Pamela on Purchase: Daze of Summer



this edition of Pamela on Purchase, columnist
Pamela Baur tells us about moments of clarity.

I have found this summer to be about learning. I’ve been learning how to run and grow a business, how move through a break up, how to be accepting of people and situations just as they are and how to  regain myself when I’ve lost track of parts of me along the way. Not quiet an easy breezy summer vacation! (Trust me I’m still having fun, after all it’s wedding season!)

As with most learning experiences, I’ve been taken by surprise and awestruck by moments of clarity and realized only one thing for certain, I sure am growing up. I know this to be true in the most basic sense of years going by as my older brother is getting married this weekend. We aren’t simply kids anymore riding bikes and building forts together, we are both now at the age of creating our lives.

In this experience of growing up, one we are all on the same path of experiencing, I’m finding the importance of looking back in order to move forward.

I hadn’t been home to my hometown in western Massachusetts since Christmas. Driving there this past weekend I was amazed how it feels to be away from somewhere for so long and have it so quickly becomes familiar again. Being home for the weekend had me see it takes going back to the foundation of who I am, where I came from and being with my oldest relationships to realign with myself and move forward from there. We teach a similar idea in the practice of yoga; the idea of rooting down into our poses and staying connected to our foundation and truest selves and we can find the strength and the right perspective to grow from there.

Another big moment of clarity in these past summer days came when I heard someone else’s perspective on where they saw I had an opportunity to grow. After a class at Katonah Yoga in Bedford Hills, I sat with Nevine Michaan, who is a teacher of teachers in Yoga.  If you’re looking for insights into how you’re living life and what movements you can take to improve upon the process of growing and living, visit Nevine. She reads your body, and it feels like also your mind, and can assess what’s working and what’s not and realign you with being fully centered and on track. Her insights for me left me feeling lighter and capable to move through the growing and challenges life has presented to me this past season. And her words for me were basically to lighten up and have a good time. So, duly noted!

Like the timely visit to Nevine, through all these summer learnings….the right words, inspirations and messages have found me at exactly the right times. This morning I read:

“Young souls learn to accept responsibility for their actions.

Mature souls learn to accept responsibility for their thoughts.

And old souls, learn to accept responsibility for their happiness.”

So with that thought, have fun creating your happiness and do a little yoga while you’re at it!


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