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HomeGovernmentRye People: Rye Mayor Steve Otis (Part 1 of 2)

Rye People: Rye Mayor Steve Otis (Part 1 of 2)

With the November 3rd elections just around the corner, it's time for MyRye.com to introduce you to the candidates looking for your vote. This is your city and your election, so tell us what you think of the candidates and of our coverage. Leave your comments below.

Last week we introduced you to Doug French, who is challenging sitting Mayor Steve Otis. Today, we introduce you to Mayor Otis, who is gunning for another four years.

Your Name:  Steve Otis

Your Elected Position: Mayor

Steve Otis head shot 2

Your Day Job:

Counsel/Chief of Staff to State Senator Suzi Oppenheimer. I have worked for Senator Oppenheimer for 24 years and in state government for 29 which has provided me with vast experience in the workings of government at every level and on issues affecting Rye, such as government finance, local government, property tax relief, environmental protection, transportation, flooding and emergency management. My work includes the wide variety of issues facing New York State, Westchester County, and the 37th Senate District. Senator Oppenheimer is Chair of the Senate Education Committee.

If MyRye.com asked your co-workers for one word to describe you, what one word would they use?


Candidate closing statement at The Osborn Debate (October 19, 2009):

Your Political Affiliation:

Democratic Party. I believe at the local level that party should not make a difference which is why again, this year, I run with a nonpartisan ticket of Council candidates one Democrat, one Republican, and one Independent and why I have won each election with strong support from Republican, Independent, and Democratic voters.

Why are you running again for elected office?

With 29 years in state government, decades of work as a volunteer in Rye including my work as Mayor, a masters degree in public administration, I offer experience and knowledge of how government works translating into results for Rye that cannot be duplicated by others.

We face serious challenges brought on by the weak economy, threats from flooding, the importance of controlling property taxes, maintaining quality services, and keeping the merit-based nonpartisan decision-making our team has brought to the City Council.

This is a time to continue the unique leadership I offer through my understanding of how government operates and a proven record of innovation and success in increasing public participation, maintaining our Aaa bond rating and strong municipal finances, delivering projects for the community, and securing millions of dollars in outside grants, loans, and private sector funding to accomplish Rye’s goals.

I am as excited as the day I began to use my unique experience from a career in public service to deliver great results for Rye in this volunteer position. In these challenging times, I have helped Rye accomplish goals that would not have been achieved without my involvement. I know that Rye will need the skills I offer in the days ahead.

City elections are coming up this fall. What should we know about the elections this fall? Who else on the ticket are you supporting?

The key to this election will be to elect those individuals who understand Rye the best and have proven their ability to get things done through leadership and success by working with people and getting results.

Andy Ball has been a thoughtful and essential member supporting increased commitment to infrastructure such as our flooding projects, the rebuilding of Theall Road, and the  Boston Post Road repaving and redesign project, as well as protecting Rye residents as we did at Highland Hall. Myles Lavelle has demonstrated his leadership ability as head of Rye Little League, volunteer for other recreation programs, and for other programs like POTS. Myles brings a strong business analysis background, which is always valued on the City Council. Joe Murphy has been a leader in Rye for decades having served as Chair of the Rye Conservation Commission, co-founder of the innovative Rye Senior Advocacy Committee, and as a leader in saving and rebuilding the Rye Nature Center. As a social worker Joe brings skills in solving problems, assisting senior citizens, and also served our children as a member of the Board of Education.

We all share a commitment to addressing the challenges of today based upon merit-based decision-making, public participation, and not partisan politics. Each member of our ticket has been successful in working with others to bring results for Rye.

The most important issues are to maintain our strong financial position in difficult economic times, control taxes, maintain services, continue to implement flooding and other infrastructure projects, and continue to use innovation to meet goals of the community for children, recreation, the environment, public safety, and traffic safety in a cost-effective way.  We face challenges from outside Rye on issues such as flooding, traffic, the proposed Long Island Sound Highway Tunnel, cell towers in residential neighborhoods, and taxation. I will continue to use all my skills to protect Rye on all of these issues.

What are the three most important issues facing Rye over the next five years?

1. Municipal Finance – The City of Rye government is one of a handful of communities in NYS with a Moodys Aaa bond rating and strong finances by the measures of debt, level of taxation compared to other communities, staffing levels, and operation. With the recession, elastic revenues are dropping for all municipalities. We took strong steps last year by adopting a 2009 budget that is $1.1 million less than 2008 and establishing a Recession Task Force to address additional cuts going forward. We have now matched $1.8 million in reduced revenues because of the economy, with $1.8 reduced spending. We will continue to examine services, reorganization, and spending to prepare for additional reductions until the economy improves.

2. Flooding – Rye is one of the first four communities to receive county flood mitigation funding which will provide $1.2 million towards our Bowman Avenue Sluice-gate project. (12 communities applied) Reducing our flood risk is an important priority because the cost of flood damage affects not only homes and businesses directly impacted,   but also every other resident. Flood damage in Rye lowers property values for the entire community, and we all share in the cost of repairing damaged municipal infrastructure. Our risk cannot be eliminated, but can be reduced through implementation of a number of individual projects, mostly upstream of Rye. No single project can provide adequate flood mitigation alone.

We have completed the Elm Street brook wall rebuild and the Milton Harbor dredging projects. We await approvals from New York State for the Central Avenue Bridge rebuild and from utility companies for the Theo Fremd Brook wall project. All of these projects will be paid for with significant amounts of outside funding to protect Rye taxpayers. (Some projects funded with 80% or more in outside sources.)  I was appointed as an original member of the County Flood Action Task Force and have been a leading advocate for responsive flood mitigation policies with federal, state, county, and municipal officials and am eager to continue this work. Rye has had tremendous help from the Rye Flood Action Committee.

3. Maintaining nonpartisan merit-based decision-making. The change our team brought to the City Council four years ago was to restore sound decision-making based upon the merits of the issues and what is best for Rye. Our focus is on results, public participation, respect for differing views and open government. We do not want to see Rye go back to partisan game-playing which results in bad decisions for our town. Our Council slate of one Democrat, one Republican and one Independent is committed to these principles.

Thanks, Steve

Tomorrow tune in for part two of MyRye.com's interview with Rye Mayor Steve Otis.


  1. Given the secret discussions amongst Otis and his fellow Council members, the closed door meetings where 90% of Rye’s business is decided and not providing records sought through FOIL requests, Otis has some chutzpa to tout open and transparent government as part of his platform.

    The Central Avenue Bridge is not replaced.

    The Sluice Gate at the Bowman Avenue Dam has not been installed.

    The Theodore Fremd Avenue wall has not been repaired.

    The Beaver Brook remains the Beaver Swamp thanks to Otis.

    There are still basically no Police Officers patrolling our streets between 7:50 a.m. and 8:10 a.m., 3:50 p.m. and 4:10 p.m. and 11:50 p.m. and 12:10 a.m.
    The person responsible for this, Connors, is still in place.

    We still have a lawsuit pending from Shew thanks in large part to the mishandling of the situation by Otis and because of the lavish contract that Otis gave to Shew which allowed for an excessive buyout.

    Speaking of open and transparent when exactly is the public going to be able to speak on the Shew issue? Otis refused to allow for the public to speak on this at the March 17, 2009 public meeting.

    Why was a criminal allegation made against the City of Rye Clerk and what steps has Otis taken to address these allegations? Is the public’s trust being jeopardized?

    Otis fails to mention anything about the City Manager form of government we have in Rye. This is not too shocking since he has ignored it for the last twelve years and will no doubt continue to ignore it if elected again. How more City Managers must we go through?

  2. But wait – where are the unelected outside lawyers listed who now apparently run our little city? They’re not on the Mayor’s new ticket?

    The outside lawyers look like they’ve got this current board of directors (er, city council) wrapped tightly around their fingers and the huge cash billings and the related reams of unnecessary litigation show that.

    Most businesses fail when litigation leadership syndrome starts. Instead of another puppet show, why not just put one of them, say Mr. Plunkett, on the ticket? If he was maybe forced to be paid like a regular city attorney how long do you think he’d hang around?

    We HAVE the money folks – we pay BREATHTAKING taxes – we can pay for MOST OF OUR OWN infrastructure problems (and not always be hat-in-hand for redistributed conditional long delayed dollars).

    Being spent poor only increases the political power of one man in our city.

  3. Mayor Otis, Your Words In Quotes:
    “I have worked for Senator Oppenheimer for 24 years and in state government for 29 which has provided me with vast experience in the workings of government at every level and on issues affecting Rye, such as government finance, local government, property tax relief, environmental protection, transportation, flooding and emergency management”.
    Gov’t Finance? We are broke according to you. Property Tax Relief? Property taxes are thru the roof thanks to you. Enviromental Protection? Your doing a bang up job on Hen Island, by all means keep up the good work,LOL! Transportation? Are you referring to your trips to Albany with Susie or Lt.Verille’s and Paul Shews trips home with City owned vehicles and tax payers paid for expenses? Flooding and Emergency Management?
    This must be your idea of a joke!

    “I offer experience and knowledge of how government works translating into results for Rye that cannot be duplicated by others”. If you used this experience & knowledge you claim you have you wouldn’t need to manipulate the system to fix things around here. Who in their right mind would want to duplicate your results which are embarrassing to all of us and are bringing Rye closer and closer to Bankruptcy!

    “This is a time to continue the unique leadership I offer through my understanding of how government operates and a proven record of innovation and success in increasing public participation, maintaining our Aaa bond rating and strong municipal finances, delivering projects for the community, and securing millions of dollars in outside grants, loans, and private sector funding to accomplish Rye’s goals”. Unique Leadership? You have single handily embarrassed The City of Rye with your handling of the Schubert Pond, RPD, Hen Island, City Manager Paul Shew, simple Request for a Stop Sign after a 10 yr.old boy was struck and killed on your streets, etc.,etc!
    Public Participation? I along with others have repeatedly brought forward serious problems to your attention and you have slapped all of us in the face with one lie after another!
    Securing millions of dollars in outside grants, loans, private sector funding? Mr.Mayor why is this even necessary with your claim of vast experience and knowledge? What would happen to Rye if all of this was turned down? Would we become another Bridgeport,Ct.?

    “I have helped Rye accomplish goals that would not have been achieved without my involvement”.
    Are you saying that you are the only man for the job? Pretty bold statement given the events of the past almost 4 years!!!

    “The most important issues are to maintain our strong financial position in difficult economic times, control taxes, maintain services, continue to implement flooding and other infrastructure projects, and continue to use innovation to meet goals of the community for children, recreation, the environment, public safety, and traffic safety in a cost-effective way”.
    Rye’s financial position has little to do with the economy and more to do with how you have handled the waste of our hard earned dollars. How about that acquisition of the old CVS bldg. for a Police Dept., how much is that costing us? How about what it has cost us in time and $$$ with the Schubert’s, Amico’s, Tartaglione, and Chittenden? How much do we spend on outside Lawyer fees compared to having in house Council Representation? $400,000 per on the City Manager position! Poor management of the RPD and wasteful overtime $$$ brought forward by Connors who YOU HIRED! Control Taxes? NOW THIS HAS TO BE A TYPO!
    Meet goals for the children,Public Safety,Traffic Safety? Come on Steve, you have got to be Joking!!! In what way are you protecting the children and residents of Midland Ave. and all of Rye? PLEASE ELABORATE!!!!

  4. It’s all about me. It’s all about me. It’s all about me.

    We are all getting tired of Mimi Otis and his B.S. This is a City Manager run City not a Mimi Otis kingdom.

    Mimi Otis has turned our nice and quaint community into a nightmare with his politics. Mimi’s personal agenda along with his personal vendettas are well known and he cannot avoid them.

    Perhaps Mimi Otis wants to leave a lasting legacy. I propose we name a street after Mimi. Either Mayfield Street or Second Street are both appropriate for Mimi’s legacy. Mayfield is a Dead End and Second Street is a One Way.

    Or we could name a new street for Mimi Otis. I propose Novak Circle, Shew Turnpike, Bradbury Lane and lastly, Connors Way or the Highway.

  5. Staggered Shift slots with or without written in contracts does not mean that our children are not in danger every single school day!!

    If we had a Mayor and a Leader of the RPD that actually was willing to not waste our money on overtime and manage this City properly we could afford the overtime for the RPD to assign someone during these time slots!!!

    My daughter now attends the RMS and I am trying to ruffle up enough courage to let her walk to school. Isn’t that what the Safe Routes to School Program,TTC, and all Administration in Rye have been shoving down our throats the last 3 1/2 years…WALK TO SCHOOL!!!

    Well, put yourself in mine and my wife’s shoes. My son is tragically killed by on coming traffic and ever since then the Administration of Rye has shown us ZERO COMPASSION!!! All we asked is for a simple $300 Stop Sign along with a few minor changes to Midland Ave. and what we got in return were lies,lies,and more lies…SLAPS IN THE FACE!!!

    Now, I along with all other parents that live on the Midland Ave. side of Rye Rec Park are faced with letting our children walk to school with NO CROSSING GUARDS in place until you reach the RMS!!! That’s right NO CROSSING GUARDS!!!!!!!
    Can someone PLEASE explain to us how we are suppose to let our 11yr.olds safely walk to school without us??? Remember Jarrid was just 5 weeks from his 11th B-Day!
    What happened to the morning Crossing Guard in front of Resurrection School???


  6. Jim,

    Actually you’ve hit the nail on the head – this administration is almost completely disconnected from the average Rye resident. Their promises are hollow and their agenda and their priorities are their own – or rather Mr. Otis’s own.

    I like our new writer Mimi (Me, Me) Otis. Mimi gets right to the point in a fresh direction. Keep it coming Mimi!

    And Jimmy – speaking of promise breakers – does anyone have a clip of Andy Ball doing his personal high bench “beat downs” on Bob Schubert? As I recall, one or more of them actually tops that truly over-the-top beat down on Schubert done by Mr. Plunkett.

    Andy first scoffed at the suggestion of a cover-up on Schubert Pond and then voted against an investigation when it appeared Mr. Shew had indeed “misled” the council. (And don’t forget folks, both the city hired hydrologist AND the former city naturalist publically called the Gates property a wetland – but mysteriously, no wetland permit was ever required.)

  7. Mayor Otis,
    Please feel free to use our theme song as your own theme song during your campaign. After all, there are a few pictures in front of city hall, as well as a few of the sewage pits you allow to pollute our waters and lastly when we speak of officials in the song we are referring to you. Thank you soooo much for protecting the environment.

    Jack A. (Mr. Floatie’s ass-istant)

  8. Dear Average Citizen:

    Connors had no problem changing the schedules of Falk, Verille and Reichert when they couldn’t make it to work on time from in or near Putnam County. It seems 684 south is very busy around the time they would be traveling to get to work by 8 a.m.

    You see all 3 Lieutenants work Monday thru Friday. They used to work 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. like everyone else. When they were late nearly every day and it was reported to Connors, he changed their schedules to 830 a.m. to 430 p.m. Connors did this unilaterally.

    The staggered shifts has been proposed to Connors, Shew and Otis by the PBA for many years. Despite it being proven that it would save lots of overtime and potentially could save someone’s life, they have rejected the staggered shifts. Why?

    Connors and Otis could do the staggered shifts with the existing manpower and existing contract, but because it was a union proposal, Connors and Otis are being blinded by their hatred and animus for the union.

    Connors and Otis would rather risk lives and waste taxpayer money than do the right thing.

    I hope it is not your child, parent, spouse, neighbor or friend who may die because of Connors and Otis.

    Are Connors and Otis who you want leading Rye?

    I say throw both of them to the curb. Appoint a Police Chief with all Sergeants being eligible to take the Chief’s test because all of the current Lieutenants are useless and the entire department knows it.

  9. PCvC, please don’t take my comments as adversarial; they truly are meant to just get more info.

    I’m guessing that the officers now work the standard days, nights and midnights (8×4, 4×12, 12×8). If you want overlapping shifts, won’t the officers need to be called in 30 minutes earlier? My concern here is I doubt the officers will work the extra 30 minutes without being compensated (I wouldn’t!). Some might say that we need to curb OT, not increase it. I also know that safety is paramount, but can you point to instances where this procedure has caused a significant delay in responding to a call? Also, are all RMPs pulled at the same time, or are they staggered? Also, what is the OT policy of RPD, if an officer is required to work past his regular tour? Is there a minimum amount of time he gets credited with? For example, if he works 15 extra minutes, does he (or she!) get credited with the 15 minutes, or does the current contract call for a minimum amount (i.e., one hour)?

    As for the “appoint a chief” issue. Isn’t the same person(s) who currently appoints the commissioner going to appoint the chief? I definitely like the idea that at least the top cop will come from the ranks, but even you admit that if any of the Lts are appointed, it would not be a good thing. In a generic example, one would assume that a Lt has more experience than a Sgt., so it would be easy for the mayor/council to appoint a Lt and easily justify it.

    And just to add a little fun to this, would you rather see a competent outsider named commissioner or one of the current Lts?

    Agan, please don’t take my comments as adversarial. They aren’t meant to be.

    Also, good luck tomorrow morning.

  10. Average Citizen:

    One Officer from each shift could be assigned to work 7 a.m.-3 p.m., 3 p.m.-11 p.m. and 11 p.m.-7 a.m.. This would be their shift. They would not be paid overtime to work their shift.

    When the rest of 8-4, 4-12 & 12-8 Police Officers get off, there is always the “staggered” shift Police Officer on duty. If an emergency call comes in at 7:50 a.m. in Bradford Park, the 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Police Officer is already working, on the road and able respond a lot faster to the emergency than a Police Officer having to respond from Police HQ, after roll call, after inspecting their emergency vehicle’s lights, siren and all the equipment, etc.

    If a non-emergency call comes in at 7:45 a.m. there is no need to hold over any of the 12 a.m. to 8 a.m Police Officers or have any of the 8 a.m. -4 p.m. Police Officers report early on overtime because the 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Police Officer is already on duty.

    This would be the same scenario for all shifts.

    When students are walking or driving to Middle School or High School at 7:45 a.m., the 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Police Officer would be on duty and on patrol already should something happen.

    The staggered shift Police Officer could also do traffic enforcement around the High School and Middle School from 7:30 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. without overtime and while traffic is at its worst. Currently, 95% of the time there are no Police Officers available from 7:50 a.m. to 8:10 a.m. That is simply unacceptable by any standards.

    As I wrote earlier, from what I understand the PBA has made the proposal for staggered shifts many times over the past several years and unfortunately Otis, Connors, Shew and now Culross have all ignored this threat to safety and this waste of taxpayer money.

    Can you imagine the PBA suggesting ways to save overtime and it goes ignored???????

    Can you imagine the PBA suggesting ways to enhance response times and safety and it goes ignored??????

    I suspect you are very verse on this already but I am attempting to explain this as best as I can for anyone else who may be reading.

    To answer your question currently we have Otis and Culross in charge. Currently they would make the choice once Connors is fired. Hopefully come January 1, 2010, that changes and we get some people in charge who are competent and will make the right choice for new leadership at the Rye Police Department.

    Tomorrow got postponed.

  11. Avg. Citizen, you asked;
    “And just to add a little fun to this, would you rather see a competent outsider named commissioner or one of the current Lts”?
    Lt.Falk: here’s a guy who refuses to do Radar on Midland Ave. & the one time his men/women were instructed to do so it was for the sole purpose “to prove Jim Amico wrong”. When on duty you can find him hanging out @ the beach area. And let’s not forget his role in the current issues of a certain Officer.

    Lt.Verille: This guy was acting Commissioner when Jarrid was struck and killed. When the call came in he got into a City owned vehicle and drove off to see his kid play softball or something.

    Lt.Reichert: To me this guy is almost non-existint and most citizens don’t even know we have a 3rd Lt. I personally do not know his role as a Lt.

    So which one of these guys would you pick?

    Speaking of “empty promises” and Councilman Andy Ball;

    I can recall Councilman Ball & Councilman Pratt both knocking on my door “Promising” the sky as they lobbied for our votes. Still Waiting!!!

    And how about that empty promise he also made to the Rye PBA as he lobbied for their votes! Last I checked they are also Still Waiting!!!

    And let’s not forget to mention that day that will be imbedded in my memory for the rest of my natural days. It was April 2006, my 10yr.old little precious boy was struck and killed by oncoming traffic. My wife & I had the daunting task of making Funeral Arraingments. COULD YOU IMAGINE?
    While my little boy lied in his final resting place Councilman Ball & Councilman Pratt, as acting Mayor because Otis was out of the Country, had the odacity to VOLUNTARLIY PROMISE my wife and I that they would do everything in their power to help correct Midland Ave. And if that wasn’t enough they Voluntarily did it again a couple of days later when I saw them @ Kelly’s. At the time it seemed to be a very noble promise. It turned out to be nothing other than a SLAP IN THE FACE! To this day I do not remember Councilman Ball even weighing in on the subject as I returned to Council meetings time & time again.
    For those of you who do not know, Councilman Ball is only a couple of years younger than me so we are no strangers to one another. It hurts me to have to say this about him. To this day it amazes me how people forget where they come from!!!

  12. I saw Rye School Board member Bob Zahm walking south on Boston Post Road towards the High School/Middle School this morning at around 7:45 a.m.

    As soon as he got near the High School at Resurrection Church he apparently saw the cars traveling in the wrong lanes, people letting their kids out on Boston Post Road and cars making unsafe turns with of course no Police Officers around, he turned around and beat foot northbound.

    I guess he didn’t want to be a real witness to the traffic and safety disaster around the High School and Middle School.

    Perhaps Mr. Zahm can teach a government responsibility class to our students. He can do like the Rye City Council does and just not show up.

  13. Ok. Let me get this straight! One of our councilmen took time to pay his respects at your son’s wake and this is the treatment he gets! Stunning! And you wait until election season to bring this up!?

    I don’t know what was said or WASN’T but having known Andy for a long time – one thing I can assure you all is that he is committed to the City of Rye and an honest, no bullshit guy.

    You mention the pub…are you kidding? Nice apology to the pub. I’ll just leave it at that!!!!

    Mr. Amico, can you explain to us why there is no stop sign on Midland rather than just vent? Do you seriously think that the folks on the city council just singled you out. Come on… get real. Please explain the analysis that was done and the results?

    Unfortunately, there’s a small group of people in town these days who– when the Council doesn’t tell them exactly what they want to hear, or doesn’t do exactly what they request– they start their smears. Corruption! Lies! Maybe myrye could host a reunion for these folks, or start a club of some kind for them where they could just get in a room and rant at each other instead of spreading their litter all over this site.

    More realistically, maybe myrye could be part of the solution… has there ever been any article or analysis on this site that lays out the Traffic experts’ position on why there’s reluctance to put a stop sign at that intersection??? That could help. In the alternative, we’re just going see more ranting posts from people that didn’t hear, or didn’t get, exactly what they wanted from the Council.

    Enough is enough. I fully support Andy Ball for re-election.

  14. Nonpartisan,

    Like everyone who grew up here, I have a deep respect for the Balls family and their (150?) years of community involvement and service.

    So it was first with deep concern then embarrassment and then disgust that I watched Andy pile on Bob Schubert with the others up there. This wasn’t even close to civil – it was quite simply despicable.

    And then of course the whole ugly “Shew brew blew” and when Andy KNEW he had officially been MISLEAD about the Schubert matter what did Andy do? He went along and went along and went along.

    Now Paul Shew sits under a phony legal “cone of silence” and sends in yet another lawsuit to get more of our hard earned money.

    Thank you fellow readers for the council meeting date leads on Andy’s high bench capers.

  15. nonpartisan, you wrote:
    “Ok. Let me get this straight! One of our councilmen took time to pay his respects at your son’s wake and this is the treatment he gets! Stunning! And you wait until election season to bring this up”!?

    Ball’s respect went out the window with his empty promise.

    Any treatment Andy receives from my family is well deserved and none of your business!

    As for your remark about me waiting until election time to bring this up…COMPLETELY UNTRUE!
    Get your facts straight if you wish to address me and please put your real name on it.
    I brought this to Ball’s & Pratt’s attention along with the rest of the Council and the city of Rye when I said it to their face at one of my many appearances at Council meetings and it also has been printed in more than one newspaper article!

    “I don’t know what was said or WASN’T”

    why did you cap the word wasn’t? Unless you were standing there, and the only way that is possible is if you are Andy or George, there is no way for you to be certain!

    “Mr. Amico, can you explain to us why there is no stop sign on Midland rather than just vent? Do you seriously think that the folks on the city council just singled you out. Come on… get real. Please explain the analysis that was done and the results”?

    No, I can’t explain why there is no stop sign on Midland Ave, CAN YOU? You seem to know so much, come on enlighten us!!!This is the big question/mystery wise guy!!!
    I never said or felt I was singled out by anyone and I am as real as they come! What analysis are you speaking of? There needs to be one before you can have results!

    You must have me confused with your friends @ City Hall!

    Just so we are straight- you have not earned my respect nor do you possess enough class to speak on the death of my son…..



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