Post Road Milestones in Rye and the Mystery of #26

Suzanne Clary Jay 
Heritage Center Suzanne Clary,
president of the Jay Heritage Center, is a history correspondent. Following Monday's story, today our history teacher tells us how to find each of Ben Franklin's Post Road milestones in Rye…

The Jay Heritage Center has been offering walking tours of the historic Boston Post Road  to school groups and visitors since 1993 but you can walk it on your own too and see Rye's milestones (all on the Boston Post Road, of course).:

Jay property marker 24 003

(PHOTO ABOVE: # 24 outside the Jay Estate at 210 Boston Post Road)

Parkway mile marker 25

(PHOTO ABOVE: # 25 at Parkway Drive)

BPR milestone 26 #1 IMG00271-20100725-1640 small

(PHOTO ABOVE: Presumably Putnam's marker, which based on my chaise odometer and its proximity to Locust and Orchard would be #26 at Christ's Church (the writing and any number on it has sadly been completely obliterated by age and acid rain).)

BPR milestone 26 #2 IMG00271-20100725-1640 small

(PHOTO ABOVE: And if that's not enough, take a peek at what appears to be a puzzling 2nd #26 in front of the old United Hospital in Port Chester – it sports a Rye plaque as well.)

Do you know why there is a second #26 milestone? Leave a comment below.


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