Tiki Bar Expansion at Playland?: YOU DECIDE

We heard from the the Democratic mouthpiece of Westchester Count (the board of legislators) and local pol Judy Myers about a plan to grant the private Tiki Bar at Playland additional access to public space on the Playland boardwalk without a public vote. Apparently governing by fiat works because this is an existing lease that is being amended (vs. a new lease).

Anyway, MyRye.com wants you to vote – even if the county government  would rather skip the whole participatory democratic thing. Cast your vote after you read the background just below.

From county legislator Judy Myers: “I have heard from a large number of Rye residents who love to walk on the boardwalk at Playland that they resent the leasing of what they view as public space on the boardwalk. The Tiki Bar lease was negotiated by Parks and Recreation in 2009 and approved by the Board of Legislators for the lease that commenced in April 2010. The license fee was $30,000 annually for 2010 through 2012, increasing to $40,000 in years 2013 and 2014 (OR 5% of gross sales in years 2010 and 2012 and 6% in years 2012-2014, whichever is greater).

The current license amendment, to be voted upon in the Board of Acquisition and Contract on Friday, involves increasing the licensed area to include additional portions of the boardwalk for customer seating, including a new self-service area, and a portion of the Ice Casino for storage and restroom facilities. This increases their space from 11,000 square feet to approximately 16,500 square feet.In return, the minimum annual license fee will increase by $15,000 in 2011 and 2012, and by $20,000 in 2013 and 2014.

Given that the amended contract doesn’t require Legislative approval, I would like to give those residents who prefer keeping the Boardwalk and Seaside Walk space open for walking a way in which to have their voices heard by appealing directly to the County Executive.””

From the Westchester County Board of Legislators:

“Last week, Westchester County ’s Board of Acquisition and Contracts delayed by one week only a vote on amending  the current licensing agreement with New England Seafood Company, the operator of the new Pier Restaurant and Tiki Bar on the Boardwalk at Playland Park .  Because this is an amendment to an existing license agreement, the change does not have to go before the Board of Legislators for approval.  The operator has requested increasing  their licensed area by nearly 50%, or approximately 5,500 square feet  to include additional portions of the Boardwalk for customer seating, a new self-service area and a portion of the Ice Casino for storage and restrooms. This also increases the rental price by $15,000.

“Since the opening of the restaurant this summer, many Rye residents have expressed their concern that, under the current license agreement, the restaurant and Tiki Bar are seriously infringing on the public  boardwalk space,” said Legislator Judith Myers (D-Larchmont).  “With the adoption of this new agreement, residents will see the licensing of even more public space.”

County Executive Robert Astorino is the deciding vote on the Board of Acquisition and Contracts to ensure the passage of this agreement.  This agreement has been rescheduled for a vote to take place this Friday.  Rye residents who would like to voice their concerns on this new plan should let the County Executive know by contacting him directly at 914-995-2911 or via email at [email protected].”


One Comment

  1. Seaside Walk turns Bargain Basement:

    5,500 s.f. / 15 s.f. table = 366 tables.
    $15,000/366 = $41 per table break even.

    That seems like pretty cheap base rent for one of the most picturesque locations in New York.

    It would be great to better understand the economic/public access tradeoffs before leasing away public access to Long Island Sound.

    Negotiations for Seaside Walk are happening right now behind closed doors. This doesn’t bode well for Playland RFP transparency.


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