Sack and Mr. Flotie Rye’s Axis of Evil?

  11. Axis –

    Never try to understand the mind of a mob. The individuals involved never stopped to think of the consequences of their actions.
    I hope they can live with their conscience, but based on what I’ve read from them on this website, they are small people with small minds. I’m disgusted that I have to call them neighbors.

  12. Hey Axis –

    “We know even if the drywell was built to spec, Mr. Shubert’s pond would still be mostly dry.”

    What do you mean? What do you know here?

    I’ve lived in this exact neighborhood for over 50 years. The Forest Avenue Swamp never ran dry before this new construction episode.

    In fact the maps we have from 1888 show it a vigorous watercourse at that point and, given the contours of the cove where it empties into LIS, it’s pretty clear that the ‘Schubert Pond’ has been a vigorous continuous water course for multiple decades/centuries prior to that date.

  13. Sack was out of town on a long scheduled business trip. Otis said so at the beginning of the meeting. Andy Ball who had the balls to vote against Adolf Otis said the Shew firing had nothing to do with Schubert. My guess is he’s right. Shew is Adolf Otis’s scapegoat. He is paying for the Council screwing Schubert. He is alos paying for not letting the little dictator micromanage the City staff. Don’t you tink that sends a message to everyone in City Hall to play ball with Der Fuhrer or else.

    Sack appears to have been on the right track. Do the investigation and get the facts before you take any action. By firing Shew, the public will never get to the bottom of the Schubert mess. What does Herr Otis and his pawns on the Council have to hide? Words like cover up come readily to mind. Shew won’t cooperate with an investigation now. And by the way, if all the Schubert documents were put on line, why was there not a single email to or from any Council member? It’s either a big oops or they have something they are hiding.

  14. Looks like Shubert and his followers were played for suckas. Even if there is a wetlands permit issued the drywell most likely will still keep his pond dry. So now we have someone out of a job for nothing. Hopefully Shew doesn’t have kids to feed. The fears of the elderly have been preyed upon once again. Shubert’s neighbor is doing everything according to NY State Law. ALL runoff from your property is supposed to go into a drywell. It’s the most environmentally friendly way of doing it because the ground filters out all the impurities like fertilizers and such. Runoff should never be allowed to run over land like Mr. Schubert and these so-called “environmentalists* ( terrorists) are claiming to want. What a tragedy.

  15. Hey tedc,

    There is nothing more damaging to the natural flow of water than a man-made pond. Any two-bit “environmentalist” should know that. You terrorists are demanding that Shuberts neighbor allow contaminated runoff from his property to continue downstream instead of being put in a drywell to be filtered by the ground. BTW, riparian rights only apply to large bodies of water not a wetlands.

    Is Jay Sears, Joe “no-show” Sack and Mr. Flotie Rye’s Axis of Evil?

  16. Dear Scooter and all his yes men and women,

    Hear are just a few facts and just a few reasons why Mr. Shew is not and should not be managing the city of Rye. I have many more.

    Every eight seconds a child dies from drinking dirty water.

    Half of the world’s hospital beds are occupied by people with an easily preventable waterborne disease.

    80 percent of all sickness and disease worldwide is related to contaminated water, according to the World Health Organization.

    Dirty water kills more children than war, malaria, HIV/AIDS and traffic accidents combined.

    Below is a link showing what Mr. Shew, Mayor Otis, and the Rye city council is allowing in Rye NY in 2009. Wake up or shut up!

    Paul Shew, Rye’s city manager, also questioned the validity of Mr. Tartaglione’s claims. Mr. Shew said, “No violations were found when Rye’s building inspector, along with county health and environment officials, inspected the island in July.” (Ref: New York Times September 9th, 2007)

    Scooter and fellow supporters,
    You should not call someone a liar in public and put your name on it unless it’s true.

    Mr. Shew lied in the above statement and my name is Ray Tartaglione

  17. MY TURN,




    OR IS IT…. IT & SHIT.

  19. Dear Mr. Mayor,

    In my recent post to Scooter, I failed to link the law in the Rye City code that you and others have allowed city employees not to enforce.

    I have also linked a statement from a certified geologist that inspected, reported and swore to his findings regarding the Hen Island cover-up. This geologist is an expert in analysis, operation, maintenance and implementation of water supply and waste water systems, including analysis of impacts upon ground water and water supply.

    I have also listed the County code that Deputy Health Commissioner Lenny S Meyerson has failed to enforce.

    In an effort not to be redundant, I will not link the state code but you may find it on our website
    it is listed under the laws and codes section.

    Ray Tartaglione

  20. Hey Ray…..Here’s your quote:

    “Every eight seconds a child dies from drinking dirty water.

    Half of the world’s hospital beds are occupied by people with an easily preventable waterborne disease.

    80 percent of all sickness and disease worldwide is related to contaminated water, according to the World Health Organization.

    Dirty water kills more children than war, malaria, HIV/AIDS and traffic accidents combined.”

    Is this taking place in Rye??..Or, Westchester..Or, New York???..Or, the United States??…Or, is it taking place in Third World countries??…Please provide some statistics which apply to the area in which we live…You’re being silly, again.
    Do you have ANY statistics on how many summer residents of Hen Island have become sick, over the past 90 years, due to the water they use ?
    Why Not?

  21. I want to apologize for behaving so badly. I am just nervous that my gravy train is ending. Jay, I want to thank you for giving me a forum to vent, I feel so brave and sly when I can hide behind this wonderful anonymous system you have. Joe, I think you will make a great mayor, and the sooner I can start kissing the new guy’s butt the better. And Floatie, I am your father. Love you man.

  22. Why Not –

    You took the words right out of my mouth. Ray Tartaglione and his alter egos Jack-A and Mr. Floatie are again spewing nonsense. Are we to believe that children dying every 8 seconds, half the world’s bedridden and 80% of all diseases are somehow the result of Hen Island? Please spare us all, Ray.
    The eternal bard describes his campaign of lies quite well – “It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”

  23. Hey Axis –

    So seeking enforcement of Chapter 195 – Wetlands and Watercourses is equal in your view to ‘terrorism?’ C’mon Axis, stop with the Kool-Aid.

    All the properties in the subject area are wetlands by definition of the city code. No new construction can take place in them by code without a different permitting process than was employed here. The results speak for themselves and in June, July, August and September they smell for themselves.

    I can tell you firsthand about the TERROR inflicted on a senior citizen facing a short notice government directed probe into his sanity. If you have elderly parents or friends I’d ask you to imagine getting a call from them saying that the government is asking to come over today – in the next hour or so – and perform a psychological examination on them with the consequences of not passing potentially being immediate state directed institutionalization.

    Suzi Oppenheimer gets “impassioned” on occasion dealing with suspected violations of the law. Do you think Steve Otis or Nita Lowey or George Latimer would drop a dime on her? Would you drop a dime on her?

  24. The only mistake Rye has made is to allow Bob Shubert to build a man-made pond. If Rye recinds that mistake and fills the pond in with fill all other troubles go away. Who was responsible for permitting the man-made pond? Was Chantal at work that day? Man made ponds are known to be one of the worst things done to a wetlands and the NATURAL flow of water. Any two-bit “environmental terrorist” should know that.

  25. Our council meetings comprise the most compelling and amusing programming on TV. Original, unscripted reality shows that fully illustrate the buffoonery of local government. Not quite The Office or Fawlty Towers, but keep at it and they may reach these elevated standards.

    All the components of fun … Self important pompous, ill informed counselors don’t do their home work and then repeated insult the public by their weaseled avoidance of every question…and sly comments from the bench…disingenious at worst and hilarious at best.

    Now, with the removal of the City Manager, we could eradicate a position or two. Better still, promote a subordinate who has local knowledge and some common sense. We could give them a healthy raise to step up, maybe even give them some coaching in psychological counseling (Now a key skill for this role). We would still pay them far less than that chubby chap we used to have and put the money into our own community.

    Keep up the great programming, the pomposity and absurd irrelevance…We love it!

    Oh, and by the way, the economy sucks…Didn’t you guys notice?

  26. Ted C-

    Prior to screaming about the danger of the government coming to get us in the night, let’s examine the truth about what happened to Schubert, by reviewing the facts.
    – Out of concern for Bob’s mental health, the city manager asked the county health department to consider contacting Bob to assess the state of his mental health.
    The Westchester County’s Department of Community Mental Health is a public service designed to help individuals with mental illness, which can range from mild depression to severe retardation. One of their free services is assessing an individual’s state of mental health.
    – Following standard operating procedure, the county health department then contacted Bob and asked if he would be open to a visit from the county health department to discuss his issue and be examined by a mental health expert. The county health department told him that if he said no, the matter would be dropped. If he agreed to the meeting, they would visit him discreetly at his home at a mutually agreeable time. In either case, the entire discussion would be treated as strictly confidential.
    – Bob was never at risk for immediate institutionalization, as the county health department does not have that power. The days of the men in the white jackets picking people up for immediate transport to the funny farm went out in the 60’s.
    – Bob agreed to meet with some mental health experts, and after a lengthy meeting, he immediately contacted the press to inform them of the event.

    The subsequent furor over this activity led many people to believe that the City Manager tried to have Bob “institutionalized” against his will. Perhaps as a direct result of this, and certainly as a result of the intentional disinformation promoted by several on this website, a man has now lost his job, the city is open for a lawsuit of wrongful termination, and many city employees are wondering if they should look elsewhere for employment. The reputation of the integrity of our mayor and the other council members, ex Ball and Sack, is questioned.
    Real damage has been done to the city, because one individual looked to the city to resolve an issue he had with his neighbor. A terrible precedent has also been set, one we are certain to see again in different neighborhoods.
    I wonder if Bob considered the implications of his actions when he picked up the phone to call the press in order to seek more publicity. I very much doubt he correctly anticipated where his actions would lead.
    But… if he did this as a way to strike back at the City Manager and to move closer to forcing the city to address a personal dispute of his, and to provide some cover for the council’s decision, I’d say he’s lost the honor he earned in his long life and he’s done damage to his good name by his own hand.

  27. Scooter
    What we have with Mr. Shubert is a comedy of errors leading up to unintended consequences.

    Misplaced target to resolve his pond issue.

    Impolitic action taken by Shew.

    Pitchfork mentality by some.

    Private agenda by a floating fuzzy mind.

    “The human comedy”

    Keep your cool reasoned head..we need that

  28. Quick question, Scooter. You’ve written “The Westchester County’s Department of Community Mental Health is a public service designed to help individuals with mental illness, which can range from mild depression to severe retardation. One of their free services is assessing an individual’s state of mental health.”

    If this is indeed a “free” service, I confused as to why Mr. Schubert was billed for the inquiry into his mental health requested by Mr. Shew. Perhaps I misread the newspaper article, but I believe Mr. Schubert was charged about $400 for this service. Am I mistaken? Or was there some other circumstance that brought about this bill?

  29. Scooter:

    Just because Shew said he did it out of concern for Mr. Schubert’s health does not make it true. Shew has a long history of being less than truthful. Once Shew made the phone call he had already set in motion the discrimination, harassment and intimidation that followed.

    Imagine being 85 years old and the very people you have been redressing your issues with the past 2 years call the Crisis Team on you. I bet Mr. Schubert felt intimidated into having them come over out of fear of what else could Shew and company do to him if he didn’t.

    I hope you haven’t forgotten the time that a completely out of control, lunatic like Plunkett screamed at the 85 year old Mr. Schubert for simply redressing his issues as a resident? I’m sure this, along with the Otis and the City Council not addressing Plunkett’s inappropriate outburst against a Rye resident, also weighed on Mr. Schubert.

  30. Hey Scooter –

    You seem to have the whitewashed version of the Schubert mental health inquiry down pat. It’s false. It was a terrifying day for him – but in his long lifetime he has faced far worse.

    But my question to you directly was – would you personally drop a dime on a sometimes impassioned senior citizen – like Suzi Oppenheimer?

  31. It’s surprising how often the press is quoted as fact. Considering that there was a post here that suggested that healtheharbor was running an advertisement on News 12 in exchange for “news” on Hen Island. What other news about Hen Island or Mr. Shubert’s pond has been paid for kind of “news”? Has all the news of Mr. Shubert’s plight been an exchange for advertising? Who knows. It’s also interesting that “No-Show” Joe Sack keeps refering to the newspapers as if they are gospel. Considering “No-Show” Joe, being a former DA, I find it totally disingenoius.

  32. BB:

    I’m not in charge of Bob’s checkbook, nor I am I responsible for the county health billing department, so I can’t answer your question. However, by calling the press on this issue, I’m sure Bob was more than happy to publicize anything that may have continued to strike sympathy, including capitalizing on governmental inefficiency. Is it possible – just possible – that someone in our county government screwed up on a medical bill? Of course it is. Don’t jump to conclusions.

    Brownie: I severely doubt that Bob could be intimidated into inviting the Mental Health team into his house unless he wanted them there. And yes, Plunkett did lose his professional cool, but only because Mr. Schubert made a wildly inaccurate statement that impugned his reputation(and Bob later recanted his statement).

  33. No Man Is an Island — Unless He’s Cast Adrift …

    Rye Mayor Steven Otis and members of the Rye City Council have thrown the first of their companions in the rudderless lifeboat overboard. City manager Paul Shew is the first but may not be the last council constituent to be jettisoned …

    The reason for the firing, according to the council, was Shew’s, “failure to communicate” with the council and the mayor on projects.

    But many who have followed the debate over Bob Schubert’s wetlands garden, as well as the city council’s other environmental missteps (e.g. Hen Island), believe otherwise. Shew’s highly questionable decision to sic the Westchester County Department of Mental Health on Schubert is more likely the real cause for his being deep-sixed.

    Shew claims he called the psychiatric crisis center because he was, “concerned about Schubert’s mental health.” So concerned that he did not return a single one of Mr. Schubert’s phone calls to him the week before. Mr. Shew, who apparently thought he had the ability to determine another person’s sanity and who then misused his authority by taking formal action against Bob Schubert, will now have ample time rethink his behavior.

    Other council members may want to rethink theirs as well. Since 2006, Mr. Schubert has been standing up for his rights and asking that his wetlands issue be properly looked into. At a Rye city council meeting this February one female member’s response to Schubert’s well-founded requests was the feckless admonition that, “you shouldn’t sully your reputation”! Reputations are, indeed, on the line here, but Bob Schubert’s is not among them.

    This is indicative not only of this particular council member’s slender grasp of the issue but also of the council’s attitude as a whole to what’s important to the community. Are they oblivious or obstructionist? But bigger questions loom.

    Can Shew have acted alone in this instance? Is it possible that any city manager anywhere would be allowed to make such a drastic unilateral decision? On the Schubert issue and many others, what, if any, support or encouragement did Shew get from the mayor, the city attorney, other council members?

    To borrow from John Donne: No man (or city manager) is an island entire of itself. As city manager, Shew must have worked in concert with the Mayor, Rye city council, and Rye city attorney to conduct the city’s business. In time, some of them may learn — as Mr. Shew has — what it’s like to be cast away …

  34. Why not,
    This was you comment;

    Is this taking place in Rye??..Or, Westchester..Or, New York???..Or, the United States??…Or, is it taking place in Third World countries??…Please provide some statistics which apply to the area in which we live…You’re being silly, again.
    Do you have ANY statistics on how many summer residents of Hen Island have become sick, over the past 90 years, due to the water they use ?

    Here is my reply;

    It’s hasn’t taken place in Rye as of yet. I don’t need any statistics and all you need is common sense. It is people that have had major tragedies or near tragedies, in their lives that have the foresight to realize the potential dangers ahead. I am sure none of the Rye council members including Mayor Otis have been in that position.

    But as a result of the position that the City council has taken the chances of this happening in Rye on Hen Island is very likely. It is an accident not waiting to happen but going to happen. It’s not about “if”, but about “when”. Any 5 year old child that is thirsty goes to the sink and fills his cup to drink. Granted if you are raised on Hen Island you are taught from a very young age that if you do that, death or serious illness may occur. However it only takes one cottage owner, after a few drinks, to forget to instruct a new visitor and their children about the perils of drinking the water on Hen Island and bingo, Rye and the owners of Hen Island pays the freight and there is a very strong possibility that we lose the life of a child “ONLY BECAUSE HE WAS THIRSTY”. Responsibility for the loss of the life of a child is a though thing to live with for the rest of your life. Living with the loss of a child even if it has nothing to do with personal responsibility is a lesson; no one should ever have to endure. Believe me, you have no idea.
    It’s not rocket science my friend only common sense.

    Ray Tartaglione

  35. “… Plunkett did lose his professional cool, but only because Mr. Schubert made a wildly inaccurate statement that impugned his reputation (and Bob later recanted his statement).”

    Scooter – this statement is false as were ‘Counselor’ Plunkett’s protestations about the sequence of prior back and forth communications between them that evening.

    But my question to you again is – would you personally drop a dime on a sometimes impassioned senior citizen – like Suzi Oppenheimer?

  36. Ted C –

    The statement I made is true. You can pull the tapes. Facts are stubborn things.

    And yes, if I thought Suzi Oppenheimer, or anyone else might be in need of professional help because she was exhibiting signs of extreme stress, I would most certainly “drop a dime” and try to stop something bad from happening, senior citizen or not.

    Would you sit idly by and watch someone hurt themself or others unnecessarily? If so, what kind of a person does that make you? Not much different than the millions of Germans who sat idly by and watched some of their neighbors get herded off to death camps. Don’t be so proud of your aloofness.

  37. Is it possible that Otis and his cohorts called Tuesday’s Special Council meeting at the last minute to keep Sack from attending because they knew he was out of town?

    Perhaps Otis and Plunkett wanted Shew fired so they could circumvent, hinder and obstruct the investigation that Judge Carey and Councilman Sack have been calling for.

    I hope Shew asks for a hearing. However, I wouldn’t doubt if Otis has already made a deal where Shew won’t ask for a hearing?

    Scooter watch this video again. Is this how you want City of Rye staff to treat its residents?

    Is this how you would want your children, spouse, parents or grandparents treated by a City of Rye employee?

    Plunkett went on what can only be described as a lunatic like tirade and in my opinion Plunkett should have been fired and gotten a check up from the neck up.

    Ted C why doesn’t the press ask Susy what she thinks about the actions of her legal counsel, Otis. Mr. Schubert is one of her constituents.

  38. Brownie –

    I am not defending Plunkett’s outburst. It was unprofessional, but somewhat understandable after Schubert lied about what Plunkett had said.

    If my child ever falsely accused someone else and attempted to harm their reputation, I can assure you that my reaction to my child would be very much in the vein of Plunkett’s outburst. To lie about someone else publicly in this manner is disgusting, and I can understand Plunkett’s reaction. I don’t think it’s professional, but I understand his anger.

    And you also neglected to post Schubert’s later retraction of his own words.

  39. Hey Scooter –

    I’m “aloof” enough to stand next to a guy like Bob Schubert for as long as it takes to see his property repaired, the municipal cover-up perpetrated by some you admire exposed and the guilty actors properly dealt with. You should be joining that kind of effort.

  40. Ray……
    I suspect you have some firsthand knowledge of what it’s like to be cast adrift……And, your suppositions and uninformed statements expose you as an individual who really KNOWS little…Rather, you’re spouting “facts” and hypothetical scenerios as if you are knowledgable….Nothing could be further from the truth….I’m unaware of any published reports of 5 year olds becoming sick from drinking water on Hen Island…
    Your quote, again:
    “It is an accident not waiting to happen but going to happen. It’s not about “if”, but about “when”.
    Apparently, you’ve added prognosticator to your list of talents….Will you please be so kind as to let us know when we can expect a turn-a-round in the markets???!!
    Why Not

  41. Don’t you just love the City of Rye where men are disguised to dress like jackasses and turds and are paid to do so by a jackass turd disguised as a man?

  42. Scooter:

    You can post it if you like, if it actually exists.

    No matter what Mr. Schubert said or didn’t say to Plunkett that night, the lunatic like response from Plunkett was unacceptable. Any other City of Rye employee would have been subject to being fired for such an outburst.

    Why wasn’t Plunkett fired? Perhaps because Otis and or Shew encouraged Plunkett to attack Mr. Schubert.

    What was the collateral damage? After watching Plunkett go on a lunatic like tirade and not being addressed by Otis, Shew maybe thought he could also attack Mr. Schubert without any fear of any consequences.

  43. UNBELIEVEABLE!!! WELL ALMOST. In the City of Rye it looks like anything & everything is BELIEVEABLE! If Shew is such an honorable & caring individual why didn’t he reach out to Mrs.Schubert or personally drive to the mans house & check on him?
    There is no excuse for Shew’s actions & no reason he should have gone to such extreme measures when all he had to do was “THINK OUT OF THE BOX” a bit!
    CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG….as of yet there has been no public apology by Shew,or any other council member except for Mr.Pratt, for his actions or for the pain he has caused the Schuberts.I WAS ONCE IN MR.SHEW’S POSITION……IN THE LATE 80’s early 90’s I OWNED A DELI & HAD A GENTLEMAN ABOUT MR.SCHUBERT’S AGE ALWAYS COME TO ME FOR A SPECIAL KIND OF COOKIES I CARIED. ONE DAY I NOTICED A CHANGE IN HIS DRIVING HABITS,AS EACH DAY PASSED THAT I SAW HIM HIS DRIVING SKILLS WERE DECLINING STEADILY. I BROUGHT THIS TO HIS WIFE’S ATTENTION. THE WIFE HAD HIM EXAMINED & FOUND THAT HER HUSBAND HAD THE EARLY STAGES OF ALZHEIMERS. THE REST IS HISTORY. SO you see….there are other measures Mr.Shew could have taken as a caring human being but not as a condescending City Manager. CAN’T WAIT TO HEAR FROM LINUS & SCOOTER ON THIS ONE. I’m sure you two caring & honest individuals are all about the truth & helping your fellow man.

  44. Jim:

    You hit the nail right on the head with that one. If Shew cared about Mr. Schubert (he doesn’t) he could have checked on him personally or even better send the Police Department, which by the way, is the proper procedure.

    I guess Shew couldn’t call Mrs. Schubert after previously making inappropriate comments about her age.

    Was Connors involved with Shew’s actions in calling the Crisis Team?

    Were Otis or Plunkett involved?

    Why is Mayor Otis ignoring Judge Carey’s call for an investigation?

  45. Doesn’t anyone see the obvious? Otis is tossing Shew under a bus to save his own sorry skin. Who was the person who stonewalled Schubert at every meeting for 3 years? OTIS! He sacrificed Shew to avoid blame, thats why he’s ignoring the call for investigation. 9 months to go before the next election – don’t let him get away with it!

  46. Who was the City Naturalist when Shubert’s pond was approved? Man made ponds in wetlands are an ecological nightmare. Check any other municipality and see if they allow this type of pond in a wetland. I’m sure you’ll find they don’t. It interferes with the NATURAL flow of the water in the wetland. Very bad.

  47. Is proving that you are recieving Social Security a requirement to be a “No-Show” Joe lackey?

  48. Man Made Pond –

    The water flows thru the former Forest Avenue Swamp – now the Schubert Pond – were not impaired by the Schubert retaining wall construction. This was project was reviewed by the city and outside agencies at the time of construction and post construction and the water poured through as vigorously as it always had – until the upland construction began. Once the upland water spigot was clamped, the robust daily natural historic water flow rates were drastically impaired – down to less than an open hose trickle – and the Schubert property problems began.

  49. This article about Shew appeared in the North County News a full month before Shew started working in Rye.

    The article is not very flattering and lists some of the problems Shew had at his many previous jobs.

    One has to wonder how on earth did Otis hire Shew and amazingly say he had no problem with Shew’s checkered employment history and that Shew was the best man for the job.

    So for five years the residents and employees of Rye had to endure Shew because of Otis.

    To make matters worse when residents and employees went to Otis with the same type of complaints about Shew, Otis would ignore them and every chance he got would say what a great job Shew was doing.

    It seems Otis did not want himself to look like an idiot for bringing this boob Shew to Rye. So for his own personal and political agenda Otis sacrificed the safety, well being and the rights of the residents and the employees of Rye.

    This is unforgivable and Otis should resign.

    Judge Carey needs to keep pushing for the investigation.

  50. Man Made Pond,

    I’ve lived in Rye my whole life and as far as I can remember there has always been a pond or water on Mr Shubert’s property. You keep saying man made. How so? Did he install a dam? I think your calling something man made that is actually just being managed nicely by the owner. Show me where Mr Shubert and when Mr Shubert changed his property to retain water. I think he just beautified a small pond and cares for it deeply. If I’m wrong please tell me what he did that required a permit. Also, wouldn’t that then fallen on the city to have stopped him? Maybe the neighbor should just take the well out and install the pipe to feed his pond and everyone will be happy. It looked a lot nicer with water in the pond. I know I would rather have the nice pond if I lived next door.

  51. Toasted Rye,
    You are asking for logical sense to take presence. We don’t do logic in Rye. You see this is how things are done in RYE; 1st we listen to the complaint. 2nd we say we will look into it. 3rd we hope you go away & everything is grand. 4th when you come back because we were nieve to think you wouldn’t we make up some non-existing excuse. 5th We allow the plaintiff to embarass the city for 3 years while you dig up facts of truth. 6th-NOW PAY ATTENTION; WE listen to your facts as they blow up in our face & proceed to inform you,the plaintiff of logic sense, that we will correct what we should have “3 GOD DAMN YEARS AGO”!!! HOPE I DIDN’T LOSE YOU AMONGST ALL THIS LOGIC/AKA COMMON SENSE!!! DON’T YOU FRET-MR.NOVEMBER IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER.

  52. I think the most interesting development over the past week is the admission that paid advertising compensation to News 12 in exchange for News 12 running a “news story” on Hen Island. This is interesting because it begs the question “What other news stories associated with have been manufactured the same way?”. Have all the news stories that Mr. Flotie is associated with been the result of “news” for compensation? Was the FRONT PAGE Journal News story on the Hen Island lawsuit the result of “news” for compensation? I always thougt it was odd that the Hen Island lawsuit demanded such exposure. Could this explain the EXTREMELY BIASED reporting from Is it a coincidence that Jay Sears is a hero to the cover-up and corruption crowd? So now we move on to the Shubert Snafu. How many of those articles that have appeared in the press with regard to the Shubert Snafu were the result of responsible, independent journalism? How many were the result of compensation for “news”?? Does anyone know? Does the Journal News have that info? But the biggest problem I have may be with “No-show” Joe Sack. IF it turns out that ALL of the “news stories” associated with Mr. Shubert’s Snafu were of the compensated type and No-Show Joe , being a BIG Mr. Shubert fan, knew these articles WEREN’T of the resonsible and independent type, how is it that he could use the quotes from these articles as his reasoning for an independent counsel at Town Council Meetings? I think there are more questions than answers right now. BTW, I am in no way saying that “news” for compensation is illegal. What I am saying is we need more transparency from everyone involved. Who knows what and when did they know it. It is my opinion that people, especially the senior citizens of Rye, are being USED. I also am seeing the light as far as the wealthy having the potential of controlling the extremely naive.

  53. Jim Amico,

    I can’t say that I understand you anger because I don’t walk in your shows. I do say you have a right to be angry. I hope as time passes, your anger will subside. But, if you are a true conservative, you don’t want bigger gov’t, you want smaller gov’t. You don’t want the gov’t to take care of you, you want to take care of yourself. Sometimes in life there is no one to blame, you’re just a victim of bad luck. That’s it. You want to try and explain the unexplainable. Sometimes there is no explaination. It is my opinion, that you’d be better served using your energy in a more positively constructive manner. I know it will be hard but, as time passes I hope it becomes easier.

  54. Red Scare –

    I don’t think it’s the case that Jay Sears is reporting on Hen Island as much as it is that Ray, Floatie and the rest of the sh*t circus is flooding any communications pipeline they can find. News12 certainly has lost credibility, but that’s the problem with local news in a bedroom community – there’s plenty of times when nothing’s happening, which makes it easier for people like Ray to make mountains out of molehills with wild claims that children are dying all over the world because of the water problems of Hen Island.
    Maybe Ray will next claim that global warming is caused by all the hot gasses coming from Hen Island… I look forward to Al Gore coming to visit!

  55. Red Scare:

    Most people including myself look at MyRye as a welcome addition to our community. For too many years all we had was the Rye Record who in my opinion slanted the news and did not properly report the news. Also, the Rye Record only publishes every two weeks or so and MyRye is always online.

    MyRye puts the news out there for people to comment as they see the news and how it effects their lives. It allows an open forum for people to exchange their views and ideas. Unfortunately for Otis, posters share information about how poorly Rye is managed and about there being no accountability or oversight from the Rye City Council.

    As just one example the Rye City Council would still be meeting in non noticed, secret meetings if not for a story and the comments that followed on MyRye.

    MyRye has opened many people’s eyes and has helped bring about some welcome and much needed change to Rye.

    More needs to be done and perhaps there are people who are afraid of this change. Perhaps they fear losing their standing or harming their personal and political agendas. It seems to me that some of them have chosen to unjustly attack the messenger and the many posters in hopes of discrediting them for their own gain.

    Jay Sears should be applauded, not chastised.

  56. Scooter,

    What I want to see is all the incident reports over the past 100 years that detail all the people who have gotten sick in either Rye Harbor OR Mamaroneck Harbor because of sewage related to Hen Island. I’d also like to see the incident reports over the past 100 years that detail all the Hen Islanders that have reported illness directly related to “conditions” on Hen Island. I have a feeling the number will be ZERO.

  57. Red Scare –

    Couldn’t agree with you more. Ray T is trying to pitch Hen Island as some sort of Chernobyl on the Sound, but nobody’s buying. And Red Hair (are you two related?) makes an excellent case for giving Jay Sears some sort of an e-Emmy or i-Pulitzer for a great website to allow the community to discuss items that truly interests them, instead of reading about restaurants and parties.

  58. Red Scare,
    Once again you are talking of the top of your head. You really need to stop twisting the facts. You have no firsthand knowledge of what took place, so let me tell you about it. Here is what transpired with regard to News 12, Hen Island, Rye and the County Health Department. First you need to understand that Westchester County is News 12’s largest costumer. So large that news 12 employs a liaison just to handle government affairs between Cablevision and Westchester County. Do you think he has any input into what stories will be covered or what would be embarrassing to the County? His official title is “Director of Government Affairs for Cablevision”. I had dinner with him a few months ago at a fund raiser for The Ashikari Breast Cancer Center at Dobbs Ferry Hospital.

    (FYI, Dr. Ashikari is one of the most preeminent Surgical Oncologists in the U.S. We are very lucky to have him available to us locally at the community Hospital in Dobbs Ferry. His success record and treatment methods are amazing.)

    How do you think news twelve finds out about all the drug related busts, pre arraigned sting operations, press conferences, ect ..? Do you think they just happen to be in the right place at the right time? Or do you think they are told to be there before hand? That being said, remember the old cliché “one hand washes the other”. News 12 refused to cover the Hen Island story, so I decided to one up them and run commercials only on News 12. After they tried for one month to discourage me from running the ads, they then had me prove that everything in the ads were accurate. (This had to be done thru their legal department). After I proved each point to them, I was told I would have to pay double the normal fee for my commercials and if I don’t like it “too bad don’t run them”. A day before the ads were going to air, I received a call from news 12 stating that they would look very foolish if I ran the commercials and they never covered the story. I was asked for an interview at that point. So as you can see I did not pay for news 12 to cover the Hen Island story. I embarrassed them into doing it, just like I am embarrassing the city of Rye to enforce the laws that they should be enforcing anyway. I guess the truth blows your propaganda out of the water!!! Again anything I post here I am willing to back up with examples from my files. Here is who you need to scare Mr. Red Scare. Scare the Mayor and city council into doing what they took an oath to do, enforce the laws of the city of Rye. For your viewing pleasure below is a copy of the commercial and the news 12 spot. They can also be viewed on our website


    News 12 story;

    Ray Tartaglione

  59. Your quote again, Ray:
    “First you need to understand that Westchester County is News 12’s largest costumer…”

    Actually, Westchester’s largest “costumer” is you…..with your silly costumes……..And, “talking (of) the top of your head”….You need an editor….
    Why Not

  60. You’re an 19 year old kid. You’re critically wounded, and dying in the jungle in the Ia Drang Valley , 11-14-1965, LZ X-ray, Vietnam . Your infantry unit is outnumbered 8 – 1, and the enemy fire is so intense, from 100 or 200 yards away, that your own Infantry Commander has ordered the MediVac helicopters to stop coming in. You’re lying there, listening to the enemy machine guns, and you know you’re not getting out. Your family is 1/2 way around the world, 12,000 miles away, and you’ll never see them again. As the world starts to fade in and out, you know this is the day. Then, over the machine gun noise, you faintly hear that sound of a helicopter, and you look up to see an un-armed Huey, but it doesn’t seem real, because no Medi-Vac markings are on it. Ed Freeman is coming for you. He’s not Medi-Vac, so it’s not his job, but he’s flying his Huey down into the machine gun fire, after the Medi-Vacs were ordered not to come. He’s coming anyway. And he drops it in, and sits there in the machine gun fire, as they load 2 or 3 of you on board.
    Then he flies you up and out through the gunfire, to the Doctors and Nurses. And, he kept coming back…. 13 more times….. And took about 30 of you and your buddies out, who would never have gotten out.
    Medal of Honor Recipient, Ed Freeman, died last Wednesday at the age of 80, in Boise, ID ……May God rest his soul…..

    I bet you didn’t hear about this hero’s passing, but we sure heard from Scooter, Linus, Red Scare, and Why Not, denouncing Bob’s Schubert’s actions. I say God bless Ed Freedman and men like Bob Schubert, without them we would be controlled by the likes of the Scooter, Linus, Red Scare, and Why Not.

  61. Ray –

    Your story just doesn’t wash, and you obviously know nothing about the news business.
    There is a very large divide between the publishing side of the business and the editorial/ informational component.
    Publishing is responsible for selling ads, buying ink, meeting payroll, paying expenses and running the business.
    The Editor is responsible for covering what’s happening around town. They try to make more interesting so they will sell more papers, and demand for ad space will increase.
    There is always pressure from advertisers to the publisher to put their companies in a good light (something like “I’ll buy more ad space if you do a puff piece on my firm”).
    News editors normally tell the publisher to pound sand when the publisher puts pressure on the editor for such puff pieces. But occasionally the publisher “wins” by going to the managing editor, who has the power to overrule the news editor, usually when the advertisor is spending a significant amount of money.
    I have NEVER heard of a news editor voluntarily going to an advertisor and asking for a story.
    With all that, it’s obvious the news editor was told by the managing editor to do a puff piece for you on Hen Island. I’m not surpised they charged you extra – the managing editor realized you were so desparate for coverage he could overcharge you.
    And do you know why the press is at drug busts and sting operations? They’re brought along b/c it’s great publicity for the police (duh!).
    I’ll leave it to you as to why the press is present at PRESS CONFERENCES. (Hint: it’s not done at a Chinese laundromat.)

  62. God Bless America –

    I did read of his passing, which I found of great interest. Such noble, selfless and brave acts are certainly worthy of awards of distinction. As the Medal of Honor is the highest military decoration awarded for acts of bravery in battle, it is fitting that Ed Freeman was awarded it.
    Even though your premise makes little sense, I find your use of his sacrifice is incredibly tasteless. One of the ideals that men like Ed, Bob and millions of other veterans sacrificed so much for was freedom of speech. I have voiced my opinion on several topics on this website. That is my right, guaranteed in the Constitution and enforced by men like Ed Freeman. But I have never made any sort of claim that I wanted to control others.
    You, on the other hand, have made every effort to take over just about every posting on this website, and have done your best to subvert city council meetings. While you haven’t yet found a way to stop people from speaking their minds, you’ve been doing your best to monopolize the conversation.

  63. Red Scare,
    I truly appreciate your words & thoughts. I’m not sure where the connection is between me & a bigger gov’t.? Confused on this one! Anyway, I have never put the blame for my son’s death on any single individual. I do however blame the street & the persons responsible for making our streets safe. I don’t know of one single citizen in Rye who thinks are streets are as safe as can be. I challenge anyone to stand on Midland Ave. between the intersection of Palisade Rd. & Midland School @ the busiest of times & tell me that I am NUTS & there is nothing unsafe about Midland Ave!!!!!!!!!!! YOU COULD NOT CONVINCE ME OF THIS W/A STIMULAS CHECK IN HAND!!!!!!!! My energy level is untouchable by anyone. I have plenty in the tank.
    FOR THE RECORD… Midland Ave. has been unchanged since it’s beginning; so not only is this council responsible so were everyone prior to them. Unfortunately there is nothing past members can do & it is the Present Council who can make a difference-SO FAR THEY HAVE CHOSEN NOT TO & THAT IS UNACCEPTABLE! I have never asked or seaked an explanation to the unexplained-I have saved that for my maker when I see him! And Please Tell me what could possibly be more Positive & Constructive than fighting for SAFER STREETS????????????? I ASKED FOR 1 STOP SIGN!! YOU WOULD THINK I WAS ASKING FOR THEM TO GIVE UP THEIR FIRST BORN!!! GIMME A BREAK! IF THEY CAN USE THEIR ENERGY ON NON-LIFE THREATENING ISSUES LIKE “LEAF BLOWER BANS” THEY CAN SURE AS HELL INSTALL A STOP SIGN OR TWO AROUND RYE!!!

  64. Mr. Amico, I feel your pain and frustration and I agree with your goals. However, you do yourself and your cause a disservice by aligning yourself with this local self serving sideshow that only seeks to improve his real estate with your tax dollars.

  65. Ray…..Please go back and look at ALL the postings with regard to Mr. Schubert….You will not find ONE posting by me. While Mr. Schubert has a battle to fight, I have no opinion one way or the other and never have stated one…(Guess what?…your Viet Nam piece could have used an editor as well, Ray.
    “Your AN (?) 19 year old….” ?

    Why Not

  66. Ray can’t even plagarize correctly. The original article started off with “You’re an 18 or 19 year old…”

    Freeman’s short bio follows.

    “ED W. FREEMAN, Captain, U.S. Army Company A, 229th Assault Helicopter Battalion, 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile)
    By the time the Korean War broke out, Ed Freeman was a master sergeant in the Army Engineers, but he fought in Korea as an infantryman. He took part in the bloody battle of Pork Chop Hill and was given a battlefield commission, which had the added advantage of making him eligible to fly, a dream of his since childhood.
    But flight school turned him down because of his height: At six foot four, he was “too tall” (a nickname that followed him throughout his military career).
    In 1955, however, the height limit was raised, and Freeman was able to enroll. He began flying fixed-wing aircraft, then switched to helicopters.
    By 1965, when he was sent to Vietnam, he had thousands of hours’ flying time in choppers. He was assigned to the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile), second in command of a sixteen-helicopter unit responsible for carrying infantrymen into battle.
    On November 14, 1965, Freeman’s helicopters carried a battalion into the Ia Drang Valley for what became the first major confrontation between large forces of the American and North Vietnamese armies. Back at base, Freeman and the other pilots received word that the GIs they had dropped off were taking heavy casualties and running low on supplies. In fact, the fighting was so fierce that medevac helicopters refused to pick up the wounded.
    When the commander of the helicopter unit asked for volunteers to fly into the battle zone, Freeman alone stepped forward. He was joined by his commander, and the two of them began several hours of flights into the contested area.
    Because their small emergency-landing zone was just one hundred yards away from the heaviest fighting, their unarmed and lightly armored helicopters took several hits. In all, Freeman carried out fourteen separate rescue missions, bringing in water and ammunition to the besieged soldiers and taking back dozens of wounded, some of whom wouldn’t have survived if they hadn’t been evacuated.
    Freeman left Vietnam in 1966 and retired from the Army the following year. He flew helicopters another twenty years for the Department of the Interior, herding wild horses, fighting fires, and performing animal censuses. Then he retired altogether.
    In the aftermath of the Ia Drang battle, his commanding officer, wanting to recognize Freeman’s valor, proposed him for the Medal of Honor. But the two-year statute of limitations on these kinds of recommendations had passed, and no action was taken.
    Congress did away with that statute in 1995, and Freeman was finally awarded the medal by President George W. Bush on July 16, 2001. Freeman was back at the White House a few months later for the premiere of We Were Soldiers, a 2002 feature film that depicted his role in the Ia Drang battle.
    As he was filing out of the small White House theater, the president approached him, saluted, and shook his hand. “Good job, Too Tall,” he said.

  67. You lost non-issue Ray
    Lost in court
    lost with governmental agencies
    Lost on Hen Island
    Lost on this blog.
    Throw your tantrum…come back as an adult and we will listen..
    Till then go to your room.

  68. Linus,
    Who really lost? It’s all out in the open.
    Everyone knows the truth about Hen Island.
    Everyone knows the truth about Schubert.
    Everyone knows that the city is avoiding taking action to increase traffic safety on Midland Ave.
    Everyone knows that the Police and Fire Departments are unhappy with the city.

    There are a few more things that they need to know, but that will come in time. You are right about one thing, it may be a non-issue with this administration but it will not be with the next. The ball is in motion already. They might change their minds and try to save their political careers. They may try to throw a few more overboard as they did to Shew in an effort to save themselves. But the bottom line is they are exposed. The people aren’t stupid. Shew isn’t the only one here to lose a career. People worked for years and they are watching their efforts go down the drain because they are not honest. They are going to jump ship one by one. You and Captain Otis will be the last ones in the ship. I heard that the big boy and girl democrats are already putting pressure on Rye because they causing the party too much embarrassment. Is that why Shew was fired? Sacrificial lamb? People see thru that. You may not believe this but if you were actually drowning I would throw you a cement block. Just kidding, I would save you; I wouldn’t want to put you out of your misery. Save the life of your computer screen and stop blogging.

    Look at you; I have you talking to an ass


    Jack A. (Mr. Floatie’s ass-istant)

  69. Justice for All,

  70. For those that missed this post the first time, here it is again, back by popular demand!

    No Man Is an Island — Unless He’s Cast Adrift …

    Rye Mayor Steven Otis and members of the Rye City Council have thrown the first of their companions in the rudderless lifeboat overboard.

    City manager Paul Shew is the first but may not be the last council constituent to be jettisoned …
    The reason for the firing, according to the council, was Shew’s, “failure to communicate” with the council and the mayor on projects. But many who have followed the debate over Bob Schubert’s wetlands garden, as well as the city council’s other environmental missteps (e.g. Hen Island), believe otherwise. Shew’s highly questionable decision to sic the Westchester County Department of Mental Health on Schubert is more likely the real cause for his being deep-sixed. Shew claims he called the psychiatric crisis center because he was, “concerned about Schubert’s mental health.” So concerned that he did not return a single one of Mr. Schubert’s phone calls to him the week before. Mr. Shew, who apparently thought he had the ability to determine another person’s sanity and who then misused his authority by taking formal action against Bob Schubert, will now have ample time rethink his behavior. Other council members may want to rethink theirs as well.

    Since 2006, Mr. Schubert has been standing up for his rights and asking that his wetlands issue be properly looked into. At a Rye city council meeting this February one female member’s response to Schubert’s well-founded requests was the feckless admonition that, “you shouldn’t sully your reputation”! Reputations are, indeed, on the line here, but Bob Schubert’s is not among them.

    This is indicative not only of this particular council member’s slender grasp of the issue but also of the council’s attitude as a whole to what’s important to the community. Are they oblivious or obstructionist?

    But bigger questions loom. Can Shew have acted alone in this instance? Is it possible that any city manager anywhere would be allowed to make such a drastic unilateral decision? On the Schubert issue and many others, what, if any, support or encouragement did Shew get from the mayor, the city attorney, other council members?

    To borrow from John Donne: No man (or city manager) is an island entire of itself. As city manager, Shew must have worked in concert with the Mayor, Rye city council, and Rye city attorney to conduct the city’s business. In time, some of them may learn — as Mr. Shew has — what it’s like to be cast away …

  71. Why didn’t Chantal come forward 2.5 years ago and save Mr. Shubert the agony of 2.5 years of City Council meetings? If anyone is to blame it is Chantal. Where was she when we needed a City Naturalist with backbone?

  72. Chantal should have battled her boss and the council and lost her job? Maybe she didn’t know what was going on till the news broke about social workers being sent to Shuberts house. Not everyone keeps up on news in Rye. Shew was fired for being a poor city manager. Empty suit that didn’t do his job. Didn’t negotiate contracts with unions and apparently didn’t communicate with city council. Why didn’t shew report what Chantal told him 2.5 years ago about the mistake being made. Shew =’s empty suit.


  74. Jim,
    When you mentioned Ponzi schemes and equated it to Rye, I remembered TedC posted this very realistic parallel between Rye’s Leader and the Bernie Madoff scandal. It depicts just how people get sucked into believing someone they have grown up with and trusted over the years can take advantage. In Madoff’s case the people entrusted their money and in Rye’s case the people entrusted the discretionary use of tax dollars and their faith that the laws would be enforced. I believe Otis droped the ball on both. Below is the original post as gut wrenching as it gets.

    Rye’s real estate agents must be wondering if this spring’s selling season is going to show up for work at all.
    One of the unpleasant side effects of the current crisis of confidence at City Hall over enforcement of environmental laws is that it creates negative headlines far beyond our boundaries about the city. This has a direct impact on our real estate business.
    Sweeping foul things under the rug only leads to the emanation of increasingly noxious odors over time. The Schubert matter, the Hen Island matter, and other matters – these things need to be resolved transparently and immediately and Rye has to be restored to a community of law, respectful of property owners’ rights and environmentally grounded.
    One thought I’ve had in recent days is that with all the championing of progressive environmentalism by this administration – especially the Mayor himself – you would think that something like these issues couldn’t possibly be true. But then I’ve been thinking of what happened when the now infamous Bernie Madoff approached Jewish charities and other wealthy Jewish families. He got their trust and support in part because he made them believe he was one of them – looking out for them because of their shared religion. This is called an affinity scheme and it is one of the building blocks of many so called Ponzi schemes.
    I lifted a full pile of newspaper and a full pile of metal and plastic into the back of my Jeep for the trip down my driveway last night for recycling pick up this morning. My back complained when I straightened up from organizing them (along with my neatly tied cardboard stacks) at the Forest Avenue curb. I thought – this is a good thing I do to better the earth and future generations. And this is something local real estate agents can point outsiders to with pride – civic duty, done under statute, for the betterment of all.
    Let’s give our hardworking local real estate industry all the help they can get before spring selling season gets underway. A simple municipal scalp hunting exercise will do nothing to restore trust and bring honest resolution. That will just lead to more noxious odors – and more bad headlines. Tell the city council to get all the facts out in public view on our own little “Watergate” right now.

    Posted by: tedc | February 17, 2009 at 09:44 AM

  75. Gut wrenching?….Gut wrenching?…
    Always the Drama Queen, Ray…..That posting is not, in my opinion, gut wrenching….
    Mr. Amico’s tale is gut wrenching….
    Why Not

  76. Let’s not forget the $1,000,000+ paid to Plunkett since 2005.

    Also, Rye taxpayers are paying Plunkett’s HEALTH INSURANCE and into the NYS RETIREMENT SYSTEM on his behalf.

    Why is it that Rye has two Attorneys on the payroll (Plunkett and Wilson), Labor Attorney Vincent Toomey who has made lots of money from Rye and they still had to hire another Attorney for the Shew firing?

    Are these Attorneys incompetent or could they possibly be involved in the coverup of the Mr. Schubert matters?

  77. TO ALL,
    I was recently criticized by Red Scare for the direction I choose to spend my energy,amongst other negative comments. I want everyone to know that my family & I wish no ill harm in any way with anything we post here or anything else you might see our name attached to around Rye. We appreciate every ones kind words & well wishes & support- & take all we can get. I can handle just about any criticism from any one. Please-all I ask is that you choose your words wisely & remember the sensitivity of the facts surrounding my arguments. I think WHY NOT has summed it up as I would. As soon as things simmer down a bit I will be recharging my batteries & hope that I can count on the Rye community & all my friends for the same support I have shown for others in their battles with City Hall. I SEEK NOTHING LESS THAN THE UTMOST CONCERN FOR THE SAFETY OF MY DAUGHTER,ALL OF JARRID’S FRIENDS,ALL THE CHILDREN OF RYE,& EVERY RESIDENT OF RYE. IT IS APPALLING TO MYSELF & MY FAMILY HOW WE HAVE BEEN DISMISSED BY THE OFFICIALS OF THIS ONCE GREAT CITY!!! ie;Mayor,Commissioner,Lieutenants

  78. Who was resopnsible for the initial permit issued for Mr. Shubert to alter a wetlands area? This possibly could be the biggest blunder of this whole ordeal. Who was the city naturalist at the time the permit was issued?

  79. Man made pond

    How did Mr. Shubert alter his wetlands? You still haven’t answered. When did he have a permit or are you just making things up?

  80. This is a repost from March 4, 2009. If you’ve already read it, feel free to skip it. I like re-reading it just to re-enforce it in my thinking ……..

    A troubling scenario is unfolding before our unsuspecting eyes. It is the weakening and erosion of private property rights of every single taxpayer in Rye. The most disturbing part is that the taxpayers, the property owners themselves, are the ones demanding it and are being used to further this movement. The Rye City Council and Building Dept are admirably resisting this movement.

    The mob scene that played out the other night at the City Council meeting demonstrated this. The supporters of Joe “McCarthy” Sack have sided with Mr. Schubert and have accused the gov’t of mistakes, possible corruption and cover-up in a case involving Mr Schubert’s neighbor’s drywell. Joe “McCarthy” Sack supporters are accusing the City Council of siding with Mr. Schubert’s neighbor and not Mr.Schubert. In essence, these supporters are trying to twist the Rye Govt’s defense of Mr. Schubert’s neighbor’s property rights into a case of priviledge with corruption and a cover-up. Mr. Schubert’s neighbor’s property rights are what this whole debacle is about. This has nothing to do with Mr. Schubert. He has no rights when it comes to his neighbor’s property. Mr. Schubert’s neighbor is the one
    who owns the property where this dry well exists, the one who owns the water
    that is on his property, the one trying to exercise his right to
    protect his property by fixing the drywell and the one trying to exercise his right as a property owner. The City Council is right to defend the neighbor.
    At the meeting the other night the mob was demanding that Mr. Schubert’s neighbor relinquish his rights and allow Mr. Schubert to take control of what is rightfully his neighbors, the water on the neighbor’s property. What Joe “McCarthy” Sack supporters fail to understand is that an erosion of a single taxpayer’s property rights is an erosion of ALL taxpayers property rights. Joe “McCarthy” Sack supporters are accusing Rye City Council of exerting Orwellian control on all Rye property owners except those that are “connected” or priviledged. They follow that if the gov’t comes to the aid of a property owner and respects his rights, the property owner must be “connected” and therefore being treated with some sort of priviledge which means the govt is covering up something and is corrupt. Nothing could be further from the truth. Actually, it is the Joe “McCarthy” Sack supporters who are exerting Orwellian control on Rye property owners by siding with Mr. Schubert who has no rights to his neighbors property and demanding that the Rye City Council give him the rights.. Ironic isn’t it? The biggest proponents of strong Rye property rights has ended up being the Rye gov’t while the biggest opponents to strong property rights has ended up being the property owners themselves! The slogan “We have met the enemy, and the enemy is us!” would be very fitting for Joe “McCarthy” Sack supporters. How could it be that the gov’t is the biggest defender of property rights in Rye while it’s citizens are the biggest attackers?
    How could this have happened? Well, The fear card has been played again and is being used to advance the movement of property right erosion. Identically to the fashion in which US citizens agreed to the erosion of their personal rights with the enactment of the Patriot act to protect them from terrorism, the citizens of Rye are giving up their property rights in fear of gov’t corruption being used to ignore code violations and other supposed wrong doings by select private property owners of Rye who supposedly are “connected”. The logic follows that, if only the priviledged property owners are connected , it implies that the rest of Rye property owners are getting screwed.

    Which leads us back to where this whole story started…. Hen Island. The initial push to erode Rye taxpayers rights started with Hen Island. Accusations of code violations, fear of gov’t cover-ups and priviledge and a fear of an unorthodox way of life started it off. Again the gov’t comes to the rescue of the property owners rights. The Heath Dept’s Commissioner Myerson is quoted in the paper as saying the situation is delicate because Hen Island is PRIVATE PROPERTY. The govt’s rush to the defense of Hen Island’s property rights is twisted into accusations of a cover-up because Hen Island is supposedly connected. The gov’t implicitly states that private property owners have strong rights but Joe “McCarthy” Sack supporters scream cover-up and allegations of corruption. The City of Rye’s defense of Hen Island’s property rights is twisted as a cover-up. The Supreme Court in White Plains agrees with the Rye govt’s view. Again, with the courts decision, taxpayer property rights are defended by the gov’t. The Rye City Council except for Joe “McCarthy” Sack should be commended. Rye should feel proud that they have a gov’t which has not given into this fear driven movement.

    Accusations of code violations have played a major role in the movement to erode property rights. Here’s how it works. Joe “McCarthy” Sack supporters scream about code violations and the cover-up of them on Hen Island. Then Greenhaven joins in the accusations. Hen Islanders fire back. They launch their own accusations at Greenhaven and other private property owners in Rye who own property on the sound. Greenhaven and the other property owners fire back at Hen Island. All that was needed was a little push in the form of a lawsuit and an article in the Journal News and the whole situation proceeds into a downward spiral. The downward spiral feeds on itself. The spiral is very much like the deflationary spiral we’re in today but instead of assets being depreciated, private property rights are being depreciated by the owners themselves. Every property owner now begins to throw stones from their own glass house because 99% of all houses in Rye are not up to code. Unless you just finished your house yesterday, you could be the next victim of accusations of code violations. It’s as simple as living in a house with 2X4 exterior walls. If you do, you are in violation of current building code. As you see, as people throw stones at Mr. Shubert’s neighbor or at Hen Island you are in effect eroding you’re own property rights. To deny Hen Island’s right to propane is dening your right to propane. Denying Hen Island’s right to standing water is denying your own right to standing water. Denying Mr. Shubert’s neighbor’s property rights is denying your own property rights. The gov’t can only resist the stupidity of Joe “McCarthy” Sack’s supporters for so long. If the supporters grow large enough then we will have a City Council full of Joe “McCarthy” Sack’s. If that happens anyone could be the next victim, it just depends on who they want to pick on next. The ironic thing is that the next victim could be one of Joe “McCarthy” Sack’s supporters. It reminds me of the Jews who thought they would be spared as they loaded the cattle cars with their fellow Jews for the Germans. They we’re told they would be spared. And we know what happened next. The Rye City Council except for Joe “McCarthy” Sack should be commended for how they’ve handled themselves so far and I hope they succeed.

    Who benefits from this horror show? Obviously not the property owners in Rye. A person that could benefit would be someone who doesn’t pay taxes in Rye and waits until the situation spirals out of control to move in. There are candidates that fit this description. A trip to the assessors office could prove revealing..

    So what do we do? Well, first off, JOE MUST GO!. Joe’s supporters must come to their senses instead of vowing to stick around for ever. In November ,Sack must not be allowed back on the City Council. With his stunt of trying to take the Council’s business onto he has proven he is an amateur. He still hasn’t given the people of Rye a good answer as to why he did that. Councilmen Pratt is still waiting for an answer. Secondly, the next time you see Joe “McCarthy” Sack out in Rye say “Thanks for Nothing, Joe!” because if this spiral of weakening and eroding private property rights continues, that is what Rye taxpayers property rights will be worth, NOTHING.

    Posted by: Red Scare | March 04, 2009 at 08:45 PM

  81. Red Scare

    Didn’t even have to read past your statement “Mr. Schubert’s neighbor is the one
    who owns the property where this dry well exists, the one who owns the water
    that is on his property, the one trying to exercise his right to
    protect his property by fixing the drywell and the one trying to exercise his right as a property owner. The City Council is right to defend the neighbor” His permit was for a repair to existing drain pipe. Not to install a dry well where non existed prior.

    [red scare,linus,scooter,why not,Q.D.,michael johnson,etc.] OF “THE TRUTH” COME OUT FROM HIDING- STAND UP & BE ACCOUNTED FOR WEDNESDAY NIGHT!
    Don’t forget to bring your big mouths!

  83. How do you spell cover up?

    Is it cover-up? Or is it coverup?

    The New York Post spelled it this way today –


    Rye City residents take note – looks like we’ve all been jobbed on Schubert’s Pond and so many other things by the very best The New York State Senate has to offer, by the very sorceress’s apprentice himself.

    “Cheated yet again.”

  84. Rye Residents please take note – our very own former Mayor Steve Otis is apparently hard at work doing what he does –


    “..scenes and events were fabricated..”

    “…intentionally misleading and factually inaccurate..’

    “..a sign was altered..”

    “…no such agency existed…”

    Fabricated, intentionally misleading, factually inaccurate, altered – sounds like stuff we held an election to assure a cleanup of. What is status Mr. French?

    Lohud has the story –

    And for those in the know in Rye, here’s some more costly losing municipal legal tradecraft by the former firm of Kevin Plunkett, Darius Chafizadeh and Kristen Wilson.

    Unlike the recent Greenburgh decision, here it looks like the Rockland taxpayers may get away with losing only $190K. This on top of the legal fees collected by the attorneys – which are as yet undisclosed but likely substantial.


    Lohud has the story –

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