The Last Word: Rye City Council Candidate Suzanna Keith asked each city council and mayoral candidate for their "last word" – what they'd each like to say the voters of Rye before each of you head to the polls this Tuesday, November 3rd. We'll be running these "last words" Saturday, Sunday, and some may run Monday.

This "last word" comes from city council candidate Suzanna Keith:

Dear Neighbors:

Suzanna keith rye ny By reaching out to you over the last year, our Change for Rye team has clearly heard your need to keep Rye affordable for the long term; to see results for your tax dollars by having a City Council who will  take action on pedestrian and traffic safety capital improvements; and but most of all, for new leadership in our government.  During the LWV Debate, the Osborn Debate, the EAGR Environmental Forum and in the local newspaper coverage, our Team has truly demonstrated that we have not only potential solutions, but also, and the necessary community leadership experience to put Rye back on a financially sustainable path for the future.
Along the way, we promise to treat all our neighbors with respect, and to humbly acknowledge that we may not always have all the answers, but as you can see we know how to get them and how to take action once we have them. We fully recognize the road will be rocky, but we invite you the residents of Rye to be part of the solution and to guide us on our way to build a more financially sustainable Rye together.
To do this, our team will listen carefully, analyze thoroughly and act decisively on the behalf of you the citizens of Rye.
I am asking that you vote for me and the Change for Rye team of Doug French, Richard Filippi and Peter Jovanovich on Nov 3rd. Thanks so much for your support.

Can't Decide?

If you missed them, read's profiles of city council candidates Andy Ball, Richard Filippi, Peter Jovanovich, Suzanna Keith, Myles Lavelle and Joe Murphy. And also read our profiles of mayoral candidates Doug French and Steve Otis.


One Comment

  1. I do not know anoyone in Rye, who in the same short time that Suzanna Keith has been a resident is a more worthy canidate to sit on City Council and represent all of us.

    If Suzanna did not tell us so herself you would have thought she is a life long Rye Resident!

    “Along the way, we promise to treat all our neighbors with respect”.
    “our team will listen carefully, analyze thoroughly and act decisively on the behalf of you the citizens of Rye”.

    There are 6 key words in Suzanna’s interview that Mayor Otis should look up the definition to!

    1. Promise
    2. Respect
    3. Listen
    4. Analyze
    5. Thoroughly
    6. Decisively

    As Charmian Neary would have us all believe, it is all about knowing how to govern.

    That may be true on a much larger political scale, but not here in Rye!

    I am not doubting Charmian’s political knowledge and respect her opinion, but after living here for just 5 years, in my opinion, this makes her UNQUALIFIED to speak on what is BEST FOR RYE!

    Of course knowing how to Govern comes into play but there are so many other intangibles that one should pocess.

    I believe Suzanna has all the intangibles and will be proud to Vote for her.

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