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Saturday, June 15, 2024
HomeGovernmentYour Metro North Questions

Your Metro North Questions

Rye state assembly rep George Latimer wants to take your questions to Metro North when the state holds a hearing about the abomination of recent train service.

If you were putting the screws to Metro North management in front of a public hearing, what questions would you ask? Leave you questions as a comment below.

Here is Latimer's request:

"Dear Sound Shore Neighbor,

I am developing a list of Public Hearing questions to be forwarded to the Assembly Corporations & Authorities Committee for what I anticipate will be a public hearing held in Manhattan in March on Metro-North service issues, including coverage of the abysmal service on the New Haven Line which you have previously written me about.

Please take a few minutes to add, edit, or delete questions which I am seeking to have asked Metro North senior management:

What explains the on-going delay of the new M8 cars coming into service on the New Haven Line? What was the original date they were to come on line? What commitments were given by the vendor to meet the target dates? What sanctions exist for failure to meet the deadlines?

What is the status of on-going catenary line maintenance? What plans exist for third rail power line extension? What costs and deadline have been established in these areas?

What is the role of Connecticut vis-a-vis New York State in the decision-making on issues governing the New Haven Line? What policies have been pursued that may have contributed to the current problems experienced?

As additional snowstorms further slowed activities, what emergency activities – identifying diesel engines and passenger cars, fixing existing rail cars that went out of service, etc.- were planned to correct the deficiencies in New Haven Line service?

Please review the format of platform announcements, both at suburban stations for in-bound passengers, and at GCT for outbound passengers, to keep them fully informed of delays and cancellations: on what basis are announcements forthcoming; what is the frequency of repeat announcements, etc?

Personnel policies: were train personnel taking normal vacation time off during this crisis? What was done to maximize manpower needed to make the system run as best as possible under the circumstances?

What is the game plan for March assuming we continue to experience cold weather and snow?

Any input would be appreciated by Tuesday, March 1st; I expect to meet with Assembly committee staff on that day to review the topic areas.

Best wishes,

George Latimer
Assemblyman, 91st A.D."

  1. Good questions Mr. Latimer. Here’s an “inside” issue mentioned to me by one of my longtime Metro North union buddies – so you for one will be taking zero career risk in asking it…

    “Given the forecast for the blizzard and the already pending storm related service curtailments built into the schedules, why was the majority of the electric fleet not brought to the sheltered Grand Central tunnels for the storm instead of being left standing exposed in the Stamford CT yard? Wind driven snow on a parked electric car is a known primary cause of traction motor failures and malfunctions.”

  2. Dear Mr. Latimer,

    While I only train into Manhattan from late January until mid April I am just as frustrated as the poor people who do this all year round. The MTA has a history of financial trickery. It seems to me that the new MTA tax imposed last year for 2009 must have raised revenue along with the increase in fares there is no excuse for the TERRIBLE SERVICE we are subject to. I am calling for the resignation of the entire board and an oversight committee formed. There is no other way.


    Ed Mignogna

  3. There are many questions to ask about the sorry state or Rye station. After one year the overpasses remain a work in progress. The station hall is as sad as ever. What has the larger canope done for passengers? It seems to have no function. There are also a few handicap parking spots with very able drivers jumping out every day…. Come and take a look George!


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