Rye Closed Saturday 2pm for Annual Rye Harrison Football Game – GO GARNETS
If you are new to Rye, please accept this notification that all of Rye will be CLOSED Saturday at 2pm with the sole exception of John Nugent Stadium on the Boston Post Road…
If you are new to Rye, do NOT ask your neighbors to come over for a BBQ Saturday afternoon unless you live within 1-2 blocks of John Nugent Stadium and are throwing a tail gate party with Garnet flags flying…
If you wear any garment with the word “Harrison” on it you will subject you and your family to a lifetime of embarrassment…
The annual Rye Harrison football game is set for this Saturday, October 16th at 2pm. Over 6,000 attendees are expected to attend (there are only 15,000 people in all of Rye City and only 5,000 homes).
Get there early, walk if you can (parking will be a nightmare) and the school is asking everyone (you know who you alumni…) to stay out of the brook after the game. Let’s enjoy ourselves and be good sports as we look to defeat the Harrison Huskies for the eighth year in a row.
What’s your greatest Rye Harrison Game memory? Leave a comment below.
[Official note from Athletic Director Robert Castagna is below with the 411 for the big game.]
*School Notice*
Dear Rye Families,
October 16th – The Rye-Harrison varsity football game is hosted by Rye this year. The game begins at 2:00 p.m. at John Nugent Stadium. Our team is off to a sensational start and this promises to be an exciting game. Please note the following details and requests:
* Tickets go on sale at 1:00 p.m. at the Bridge and at the Boston Post Road gates to the stadium.
* Ticket price: $5.00 for adults and children over 5 years of age; children under 5 years of age and Senior Citizens with Gold Cards are admitted at no charge. If possible, please bring exact change to help speed up the lines!
* Children must be supervised at all times. Over six thousand spectators are expected – everyone’s cooperation is requested in this matter.
* Vendors will be on hand selling Rye souvenirs and refreshments – NO COOLERS PERMITTED.
* The Rye High School campus is alcohol, drug, and smoke free.
* Parking is limited; if you can walk to the game or car-pool, it would be appreciated.
* Wear your Garnet & Black proudly!
Reminder (for all athletic events):
* No signs or banners
* No coolers (refreshments for sale on site)
* No backpacks (all bags are subject to search)
* No horns, noisemakers, etc.
* No dogs
* No pick-up ball games on side fields-please leave the balls at home
On behalf of the team and of Rye High School, I encourage you to attend and enjoy the game and to join with us in representing Rye as a community throughout the activities surrounding this long-standing athletic rivalry.
Please note that the brook that runs adjacent to the campus and football field is part of a Westchester Waterway Beautification Program. Our students and community members have worked hard to add new plantings to protect the brook and its environment.
Therefore, we request your cooperation in not attempting to jump into the brook during or after the game – something you may recall as a tradition associated with the game. For everyone’s safety, and with respect for this serious environmental program, we ask that you support this initiative and ask your children to do the same.
The Rye-Harrison JV football game takes place at Harrison HS at 9:30 a.m. on October 16th. Please come out to support our JV football team, too.
The annual Pep Rally will be held in the Rye High School gym at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, October 15th, followed by the bonfire on the lower Brookside field, adjacent to the turf field.
Thank you for your enthusiasm and support!
Robert Castagna
Athletic Director, Rye City School District
Spectator Code of Conduct
The Physical Education and Athletic Departments recognize the role of Interscholastic Athletics in defining ethical behavior and developing personal character in our students. Therefore, we ask that all spectators:
1. Demonstrate a high degree of sportsmanship.
2. Show team support by making only positive comments.
3. Show respect for the judgment of coaches, officials and referees.
4. Acknowledge fields, courts and equipment as the player’s domain during contests. Spectators remain within designated areas.
5. Monitor the safety of children in bleachers and stands.
6. Respect the law: all public schools are smoke-free, substance free environments.
7. Athletic contests on/off campus are an extension of the classroom. Therefore, all school rules are in effect!
Our school district supports relationships that are based on trust, decency and fairness. Rye athletic contests are held in the spirit of healthy competition and good sportsmanship. We expect cooperation and respect by all athletes and spectators at home and away contests. Remember that you are a representative of Rye!
Every year Mr. Castagna reminds us that jumping in the brook is prohibited. Then the entire team jumps in.
We all understand that his statement is CYA, but either enforce it or don’t remind us every year.
Sorta like the “No Dog” policy in RTP.
Rob Castagna is a disgrace! always has been and always will be. He is not frm Rye and has no connection to the community. Jumping into that brook is tradition and the players will always jump in! please no noise makers or banners! so if i hold up a sign that says “Go Garnets” i am going to offend someone? or having an air horn? wait lets all sit in silence and not cheer at a football game. dont want to offend someone. Get out of here with some of these rules. As long as you don’t say anything stupid or have a sign that is disrespectful its all good. and umping in that brook is a tradition oler then Rob Castagna so stick it Rob!
I understand besides the past elimination of “Hang the Huskies”, that this year “Beat Harrison” are words not to be uttered.
What’s next ? ? ? ?
Not a big fan of Castagna’s and never was!
His rules/policies for this game every year are a joke!
This guy has no SCHOOL SPIRIT!
Other than putting the Brook statement in B & W for liability purposes and for our environmental froot loops of Rye, Castagna is way off base!