MyRye City Council Poll Results: Team French Improves, But Not Enough

POLL city council poll results #2 

The results of the second city council poll are complete. Team French -  Richard Filippi, Peter Jovanovich and Suzanna Keith - all showed polling improvements from our first poll but not enough to pose a serious challenge against Team Otis.

Team Otis -  Andy BallMyles Lavelle and Joe Murphy - showed moderate declines from the first city council candidate poll, but not enough to threaten their hegemony.

Candidate Poll #1 Poll #2 Poll Improvement?
Ball 71.9 66.9 -5
Filippi 18.8 25.2 6.4
Jovanovich 23.8 28.8 5
Keith 28.1 33.1 5
Lavelle 67.5 59.8 -7.7
Murphy 53.1 51.8 -1.3

With just days left before the November 3rd election, do you know enough about the candidates to make an informed decision? Read's profiles of city council candidates Andy Ball, Richard Filippi, Peter Jovanovich, Suzanna Keith, Myles Lavelle and Joe Murphy. And also read our profiles of mayoral candidates Doug French and Steve Otis.

Who are you supporting and why? Leave a comment below.


One Comment

  1. Word on the street is that The Sound Shore News had robust poll participation and pretty good controls over its polling data and when all the votes were in, Doug French and his slate had topped Team Otis by over 300 votes.

    But unlike with MyRye where Mr. Otis was satisfied with the results, the unfavorable counts at The Sound Shore News sent Mr. Otis scrambling into Mr. Sturman’s office to demand the results be spiked as inaccurate. He got his way. We feel for Mr. Sturman, Otis can be like a spoiled brat.

    Sturman though, like any abused proprietor, may have gotten the last and better laugh.
    In that week’s cover photos, Doug French and Suzanna Keith are shown smiling on Purchase Street with kids and balloons.
    Otis meanwhile sits alone in a folding chair in front of a memorial monument that looks curiously like – a grave.

    Happy Halloween!

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