I Scream for Longfords, For the Birds and Secret Contracts—Items on the Agenda for Special City Council Meeting Tuesday – August 4th, 2009

The city has called a special, unscheduled council meeting.

Let's check the batting order and highlights from the four agenda items for the Tuesday, August 4th special city council meeting and workshop. It is anticipated that the Council will adjourn into Executive Session for at least a portion of the meeting for contract negotiations.


  • I Scream. Consideration of request for permission to close a section of Elm Place for the ten year anniversary celebration of Longford’s Ice Cream.
  • For the Birds. Workshop on the acquisition of the Bird Property.

The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on August 12, 2009.


One Comment

  1. So the dream of preserving historic Milltown lives on. This is a very good thing and lots of credit is due to the many selfless folks who have made this happen. As a child I remember the deep kindness of Miss. Bird and spent many hours in several historic Milltown houses owned by the parents of my friends. But I now have to wonder why we, as a community, have let our keystone, city owned Milltown church – The Friends Meeting House – dissolve into such an unsightly mess over recent years.

    I remember all the media attention the politicians soaked up when they procured some public rescue money to help buy the church and land and all their promises of “restoration” that went with this. Now look at it. Would it hurt to have some paint applied? Is it going to fall down? Is this the fate of the Bird Property?

    Could this latest secret meeting be the determining session that swings more taxpayer money into the project breach to close the acquisition and generate another empty election year photo op? That’s just disgusting.

    We have to ask – can the “Gang of Steve” even pronounce the phrase “bridge to nowhere?”

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