Budget Cuts, Parking Fines, Woof, Pumper to the Dumper—Items on the Agenda for City Council Meeting Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Heather     Pattersoncityhall

(PICTURE: Rye City Hall by local artist Heather Patterson)

The city council's agenda for its meeting on Wednesday, December 1, 2010 is out. See you at 8:00pm in the Council Room at Rye City Hall or on Cablevision Channel 75 and Verizon Channel 39. We'll also see you on the Internet (next day) at https://rye.peg.tv.The Council will actually convene at 7:30 p.m. and it is expected they will adjourn into Executive Session at 7:31 p.m. to discuss personnel matters.

Rye Fire 1982 Hahn Pumper

(PHOTO: This Rye FD 1982 Hahn Fire Pumper is headed to the dumper. It will be declared surplus Wednesday night. Courtesy RyeFire.com)

Let's check the batting order and highlights from the 19 agenda items.

  • Open Mic. Residents may be heard who have matters to discuss that do not appear on the agenda. Always a crowd pleaser…
  • Doug's Details. Mayor’s Management Report – Update from the Playland Strategic Planning Committee; Legal Update
  • Making the Dough Nuts.Resolution to act on proposed Budget modifications – $ 231,160 in proposed reductions.
  • Parking Fines Speeding Up.Public Hearing to amend Local Law Chapter 167, Section 48C, Removal of snow and ice by City; cost; penalties, and Local Law Chapter 191, Vehicles and Traffic, Section 191-32 through 191-35, Penalties for parking offenses, to modify selected parking ticket fines.
  • Public hearing on the proposed 2011 Budget. The city is planning to adopt the budget on December 15th, so speak up.
  • Rye is Going to the Dogs. New York State will stop administering dog licenses in 2011. Dog licensing will still be required local governments will set fees and tailor dog programs to meet the
    characteristics of their communities.
  • 1982 Hahn Fire Pumper to the Dumper. The Rye Fire Department has declared its 1982 Hahn Fire Pumper as obsolete. It will be donated to Westchester County to be used in their Fire training program.

The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on Wednesday, December 15, 2010. Office Hours of the Mayor on December 1, 2010 will be held at 7:00 pm in the Mayor’s Conference Room prior to the scheduled executive session.


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