Rye Citizen and Leader Edith Read – For the Ages


The Friends of Read Wildlife Sanctuary will dedicate a plaque in honor of Edith G. Read at a ceremony at the park on Saturday, October 16. The unveiling will take place at the end of the Annual Open Members Meeting of the Friends group, which begins at 11am.  Following the dedication, lunch will be served.

The large, bronze plaque, to be mounted on a stone placed near the Visitor’s Center  building of the Sanctuary, is a bust of Mrs. Read in bas-relief. The sculpting was done by Mike Keropian, an award-winning New York artist.  He was assisted in the planning by Rye sculptor Bob Clyatt. The creation of the plaque was made possible through fund raising efforts by the Friends, which totaled nearly $7,000.

The Sanctuary was created in 1985, and is named after Edith Read in honor of her strong conservation work in the City of Rye, Westchester County, and New York State. It was through her efforts that the 170 acres of the Sanctuary were set aside. Mrs. Read, a life-time Rye resident, died at the age of 102 in 2006.

The dedication is open to the public and all are invited. Access to the park is via the entrance to Playland, continuing to the rear where a road leads to the Visitors’ Center Building and parking area.


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