The Last Word: City Council Candidate Richard Filippi asked each city council and mayoral candidate for their "last word" – what they'd each like to say the voters of Rye before each of you head to the polls this Tuesday, November 3rd. We'll be running these "last words" Saturday, Sunday, and some may run Monday.

This "last word" comes from city council candidate Richard Filippi:

Dear Neighbors:

Richard Filippi photo 2 The Change For Rye Team would like to clarify some points and claims that you have heard at the debates and in print ads by our opposition.

Steve has a Masters Degree in government and is familiar with workings with all levels of government due to his years of service. It is about leadership not education.  George Washington was a Surveyor; Jefferson was a farmer, Theodore Roosevelt a Rancher and Ronald Regan an actor. Yet these men changed our country and the world for the better.

We have time and again addressed issues of Parking, Flooding and city revenues at the debates and other events with creative and no cost or low cost solutions, while our opponents claim nothing can be done and City taxes are only 16% of your bill. Will they state this when we are paying $100,000 per year? They also have stated that if you want taxes to be held or lowered go to the County & School Board. Is that Leadership?

There is the claim of $20 million in grants brought into Rye. If that is the correct figure we remind voters that this is over 12 years. We would work with the library to obtain various databases for Grants in order that the user community, such as the garden clubs, environmentalists, etc. can apply for their needs.

I am asking that you vote for me and the Change for Rye team of Doug French, Suzanna Keith and Peter Jovanovich. Thank you.

Can't Decide?

If you missed them, read's profiles of city council candidates Andy Ball, Richard Filippi, Peter Jovanovich, Suzanna Keith, Myles Lavelle and Joe Murphy. And also read our profiles of mayoral candidates Doug French and Steve Otis.


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